Lion will be home in a little over a day. We have a lot to do when he gets home. I’ve instituted two new rules in his absence. We’ll have to discuss them both. The rule that is similar to his interrupting rule is pretty self-explanatory. If he interrupts what I’m doing (as opposed to when I’m talking) because he thinks what he’s doing is more important, he gets punished. I’m the one who has to be aware of that one so I can alert him. Of course, if he’s aware of it, then he can stop himself. The other rule requires more thought.

We both need to lose weight. For a long time, we’ve said this. Lion did lose some weight, but he’s gaining some of it back. I’ve recently been losing weight and I need to keep going. We need to band together and figure out a plan. Lion’s butt depends on it. Whatever ultimate goal we set will have to be broken down into weekly or biweekly goals. If Lion doesn’t hit his goal, I’ll hit his tush. Simple!

What’s not simple, of course, is how to get to those goals. Diet is certainly on the top of the list. I have to stop eating crap. My Pepsi addiction? Gone. Absently snacking on junk food? Gone. And they really are gone. At least for now. What we need to work on is what we can eat. Paleo, Atkins, Mediterranean. All good choices. We just have to figure out which one. Or maybe none of the above. Maybe a combination.

The other thing we need to plan is exercise. Lion has a gym at work. He does better with a personal trainer. I don’t like the idea of having someone yell at me. It may work, but I’m more likely to fire them or quit exercising altogether. I need to figure out how to motivate myself.

Normally, I’m not as gung ho about new rules as I am about the weight loss one. Maybe it’s because our lives depend on it. Carrying around extra weight, especially when you’re older, takes a toll on your body. We can’t control a lot of things, but we can control how much we weigh. I have the means to control Lion. I’m hoping he’ll drag me along on his weight loss journey.


  1. Author

    May be you can only spank lion if he loses less than you. That might help drag you along

  2. Author

    Sounds like a great plan for the both of you

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