We are by no means virgins. I do tease Lion about having a virgin butt when he squirms so much during spanking and complains I’m hitting too hard. I suppose there are some ways we are virgins when it comes to trying different things. However, we have apparently reverted back to virgins as far as intercourse is concerned.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall. I can almost guarantee that fly would have fallen on the floor laughing watching us last night. Lion has the exact number, but it’s been years since we’ve had vaginal sex. I don’t care about sex anymore, so I don’t miss it. Lion misses it a lot. To say we’re out of practice is an understatement. [Lion — The last time we had vaginal sex was March 2018]

Lion did his Edex injection. I used my hand to get him more excited. Then I slathered on some lube, still using my hand. Once I thought he was excited enough, I attempted to mount him in reverse cowgirl style. Men often have trouble finding the right hole. This time it was me having trouble. After several tries, Lion suggested trying cowgirl. That worked. Reverse still didn’t after more tries. By that time, he was less than excited, so we gave up. I did give him a hand job that resulted in a less-than-fulfilling orgasm.

I don’t know why we couldn’t make reverse cowgirl work. I seemed too tight, and Lion teased me about being a virgin again. Maybe we need more practice. Lion is all for that. He’s also suggested doggie style. As I recall, that never worked very well because we had trouble with a height difference. But I guess we can give it a shot. It can’t possibly look more ridiculous than last night.

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  1. You’re an inspiration to those of us in your age group! I don’t think you looked ridiculous, rather you undoubtedly looked lovingly engaged (i.e. “hot”).

    I’m one of those lurkers who has read your blog regularly for a long time. Please don’t quit. Your candor captures so much about marriage worth preserving. The kink is frosting on the cake. Your care for each other and enduring love in the face of life’s inevitable challenges is a truly great story.

    1. Thank you for the very kind words. I’m extremely lucky to have found my perfect mate. I’m grateful that I understand just how rare and valuable that is. I still wonder why more readers don’t join the conversation.

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