Here it is after midnight. I’m still not sleepy. As Mrs. Lion reported, the doctor gave me a new sleeping medicine. I tried it on Monday night and I felt horrible and still didn’t get any real sleep. Our doctor assures me that this is temporary, but then so is life. It’s a question of how much of this I can take.  I don’t have any choice, so I will do my best.

If you’ve been following our adventures for any length of time, you know I am far from graceful in my submission. If I weren’t recovering from surgery, my bottom would be burning nearly every night. It’s not that I’m defiant; I’m forgetful. I’m independent by nature and fail to put my rules front and center. I am hoping as 2.0 returns, my desire to avoid pain will help me readjust my priorities.

{6 hours later}

I got sleepy starting the post at about 1 AM. So, I went to bed and actually fell asleep until 5 AM; had to pee. I went back to sleep for another hour. This is the first time I got any significant sleep in over a month. I guess I found the right combo of drugs. I can’t wait until I can sleep without pharmaceutical help.

I’m happy to report that our blog is whole again. All 2,200 posts are back as well as our pages. Most are missing their images. I will work on restoring them over time. All show me as the author. When the restoration was performed, an author was needed, so the technicians used my name. Since it’s clear who is writing by what is said, I’m not sure I want to go through all those posts to fix that.

Everything happens at once, apparently. I’m hoping that my recovery continues and my life gets a bit easier. It’s nice that I am producing semen again. I’m surprised by how much it hit me when I had dry orgasms. I’m not sure if it’s ego or just fear of change.  This is a tough time for me. I’ve suffered worse. One thing I know for sure: Mrs. Lion and I will get through this and our love will grow stronger from the trial.