lion penis in cage
The shortened cage keeps the head of my penis pressed against the front of the cage. My urethra stays nicely centered so peeing standing up is easy.

(Tuesday, July 15,  2014) I just learned after reading Mrs. Lion’s post for today, that I will get an orgasm tonight. How nice! In case you wondered, I frequently find out what is in store for me at the same time you do. In this case it was a combination of good news / bad news. I am delighted that I will be able to come tonight. What fun! The bad news, well not really bad since I like this stuff, is that she will be plugging me at times I will be walking around. That will be interesting I think.

I am surprised that just reading her post can completely change my mood. Up until I read it, I was feeling mellow and not particularly horny. Now I can hardly wait to feel her touch. This morning I was thinking how odd it was that I am four days in and not feeling frisky. Part of it could be that we haven’t really done any teasing since my last orgasm, more of it I suspect, is that I have been tired since this past weekend. So, when I started feeling that old “I need to get off” feeling after reading her post, I realized that I was sort of dormant. I had been wondering if my lack of desire could have been due to more than just being tired. Nope. It was just being tired. I’m not tired today and my afternoon reading has definitely gotten me ready for the rodeo.

Last night Mrs. Lion made good on her most recent goal for me. I spent about two hours with the large (not giant 2.0), NJoy plug inside me. Getting it in was painful at first. I suspect it was due to lube not getting where it needed to be. The second attempt was smooth. This plug weighs about one pound. I didn’t really notice the weight, but I am very sure that the three pound 2.0 will be very apparent. I’m not sure that these plugs will provide the stretching needed to accept Mrs. Lion’s hand. Once in, the plug has a very narrow neck so my anus is allowed to return to nearly normal size. We may need to work with dildo’s which will keep me open and stretched. Anal training tends to be intense and, for me at least, not erotic while it is going on. However, sitting here and writing about it, I can feel a little chubby in my cage.

Speaking of cages, I have had this new, shortened one on for three days now without coming off. I miss the opportunity to get hard, but I am not suffering any irritation or discomfort. Even better, my urethra stays centered in the square opening in the cage, so peeing standing up requires no special adjustments. Since

Lion penis in new, shorter catge
The shortened cage doesn’t clear my balls. This is good for making it invisible under clothes, but I need to make sure my balls are out of the way when I pee.

the cage is so short, the head of my penis doesn’t clear my balls, so I need to make sure they are out of the way before I pee. The cage looks impossibly small. I found it hard to believe I would be comfortable in it. It feels fine. I suspect that most cages are ordered too long with the mistaken idea that a short cage will hurt or won’t accept the entire penis. As it turns out, the flaccid penis is very flexible and on its own it will change length over the course of a day. By assuring the cage is a little shorter (1/4 to 1/2 inch) than the penis at its normal shortest, the cage will always stay in contact with the entire penis, including the head.

This is important for a couple of reasons: The tighter fit will prevent the base ring from rotating and will assure that the urethra stays centered, and any attempt to get hard won’t even get a chance to apply much pressure on the cage. I don’t really feel the cage at all during the day or when I sleep. I also don’t feel it if I try to get hard in my sleep. Many men are awakened by nocturnal erections due to changes in sensation inside the cage. I’m not because the cage is always hugging me.

skink forced over penis
You can see that my skin is forced up to the head (circled area). This and the cage pressing my penis against my scrotum shields my sensitive spot under the head from stimulation.

I mentioned that I haven’t been out of the cage since my last orgasm. Mrs. Lion has teased me a little through the cage. While she was teasing me I didn’t get chubby, but a few minutes after she stopped I did. I can’t explain this. I don’t think it is a result of the new length, but I think that the shorter cage “hides” my most sensitive spot under the head so that it isn’t accessible through the cage. I think skin is pushed up over it. I’ve also noticed that when I wash in the shower I no longer get stimulated by the shower massage. With the longer cage I would almost always get a chubby from the pulsing water. Now I don’t react at all. As a circumcised male, that sensitive area is generally exposed, but the shorter cage creates a synthetic foreskin by pushing loose skin up nearer the head. This does a very good job of preventing unauthorized stimulation.

My motive for ordering the shorter cage was to keep my urethra centered so I could pee standing up. I did worry that it might be too short. When I did a very careful measurement, being sure not to press the ruler into my scrotum at all, my flaccid penis did, in fact, measure only 1 1/2″ at its shortest. I ordered my Jail Bird cage shortened to 1 1/4″. That is really short. When it arrived, I was sure I made a mistake. Was it my male ego? Perhaps. But now that I have had a chance to live in this device for over a week, I am convinced that shorter is better.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Mr Lion..
    Great to hear the shorter cage is working !
    I have been referring to my swellings as a stubby..:-)


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