My days of spontaneous erections seem to be in the rearview mirror. That doesn’t mean I don’t find things I see and read exciting. Julie Delmar, whose blog Strict Julie Spanked, a favorite of mine, wrote a new book of short stories, Spanking Stories Inspired by AI (Vol 1: F/M) gets the blood flowing–at least in my brain. Her book contains sixteen short stories that feature men being spanked by women. Each story features a situation that is the subject of many male fantasies.

Julie isn’t a typical porn author. Her stories have surprising and sexy twists that manage to surprise me every time. Julie knows how to push all the right buttons. She’s always been good at that. A while ago, we exchanged custom-written short stories. You can read the one she wrote for me here. Now that she has become a spanked wife, I probably owe her a new story featuring her bottom getting well-tanned.

Julie and I don’t always see eye-to-eye. Our politics are 180 degrees apart. When it comes to other matters, we have common beliefs. I’ve lost friends over the years when they became radicalized as right-wing conservatives. One very good friend just stopped talking to me when he drank the Kool-Aid. I’m happy to say that Julie and I remain good friends.

needle shy

I’m a little worried about proposing that I do another Edex injection. It’s hard to forget how awful it felt to be unable to reach orgasm time after time. The dry spell lasted nearly 100 days. Mrs. Lion thinks that one of the ingredients in Trimix caused my anorgasmic condition. I hope she’s right. Edex contains only one ingredient: the original boner-creating drug. Trimix was formulated as a more powerful alternative. I don’t need the extra octane.

There’s a solid reason to use Trimix instead of  Edex: Trimix is much cheaper. Edex is a brand-name drug that retails for about $500 for six erections. Trimix is custom-formulated by a compounding pharmacist for $145 for about eleven boners at the dose that works for me. The only reason I can afford Edex is that my health insurance covers it. I pay $200 for eighteen boners. That’s about the same as the cost of using Trimix. If, for some reason, my insurance stops covering it, I will have to go back to the compounding pharmacy.

I’m still getting my mind around the fact that I have ED. Taking a Viagra or Cialis was different. The erection wasn’t caused by the drug. It just helped Mrs. Lion get me hard. Edex is different. The drug gets me hard. I don’t have to be sexually aroused. Inject the Edex and I get an erection. Arousal has nothing to do with it. That is brand new to me. I’m still learning to process it.

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    1. Author

      Yes, we are friends forever! Love your book. It’s like you, warm, sexy, and unpredictable.

  1. Yes Loin Julie Strict writings and her blog are great reading and thankyou and Lioness for that and yes enjoyed the story about the cottage again just read it again as Iam chasten permanent by Mrs again the effects plus reading Julie short story have left me with a leaking tap.

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