Mrs. Lion finally spanked me on Tuesday night. She did not hold back. I was yelping from the very start. I have a sore spot on the left side of my butt that hurts when I sit and even when I am in bed. I don’t bruise easily, so there is no mark. Mrs. Lion made a note to try harder next time. Gee, thanks.

spahing spoon on lion's butt
Mrs. Lion used this paddle to spank me. It is the chechin spanking spoon. It’s made from very dense Chechen wood. This is one of the meanest paddle we own.

Part of the spanking was for interrupting and being “snarky”. I suppose I was. Mrs. Lion has a habit of using pronouns before she gives the noun it refers to. She will start a conversation with, “She said that she did this thing right, but didn’t. How dumb!”

Who did? I often interrupt to understand who she is talking about. The same was true of the prescriptions she brought home. She talked about “this one” and “that one”. I wanted to know what she got and how much each cost. I got impatient when she wouldn’t say. This is why I got the additional swats.

Mrs. Lion says that I have to wait and eventually she will tell me what she is talking about. In all the time we have been together, I can’t remember one time she actually did that. I think she assumes I know what she is talking about. I find this frustrating. I do much better when I know the referent of the pronoun. I also get frustrated when I ask a question and the response doesn’t seem to be what I expected.

I’m not trying to justify what I did. It’s fair to punish me for not being patient and waiting for the meaning to come clear. It’s very likely I can learn if Mrs. Lion consistently “corrects” me. Her communication style is different from mine. It’s certainly fair to teach me to accept it.

We haven’t done anything sexual since my orgasm last week. I’m not complaining. I imagine it’s because Mrs. Lion has been feeling under the weather. It’s difficult for her to do physical things around the house and last weekend she had a bunch of chores that caused her knees and other body parts to hurt. I have been feeling horny. That doesn’t mean I’m ready to have an orgasm again. It’s only been three days since I came.

My stomach problems continue. The doctor wants another stool sample. Mrs. Lion was overjoyed to hear that. NOT! I half-jokingly suggested I wear diapers to avoid “accidents”. Mrs. Lion said that would be worse than accidents. Her position was that cleaning me up after making a mess in a diaper would be really gross. I agree. Enough about my digestive tract.

If Mrs. Lion is serious about enforcing things I do that annoy her, I think I’ll be looking forward to frequent spankings. The only way to avoid this is for me to think very carefully before I say anything. Given that nasty sore spot I’m sitting on, I’ll be very careful, at least while it still hurts.

It took me a while, but I finally got around to whomping Lion’s butt last night. I wasn’t feeling all that well yesterday. My sinuses were not happy. I had to do a prescription run and I picked up pizza while I was out. When I got home, I told Lion how much the prescriptions cost and he asked why so much. In the process of telling him, he interrupted me twice. Not only did he interrupt me, but he raised his voice as well.

My argument with most of his interruptions is that if he would just give me a chance to finish what I’m telling him, his questions will be answered. If not, he can ask them like a civilized person when I’m done. But no. He’d rather interrupt. Maybe it was because I was tired and stuffy or maybe it was because he wrote about wanting me to punish him when he interrupts, but I was so annoyed at him that I yelled right back at him. I didn’t tell him he’d earned a spanking but I knew he was going to get more of one when the time came a little later on.

I think it was around 9 when I told him I needed his butt. He’d reminded me once but I couldn’t seem to get myself moving until then. I chose a paddle. He tried to tell me he might have to use the restroom, then decided he didn’t. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, he interrupted me while I was telling him why he was getting swatted. I don’t think I started out swatting very hard. Judging from Lion’s reaction, I might have. Once he said something I tried to take it easy…to some extent. Maybe I was reacting to the fact he’d interrupted me without really realizing I was doing it. At any rate, I whomped away for a bit and then he said he needed to reposition himself on the bed.

He had no way of knowing, of course, that he was only one swat away from being done with the first set of swats. And he might have been done with swats altogether if he hadn’t kept rolling away. I guess I’d reached my limit of niceness. I gave him the last whack for his coffee pot infraction and then informed him of the next set of swats for interrupting about the prescriptions. I don’t think he was ready for a punishment on top of a punishment. He literally needs to watch his ass.

For some reason, there was only one little dot of blood with all this swatting. This morning he reports one pretty sore spot although it only looks spotted. I thought he’d have a bruise on each cheek from the way it looked last night. Not that I was actually going for a bruise, or blood for that matter.

