evotion orion
This is the black Evotion Orion male chastity device. This is how mine will look when it is reprinted.

The Evotion people got back to me about replacing the dog-chewed component of my Orion male chastity device (My Evotion Dog Snack). They offered to print a new one at a reasonable cost. Since I had trouble with fading on my original device, they strongly suggested I get the jet black version. Unlike the other colors, this version is actually printed using black nylon material. It will stay the same color. They also offered to reprint (it seems so odd to refer to a solid device being “reprinted”) the entire device so that the colors would match.

I’m in love with the matte black finish. I think it has a macho, industrial feel to it. I’m especially impressed by how understanding Yvonne at Evotion has been. It’s clear that she is very sensitive to how I feel about my chastity device. That means a lot to me. Aside from being cool looking, the black Orion resolves the details of the design even better than the red one I had before.

Even before the dog ate my chastity device, I had decided that for me the Orion is absolutely perfect in terms of comfort and function. Unlike other devices I have worn, including the Jail Bird, the longer it stayed on the happier I became with it. Because it’s made from medical-grade nylon, it’s very light. A good deal of the time I’m unaware that it’s even there. Because of the design, I can hardly feel pressure when I attempt to get erect. Everything stays very well contained and comfortable. That means my sleep is never interrupted by the chastity device.

My pet peeve with wearing a cage is difficulty with peeing standing up. The head of my penis can move inside of the Jail Bird cage, for example.  My urethra can be partially blocked by one of the bars. That means that urine sprays everywhere unless I use a Q-tip to push the head back into position. That is a real annoyance for me. I had similar problems with every other chastity device I’ve tried. I know other men do as well. Many just end up sitting down to urinate.

lion's penis head
Center section “locks” into the groove under the head.

My urethra stays centered and in place when I wear the Orion. I don’t have to think about it at all when I need to go to the bathroom. I haven’t had a single problem urinating standing up while wearing it. I consider that amazing. There is a good reason it works so well. Inside the center section, there is a circular ring at the very front. When the devices put on, I pull the shaft back until the head of my penis (glans) is just poking out from that section. The ring seats itself in the depression between the head of my penis and the shaft. The third piece of the device covers the tip of my penis. Because of that ring inside the center section, the head of my penis cannot move back. It’s locked into position. That means it’s always correctly centered. How cool is that?

The “ring” at the front of the center section fits into the groove just behind the head of the penis. This effectively locks it into position.

Obviously, measuring correctly is important for this device to work well. The Evotion website gives you all the information you need to correctly measure. The measuring process is very different than it is for other devices. Length measurements are done along the top of the shaft. This makes it much easier to get things right. It’s absolutely critical to get each measurement as perfect as you can. My device fits like a second skin.

It took me a while to get used to the way it looks. There is a gap between the center section and the tip. A small amount of skin is visible. This is the bottom of the head. It’s not particularly erotic and useless in terms of trying to cheat. It just looked a little bit weird because I was used to wearing devices that completely covered my penis.

I really like wearing this device. I miss it. For the moment, Mrs. Lion is letting me remain wild. I could end up in my Jail Bird temporarily until the replacement Orion gets here. I don’t look forward to the Russian roulette game of urinating while wearing it. I’m completely spoiled after wearing my Evotion Orion. I can’t wait until my replacement arrives.

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    1. Author

      True. Pink isn’t my color. However, anything attached to a penis is, by definition, masculine.

  1. I have also had unfailing excellent service from Evotion. Most of my dealings have also been with Yvonne, but I’ve also communicated with Andy. When some more modifications were needed for a re-print of my device, he was able to come up with alternative recommendations, as well as being willing to accommodate my original change request. Altogether, a really first-class company, in my experience.

    1. Author

      With the exception of Custom Chastity, every manufacturer has been accomodating and friendly. I am very partial to the Evotion Orion because of the superb fit.

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