It happened again. Lion snoozes and I get asked why I’m sitting so far away from him. He insists he wasn’t snoozing long. It was about an hour with three brief awakenings to zoom past the commercials with the remote. Before I could even attempt to move, he was asleep again. As a matter of fact, I was talking to him for a few minutes before I realized he was asleep.
He says it’s normal for someone his age to snooze in the evenings. He insists I can wake him up. I figure he needs the sleep. If he’s not sleeping well at night, any sleep he gets is good. So why am I wrong for playing on the iPad on my side of the bed while he snoozes?
Lion thinks the issue is that he’s under the blankets and cozy, so he sleeps. That may be part of it. I think another part of it is that we spend a lot of time in bed. We sleep there, eat there, watch TV there and, of course, have sex there. That’s not to say Lion wouldn’t fall asleep in the living room watching TV. He does that too. I’m just trying to reconcile why I’m wrong for his sleeping.
When I came out of the shower last night, I was thinking about getting the paddle out so I could whomp him for his previous infraction. There are two problems with that. It’s been such a long time since he committed that infraction, is it even worth punishing anymore? And he was asleep.
I know. I know. I could have awakened him. Again, I figured if he was asleep it was because he needed the sleep. Silly me.
Maybe tonight I should put the paddle on the bed before I go into the shower and tell him if he’s asleep when I get out, he’ll be whomped. Is that fair? Should he be punished for falling asleep if it’s a normal part of growing old? Is it any less fair than my being questioned about why I’m so far away while he’s sleeping?
Yes, it is a little lonely watching TV by myself while he snoozes but I’m not mad at him for doing it. He needs to sleep sometime. I do think he can mitigate it by moving around a bit more. That’s what I do when I’m falling asleep at work. A short walk down the hall or just changing positions in the chair helps. But is it my place to make him stay awake? I am in charge, but I never considered being in charge on that level. (Truth be told, I never really considered being in charge until Lion wanted me to be.) Wouldn’t waking him up be on the same level as knocking a donut out of his hand because I think he needs to lose weight? I didn’t think that was part of our FLRD. I guess it could be, but I don’t really want it to be.
On the other hand, if he’s not awake I can’t edge him. Doesn’t he want to be edged? Shouldn’t he be trying to stay awake if he wants fun? Aren’t you glad you’re reading this post about sleeping? I’m probably making this a bigger deal than it has to be, but in order to get back to the good stuff, we have to figure this out.
Good idea about the paddle. My Queen will use that threat and more sometimes. I do my damndest not to sleep in those situations.
I try too. The truth is that I don’t know when it’s happening. Threat are not, spiked jockstrap or not, I just fall asleep. I’ve done it while having sex, though not too often. It just happens. I figure it has to do with getting older and getting less sleep at night. If I were pain-free and could sleep through the night, I’m pretty sure I would stay awake all day and evening. As it is, I asked Mrs. Lion to just consider them as big cat naps.