It has been brought to my attention that it’s been ages since I wrote a post. Yes. Yes, it has. You might think that’s because I’ve had nothing to say. You would be correct. I still don’t, but here is what’s been on my mind.

It’s hot. We are at the end of a heat wave that started last Friday, I think. Somehow, we’re going from 89 today to 85 tomorrow and, apparently, that’s cool enough to make us feel better about life. It does not. I’ll be just about as hot and cranky tomorrow as I am today, although not as cranky as yesterday. So maybe there is something to say for the lower temperatures.

Work has been confusing. We have rules about handling things. We do A this way. We do B this way. And we do C this way. What happens when we have ABC? It would be fine if it was somehow linear, but A is dramatically different from B or C. And it’s hot. My patience is gone. Maybe tomorrow’s cold snap will help me think.

Lion has two more eye surgeries coming up. We have two mini vacations coming up. We’re hoping the surgeries fall between the vacations and that everything will go well. He’s had complications with surgeries in the past, so there’s always some worry. I do the best I can to take care of him, but he’s not the easiest patient to deal with. His “I want what I want when I want it” goes into overdrive when he’s sick or scared. And, not surprising, we are polar opposites when it comes to being sick/injured. I’d much rather be left alone. Lion wants me near him 24/7, even if he’s sleeping. Luckily, working from home means I’m usually not more than 20 feet from him.

There has been no spanking or sex for about a week. I’ve been making up time at work for Lion’s doctor appointments. And it’s hot. Maybe the four-degree cooler temperature will translate to spanking and sex.

Listen to this post.