No one seems to want to talk to us.

Our blog is over ten years old. When I started it, I hoped it would be interactive—you know, with lots of comments and back-and-forth conversations. That never happened. Most posts never get any comments. With over 6,500 posts, we have less than 8,000 comments. About half of them are replies from Mrs. Lion or me. Is it that our posts are offputting? We have lots of readers but very little interaction.

Similar blogs get large numbers of responses; we don’t. I’ve been considering turning off comments entirely and resigning myself to writing an online magazine. The problem with silent readers is that we miss out on a lot of potential topics for future posts.

We know that we have loyal readers. Our site consistently draws a large audience. Our blog is part of the Google AI database. We rank in the top half of the sources used. It surprised me that any sex bloggers were included. I’m not whining about this situation. I’m genuinely confused. Both Mrs. Lion and I have equally bad luck attracting comments. This is true even when our posts are controversial.

Is this a problem with our site layout? Comments are only visible if each post is selected individually. If you just type our URL, you don’t see comments. If you click on the title of a post, you get comments. That’s true on almost every other blog. I don’t think that’s it.

After a decade of nearly no reader response, I’m ready to give up and turn off comments entirely. Mrs. Lion and I are also growing less motivated to post. Blogs tend to die in a decade or less. We’ve decided to keep posting. How much we write and what we write about can be influenced by you, our reader. If you interact with us, things happen. If you don’t, we lose interest. There’s nothing in this for us beyond the satisfaction of sharing.


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  1. I always read yours and Mrs Lions posts. I was more into posting reply’s when you were more involved in Male Chastity devices. No so much spanking. I do find it interesting when you discuss travel plans or doing things around your house because I can also relate to those events.
    Erection difficulties – same here. You give great information when you discuss various medical treatments.

    1. Author

      That certainly makes sense. I appreciate your comments. It just feels like there is a barrier between us and our readers. One thing I wanted from the very start was a chance to chat and make friends with our readers.

  2. Leave them on. Some interaction is better than none and from time to time something interesting turns up. You know there is interest out there because you know you have readers.

    1. Author

      You make a good point. We know that people read our posts and pages. We do get some great comments that make us think and give us something to write about. For some reason I can’t fathom, we get nearly no comments. Enough people read this site to theoretically generate lots of daily comments. I want to understand what is getting in the way. Is it our writing styles? Is it the topics we choose? I want to fix the problem.

  3. I read it! But it comes across as a journal of lion wanting to be served and Lioness under pressure to run around serving your desires! Lioness appears to find the sexual part a chore, she no longer enjoys it! The FLR element is non existent! As for bdsm chats and controversy with the Internet these are nolonger taboo! I all think ye should write a series for literotica on a bdsm group based in a nursing home! (Mostly because of your medical knowledge and experiences)

    1. Author

      I lost your message about halfway through. No,I don’t push Mrs. Lion to serve me. I am deeply grateful for her love and affection.

  4. From my experience with blogs over the past 10 years, you have done an amazing job of keeping it going. I kept a blog for about 10 years, a very basic “journal” of our sexual experiences. I had a few comments for a while, then none. It was exciting knowing that someone was reading it. When there was no response it went back to what I started, a place for me to write this stuff down so I could remember what we did and likely read it when we did not do it anymore. After the past month of only one episode that I initiated which required no more from my wife than applying the magic wand to my cock for less than a minute, I feel like we are reaching the natural point of the end of our sex life. She does not care about intercourse anymore and is more interested in watching junk on her phone than having any physical contact with me. I’m sorry that my comment on your blog is a gripe session about my life.
    The point is that reading about your struggles does at least provide some context from another couple who is trying to make their way through somewhat comparable challenges as we age and change. I have learned many things from you over the years and am still hoping to follow your paths on things like using the dice game and erection aids.

    1. Author

      I’m sorry that your sex iife has dwindled. One good thing about blogging is that we learn we aren’t alone and that it’s possible to rekindle the fire, with some modifications. Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted. It helps!

  5. I’ve been reading your blog for years now, every post and comment. You asked the question why theres not more comments.. from my perspective there isn’t a reason to comment. You both write great posts but each one feels like a look inside your life but not a – I need to comment on that or I have to ask about that – you’re through, complete thoughts and there is a flow to the posts. Maybe if there was a question involved.. 🤔

    1. Author

      Both of us have ended posts with, “What do you think?” No responses. I agree that some posts are more targeted at Mrs. Lion or me. We’ve always used the blog as a way to communicate to one another. Still, other blogs aren’t very different, yet each post gets tons of comments. Even when I wrote a pretty controversial political post, I think there was just a single comment. That post was read over 1,000 times. It gets lonely when no one talks back. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

  6. Over the years myself have enjoyed your post when Iam started my chastity lifestyle your blog was one that help me in my research and understanding to rituals of a couple in practice to chastity and now to spanking plus the incorporation of other spanking blog like Julia like most I do read the older blog as well . Iam not a big blogger myself but I do reblog to the material that I find interesting and informative
    Really thankyou and Mrs Lion for blog because not only the sexaul relationship to spanking but can reflect as a couple going through life it’s problems.
    Regards from Australia 🇦🇺

  7. You could experiment from time to time with different content – like reflections/lessons/stories from your dungeonmaster days – just to see what happens.

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