Time got away from us on Sunday. Mrs. Lion was able to wax me, and I’m hairless once more. Her job gets easier each time. Between past laser treatments and epilators, my pubic hair is almost all gone. Some wax removes the rest. I hope that bare male pubes remain in fashion. Not that it will matter, I’ve been hairless for decades.

Our blogroll (Right side of the page, “Blogs we like”) is getting shorter and shorter. Most of the chastity and male spanking blogs have disappeared. We had about twenty on our roll. Almost all are gone. I haven’t found many new ones to replace the lost websites.

My sex drive hasn’t returned. As of today (Monday), it’s been twelve days since my last orgasm. I’m not horny. I’m sure Mrs. Lion can fix that when she’s ready. Maybe I’ve learned to wait for her before I want sex. She’s trained me not to masturbate. It could be that almost a decade of male orgasm control, I don’t get interested in sex until she wants me to. I don’t know.

We are both sticking to our Nutrisystem diets. I’m not losing any weight. I’m not sure what the problem is. I’ll wait until we get through this week and see if things improve. Otherwise, I’ll have to try something else. We’ll figure it out.

Now that I have our blog safely settled in its new home, I can relax. It’s a process doing that techy kind of work. It was fun, and the outcome is a stable website. It feels very good to successfully implement new (to me) technology.

Listen to this post.


  1. There do see to be fewer blogs of interest these days. I have seen many fade away and I can certainly relate as I rarely post anything on my own blog. I wonder if there was more blogging during the pandemic and it is fading away now, although many of the blogs I followed in the past disappeared pre-covid.
    Even Strict Julie Spanked has not posted in three weeks and she was very prolific. Maybe she lost the impetus when she stopped spanking and became the spankee.

    1. Author

      The decline has become worse in the last year or so. I’m sure Julie will be back. She’s probably busy with work and her new girlfriend. 🙂

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