We tried Viagra about a week ago. We hoped, since the first try was successful, maybe we were onto something. We tried again last night. Sadly, we were not able to recreate that first time. The issue may be low blood pressure. Lion has been testing about once a day and it seems to be staying low.

Lion’s blood pressure was not low on Thursday. He had his first eye surgery. Well, we figured out it was his sixth surgery, if you count his cataracts. This one was on his left eye to fix the tube that was implanted about six years ago. I had no idea that the “skin” could wear away from the tube and cause a problem. It turns out the surgeon had to do more than cover the tube. He repositioned it. I assume that will take longer to heal and it probably hurt more.

Our house is not the easiest to get into. There are steps no matter which direction you come in. The front sidewalk seems easier to me, but it has no handrail. I almost fall down the garage stairs. Of course, I tend to go faster and don’t use the handrail. At any rate, Lion fell at the bottom of the stairs when we got home Thursday after the surgery. I got the Lion lift, and he was up in no time. I think he was more deeply under anesthesia than we realized. He got undressed, we ate a late lunch, and then snoozed for quite a while. By 9:30, he was ready to call it a night.

I figured this surgery would be easy on him. The other eye surgeries didn’t affect him as much. I was more worried about the right eye surgery. His left eye doesn’t contribute much to his vision. Once his right eye is bandaged, he’ll be blind at least until the bandage comes off the next morning. I was already trying to find a ramp that would work for the garage stairs when Lion told me I needed to build a ramp.

It’s been a long time since I’ve built anything that needed to be perfect. I built some steps at the other house that worked but weren’t pretty. I was not looking forward to building a ramp. Before I really got into pricing it out, I went back to look at ready-made ramps. Of course, you can spend thousands of dollars on a ramp. According to ADA requirements, our ramp should be 27 feet long. Yeah, right. That would almost make it to the garage door. After some research, I found that a twelve-foot ramp (more ideally, a 14-foot ramp) would work. Since it’s portable, we can take it with us when we move. It doesn’t have to be up all the time, although I suspect it will be. And it’s relatively cheap at less than a thousand dollars. Lion balked at the price, but I see it as peace of mind. I won’t worry so much about him on the stairs.

Tonight, we’ll give Edex another try. I assume low blood pressure won’t affect it. I’m not sure how it works, but if I were a weenie being poked with a needle, I think I’d send all blood rushing to the area, and that would make it swell. And I’m not even a chemist or a doctor.

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