It was like we never did it before. Here we were, an old married couple, trying to fuck. Mrs. Lion turned around with her butt facing me. She tried to get my cock inside her. I was well lubed, but she couldn’t seem to find the right position to let me in. We never had any problems before. I suggested she turn around and ride me cowgirl style. In the past, she would start in this position and stay that way until she had her fill of orgasms. Then, she would turn around and I would have my turn.

Riding me cowgirl style worked easily. We fit perfectly. Since Mrs. Lion didn’t want an orgasm, and this position doesn’t stimulate me enough to get off, we knew we had to make reverse cowgirl work. Encouraged by my cowgirl penetration, Mrs. Lion turned around again’; still no luck. What the hell?

She moved up a bit, and I reached under. Her vagina was a tight ring. I moved my cock under it and she eased down. Nope, I couldn’t get in. I joked that Mrs. Lion was a virgin again. In reverse cowgirl, I think she is.

We gave up and Mrs. Lion used her hand to give me a happy ending. I wondered if mating lion-style (doggy style to the rest of you), would work better. There are a couple of advantages in this position. My erection is firmer if I am standing. It has to do with bloood flow and blood pressure. Since erections are generated by blood pumping into the penis, low blood pressure makes for softer erections.

Also, my ED includes weakening the internal valve that keeps blood sealed into the erect penis. When I am on my back, the blood leakes back into my body and softens my dick. Ugh! When I stand, gravity is my friend, and the blood stays where it belongs. If we do it lion-style, I am standing behind Mrs. Lion. My cock stays harder, and I can control penetration. Ironically, we stopped using this position when I had my first symptoms of ED. I would penetrate her and then get soft.

Now, with the help of Edex, the situation is reversed. It’s harder to stay erect on my back and easier when I’m standing up. We haven’t tried fucking this way in a very long time. We’ll have to see if our parts line up correctly when I’m standing behind her. If this position fails, we can try good old missionary. Neither of us were fans of fucking that way.

Even though we didn’t succeed this time, it felt very good to try. That’s the nice thing about sex over fifty; it’s less about reaching the goal post and more about feeling close to each other.

Listen to this post.


  1. This was a great post! Informative, funny and hopeful.
    This and the previous post by Mrs. Lion are one of the best things about your blog, getting the perspective of both partners regarding the situation. Totally agree about sex for older couples being more about the activity than reaching the end. It was a relief for both of us when we came to that understanding. Orgasm is nice, but not always required or expected.

    1. Author

      Thanks for the good words. I’ve been thinking a lot about this different way to think about sex. Mrs.Lion and I will probably be writing more as we learn.

  2. I love this blog but it is the last statement which is the full truth April was 40 years of marriage for me Mrs427 🐓🔒🇦🇺

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