I dropped the ball again last night. I was going to play with Lion but I didn’t start early enough. Around 9 he asked why I wait so long to play. I don’t have an answer for that. I’ve been struggling to get out of my own way for a few weeks. I feel like I have to talk myself into moving at all.
This has nothing to do with Lion. I get up in the morning and make breakfast. I sit in bed watching the news with Lion and I just don’t want to get up again. I watch the clock ticking away and I know I need to get ready for work, but I’ve been pushing it longer and longer each morning.
We’ve both been tired. I know Lion was tired last night. After he asked me why I wait so long, he snoozed a bit. He took a sleeping pill so he could make it through the night and I think it worked for him. I’m a bit tired today but I’m determined to play with Lion tonight. I’m bringing home Chinese food for dinner so that will be all taken care of. The cleanup will be minimal. That should leave plenty of time for Lion fun.
I’m sure Lion thinks the delay in playing is because I don’t want to play. He thinks it’s all work for me. I admit, sometimes it does feel that way but lately, it really is just me trying to get my butt in gear. I was going to milk him again last night. I plan on doing that tonight. And then we’ll move on to some oral attention. That’s always a favorite for both of us.
As Lion said the other day, it’s been nine days (now probably eleven or twelve) so I think it might be time for an orgasm. I’ll have to see if my weenie agrees with me. I’m willing. Is he able?