As Mrs. Lion has written, most of our TV watching comes from shows we record on our DVR. Neither of us has a strong awareness when a show is actually on the air. Two or three weeks ago ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy had an episode where a woman injured her spine in an accident. They showed some of the surgery.

What particularly interested me was the fact that they showed a technician using a laptop and a bunch of leads monitoring spinal cord activity during the operation. This is exactly what happened during my surgery. At one point in the Grey’s Anatomy procedure, the technician reported there was no signal to or from the brain to either the upper or lower body. Loss of signal spells paralysis.

My surgery involved making room in five cervical vertebrae for my spinal cord. Just as the surgeon was completing the fifth vertebra, the technician reported no signal from my spinal cord. After a brief interval, the signal returned.

When something like this happens, surgeons become very conservative about what they do next. In my case, the surgeon decided the brief loss of signal was most likely due to the odd position of my body required by the surgery. He elected to finish the last bit and close me up.

Fortunately, he was probably right. After the surgery, he informed Mrs. Lion and later me, about the incident. I’m grateful that I can still move my paws. Little is known about the spinal cord other than it is extremely sensitive. An MRI taken the day after surgery showed that my cord has a good signal and had moved into its new, roomier area.

Of course, this is good news. However, probably as a result of this movement I (temporarily?) lost a great deal of my ability to coordinate my muscles. Over the few weeks since the surgery, I’m getting some of that back. I need a walker to get around. I tire very easily. According to the surgeon, I still have my muscle strength but the neural instructions going to and from my muscles are still partially blocked.

I’ve extended my leave from work another month. I’m confident that it won’t be too long before Mrs. Lion can return to work and I can fend for myself while she’s away. In short, life is starting to get back to normal.

Last night, for example, Mrs. Lion gave me what she called “half a blow job”. By that she meant that she got me extremely excited, though not to the edge, and stopped. It felt very good. Have you ever wondered why she can’t give me the other half tonight?

Blow jobs, like many other things in life, when partially delivered only provide the first half. The second half only comes immediately after the first half is delivered. Sometimes life can be pretty unfair.

Mrs. Lion bathes me in the shower. I do enjoy that. Last night, I was getting pretty hard when she washed her weenie. We’re getting down to the bottom of the bar of soap. She commented that there ought to be something we can do to recycle those little bits of soap. She did a little search online and the solutions she found were not appealing, at least to me.

Then, out of the blue, she mentioned that she’s been saving the little ends for mouth soaping. I thought she’d forgotten about that. Apparently we don’t have to compress those bits of soap, Mrs. Lion has a perfectly good use for them. Actually, since spanking may not be a very wise punishment for the time being, she may be able to substitute soap for her paddle.

The fact that both of us are thinking sexually and in a somewhat FLRD context, means that our confidence in returning to normal has grown substantially. This is a very good sign. Odd as it may seem, I think I’ll welcome that first soapy taste in my mouth. Yuck!


  1. So glad to hear your moving forward and feeling a little better 🙂

    1. Author

      Thank you.

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