One of the problems people have reading a blog like this is that the entries almost always began before you may have decided to get interested in enforced chastity and FLR. So, finding the blog for the first time is a little like going to the movies and coming in halfway through. To help bridge that gap, we have a number of articles in addition to the posts. The articles are listed by topic across the top of the page. Right now we are in our third year of enforced chastity. We are in an inflection point in our growth. My high definition lioness is now ultra high definition! Our recent posts, particularly Mrs. Lion’s, have been about changes she is making in her role as disciplining wife and keyholder. Not surprisingly, these changes have a strong effect on me.
She’s written that she has changed her fundamental approach to be more proactive and consistent. She’s said her focus has moved from “why?” to “what?” She is now much more action oriented. She still insists she is doing what I want even if I don’t want what she is doing. OK, I can buy that. Over the years I’ve suggested such a wide array of lion torture techniques, it’s hard to find one I haven’t proposed at one time or another.
She’s also committed to being more consistent. That means we will pursue training on a very regular, even scheduled basis. For example, anal training has been sporadic over the last years. Apparently that is going to change. I’m glad she has resolved to do this. It’s an activity she enjoyed in the past and she will be able to see measurable progress as I take more. In her role in our Female Led Relationship (FLR), she is working on being more consistent noting and punishing infractions. She’s written about the lion penny bank. She is dropping coins in the bank for minor infractions that might otherwise be forgotten. On punishment days, she will count the change and determine the intensity and length of my spanking. This isn’t a game. The punishment is real. My leash is shortened.
The most noticeable change is that I am now wearing a collar at all times that I am not out in public. I’m learning to sleep in it. After a few difficult nights, it is not getting in the way too much for sleep. I am always aware it is there. She told me that she decided to make me wear one because of the interest I expressed in dog-type training. I asked how making me wear one now is different than what we tried a decade ago. She said that in the old days I wasn’t expected to wear it all the time. I asked if this was permanent. She said it is unless she thinks of something else. However, this collar isn’t going to be off for a very long time. It’s joining my cage as a standard part of my life.
Another change is that our play is much more intense. We are back to menthol ball rubs. In the past, when the pain got too intense, Mrs. Lion would let me rinse it off. Now, it stays on until it wears off. When the effect diminishes, she is as likely to put more on as she is to let it wear completely off. She is just as strict with anal toys, clothespins, and other play devices. She seems much more willing to restrain me and keep me restrained. If she feels sorry for me when I am in pain, she does a good job of suppressing it.
The most profound change for me is that Lioness 2.0 has little use for bonus orgasms. She has told me that she resists her impulse to give me early release. Saturday night, she was tempted and was so ready. But no. 2.0 wants me to wait. Starting with my next wait, the rules are changing. Instead of giving me a scheduled orgasm date, I will get a date that is the earliest I will get release. It is unlikely that I will come on the stated date, but it is possible. I definitely won’t cone before that date. It will make things much more uncertain, frustrating, and difficult for me. 2.0 likes that a lot. I’m changing the “Lion Stats” on the bottom of the right column of the page to support this new policy. Poor Lion.
I keep getting comments that I am getting what I asked for. It’s true. I am. Is it fun? Not at the time; nope, not then. But I have been much more horny and Mrs. Lion can get me erect very quickly. Clearly part of me loves this change. It’s no mystery why. While it can hurt so much I am almost in tears, all this stuff tells me that I am not in control. My lioness has begun taking control from me in a way I can’t deny or pretend it is because I asked her to do it.
It may be that I suggested (a long time ago) that menthol rub on my balls is something to try. I like that I get to experience it. I don’t like that it burns like hell for a long time and she enjoys seeing me feel it. She’s written that she is in inspired to do more when she sees my face. I like, not want at the time, that she will add more just because she sees my face change with the pain. I like that she wants me to know she wants me to feel that way and worse. This is a big change from Lioness 1.0.
I have no idea why I am happy at some level that the noose is tightening and what I do and how I feel is less and less under my control. I can’t hide the fact that it works for me. My erections and sexual responses belie any complaints I might offer.