In her post yesterday”The Pseudo-Stereotypical Marriage” Mrs. Lion discussed Friday night’s inability to get hard. That was a surprise to me. It’s a subject that I would rather not discuss. But as they say on courtroom shows, she opened the door. I guess I have to step through it.

She’s right. I just couldn’t get hard. That’s happened occasionally in the past. This time, before trying to get me hard, Mrs. Lion lassoed and tied up my balls. This is usually a surefire way to get my motor running. Nothing. I don’t get it. [Mrs. Lion — I did realize after I tied him up that I should have tried to get him hard first.]

It’s been more than a week since I’ve been spanked. I would think that’s a good thing. Maybe I miss it. I certainly don’t have a good time while Mrs. Lion is beating my butt. Apparently, other parts of me do.

Before we go out and test this theory I hope Mrs. Lion will give me another chance. Of course, if it turns out that I need a regular spanking, Mrs. Lion is certainly up to the task and doesn’t mind delivering.

Times like this are always difficult. I start wondering if I am broken. I certainly hope not. Aside from being really big fun, sex, including Mrs. Lion’s teasing, is a wonderful way to bring us closer. I suppose our domestic discipline is too. Both involve physical contact.

I haven’t checked my spreadsheet, but I’m sure it’s been more than three days since my last orgasm. There’s been no teasing since then. That means I haven’t had an erection.

Before getting in any deeper, I’ll just wait and see what happens. One way or another things will work out. Wouldn’t it be ironic if my butt had to be red before my cock would stand up?

On Friday Mrs. Lion didn’t try extreme (oral) methods to get me hard. It might be that her mouth could be just as effective as her paddle. That would give her a choice.

Maybe I’m overthinking. Perhaps I was too tired or my allergy pills affected me in a new way. I’m sure Mrs. Lion will keep you posted. I’m not sure I will.


  1. Things happen. Life goes on. Ultimately you will have more orgasms and way more erections, but it is disappointing when our bodies let us down. By the way, Mrs Lion’s illustration yesterday was marvellous. When I say yesterday I mean the day before this post. I am about three weeks behind.

    1. Author

      Happily, my ability to reach the edge has definitely returned. Orgasms will almost certainly be less frequent now. A lot has happened in the three weeks since you read this.

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