I hope he’s “happy” that I swatted him for interrupting. I think he was surprised that there was a delineation in the punishment. I’m not sure it really mattered which swats were for which offense but I made sure he knew he was getting punished for both. And, I’m happy to report, the coffee pot was set up this morning and has already been set up for tomorrow morning.

After a couple of days of posting about punishment and remembering to follow my rules, you’d think that being good would be at the top of my mind. No, not me. When we got up yesterday and Mrs. Lion went into the kitchen to make breakfast, she discovered that the coffee pot wasn’t ready to be used. I forgot to set it up. That’s pretty amazing considering I had written about remembering to do it the very day I forgot it. Go figure. You know what happened next. Yup, the paddle came out with the usual, unpleasant results.

I honestly thought that I had set the pot up. I don’t know how I managed to screw this up. Maybe too much time had passed since the last time Mrs. Lion reminded me. Apparently, there is an expiration of the effects delivered by a spanking. It’s been weeks since I made this mistake. I am very sure that I didn’t do this on purpose. I simply forgot. At least I think I forgot. I don’t intentionally break rules in order to get spanked. Mrs. Lion is more than willing to spank me if I ask her.

Even though my stomach is not completely better, I’m very sure I’m on the way back. My sex drive has returned. I missed it while it was gone. Even though I’ve had the rule to be naked when home for many years, more than 15, the quarantine has really stepped up its meaning to me. Except for very short periods of time when I had to go to a doctor, I have been completely naked for three months. It sure cuts down on the laundry. While we are traveling down memory lane, it’s been more than 25 years since I’ve had pubic hair. I remember thinking after I first started removing it that perhaps one day I would completely forget how I looked with pubic hair. I can honestly say that I have no memory of my former, hairy self. I don’t even have a picture.

Over time changes become fixtures. For example, my basic rule to wait for Mrs. Lion to eat first has been in force for way over five years. I can’t remember the last time I broke that rule. I believe the last occasion was because I didn’t correctly see what she was doing. I thought she was eating, but she wasn’t. I wonder if Mrs. Lion’s consistent reinforcement of her coffeepot rule will make that second nature for me. I’m certainly going to find out.

Yesterday (” A Red Bottom Makes A Clean Slate“), I wrote about the fact that Mrs. Lion doesn’t discipline for offenses that annoy her. As usual, she read my post and told me it was good. She didn’t say a word about what I discussed. I had hoped that we could start figuring out why she is completely consistent about some things and the opposite about other, more important stuff. I think it’s a serious issue for us.

Things are moving along here. Mrs. Lion is working from home and has developed a rhythm that apparently feels good for her. I’m bored and hope my furlough will end soon. Now that the weather is warming up I’m thinking of getting out more. I’m also hoping our favorite Chinese restaurant reopens soon.

This morning I dragged myself out of bed (neither of us slept well) to make breakfast. I noticed last night Lion hadn’t set up the coffee pot, but he fooled me the other morning so I didn’t get ahead of myself this time. However, the coffee pot was in pieces in the dish drainer just as it had been the night before. I wonder if he does it when I’m tired so I won’t want to punish him.

When I brought breakfast into the bedroom, I told him he forgot. He said he thought he might have but he convinced himself he’d done it. It’s easy enough to do. One day blends into the next when you’re not working. Even if you are working, it can. I never know what day it is or if I did something today or yesterday or maybe it was even last week. I understand it. That doesn’t mean I forgive it. He’s well enough now to be punished. He wanted pizza last night. If he wants pizza, he can handle a spanking.

On the other hand, his cramps were back after dinner and we had nothing as exotic as pizza. It was chicken with balsamic cherry sauce, roasted carrots and couscous. I know the balsamic cherry sauce might have done him in, but I don’t think it was as bad as pizza. We decided to put pizza off till tonight but I’m wondering if it’s still too much for him. I’m sure he’s getting tired of eating “safe” things, but I’m in caretaker mode and I want to make sure he gets better.

Regardless of evening cramping, he will get his punishment today. I might do it earlier to avoid conflict with stomach pain. I didn’t do it immediately because we were both struggling to wake up, although that definitely would have woken him up. I also needed to get to my desk to start working. I know, five minutes worth of swatting wouldn’t have delayed me too much. I just wasn’t in the mindset to give him swats at 8 am.

Whether we get pizza tonight or not, he’ll probably have cramps again. I don’t think he’s as well as he’d like to think he is. I wish there was more I could do to help. For all I know, punishing him is helping. If nothing else, it signals a return to normal.