I must have an internal clock that sets off an alarm when too much time has passed since my last spanking. I woke up this morning thinking about being spanked. That’s odd for me. It isn’t the sort of thought that usually greets my day. I went online and checked our site. The counter said that it’s been 25 days since the last time Mrs. Lion spanked me. I went to my spreadsheet to confirm. Yup, 25 days. That’s a long time for us to go without even discussing a spanking.

Mrs. Lion hasn’t been enforcing her rules. I frequently forget to send her a morning email (I am supposed to send one every workday before noon). She hasn’t said anything. I wrote at least one post about being spanked during the last month. No reaction from myl ioness. I was happy that she didn’t want to spank me, but well, not exactly happy. Something is going on.

She rarely initiates any discussion about how she feels. Is she tired of doing things for me? Is it too much trouble to check her email? Is spanking me something she no longer wants to do? I don’t know. As I think back on the spankings I’ve gotten since we’ve moved, they haven’t had the same energy or sense of ironic fun Mrs. Lion brought to the spanking bench. It isn’t so much that her spankings have gotten milder–they have–i’ts more her approach to them.

For example, she dislikes the safety belt we use to hold me down, but hasn’t looked for the box in the living room with the strap she likes. In the past, no matter how painful the spanking, she always had a sense of fun about it. More recently it felt more like a chore.

Spanking was a routine part of our lives before we moved. Mrs. Lion would never let too much time pass between paddlings. We both understood that spanking was important to our marriage. I’m not sure that either of us understand why that’s true, but we agreed it was. Moving changed everything. Mrs. Lion seems to feel more pressured. Everything, from dinner to sex makes it worse for her. She is unhappy when she has to get out of bed to make dinner. Edex and sex is cheerless. No wonder there are no spankings.

Indeed, I can’t do much around the house. That has to make things much harder on Mrs. Lion. But I’m still the same person that she fell in love with. I haven’t lost my ability to perceive what’s happening around me. I don’t expect rainbows and unicorns when Mrs. Lion gets up to make dinner. I also don’t need to feel guilty about putting her out. In the scheme of things, spanking and enforcing rules has to be low priority. If just cooking a meal is so much trouble, it’s no wonder we have no spankings.

I don’t think that she understands how I feel. She’s working too hard just to keep things going here. I get the feeling that I’m startring to become one more reason she’s tired. How long will she put up with that?

Listen to this post.


  1. It really seems to be getting time that Mrs. Lion will spank you at least 3x in the coming week…..

  2. Feel like your chore is down her very long list chores unfortunately for you!

    1. Author

      I’m sure that’s not it. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but I think the dry spell may be over.

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