paddle on bare butt

There were fireworks here on the First of July. Mrs. Lion got a new paddle with a message (see image above). The message was a lie! It didn’t hurt a little; it hurt a lot. I ordered the paddle from an Etsy vendor (Serenity Theory). Mrs. Lion commented that it was a bit lightweight, but she thought she could make use of it. She certainly did!

As  you can see in the image, the paddle spanned both of my cheeks. Most of her paddles cover a smaller area. The smaller paddles let her here apply more force to a smaller area of mybottom. The large paddle, while requiring more effor to swing, doesn’t give any area of my bottom a rest. Her normal pattern is a swat on one cheek, then the other. The cheek not being swatted gets a second or so to revover. The whole-bottom treatment gives no respite at all.

well-paddled male butt
My butt after the new paddle got a workout.

Another big difference (to me) is that swats from the larger paddle tend to land higher on my bottom in the fleshy center area. It feels different there. Her usual target is my”sit spot” below the center. Of course, she can just move down and hit both sides of my sit spot at the same time. She didn’t do it this time.

I was yelping from the beginning. It was a very painful ten minutes. It had been 26 days since my last spanking. I’m out of practice, I guess. After a while, Mrs. Lion took some mercy on me and switched to a leather paddle. I was still yelping and kicking, but the pain wasn’t quite as intense.

In the past, Mrs. Lion has stayed away from larger paddles, though on occasion, she has done two-cheek swatting. I can’t claim to have a preference. No matter what she chooses to do, I’m not a happy camper.For the record, my butt is still a little sore and I feel the aftershocks as I sit in my desk chair..

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1 Comment

  1. Well done by Mrs. Lion.
    i guess that mr. Lion will have trouble sitting for a week or so

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