Last Friday night, Donald Trump told a gathering of religious conservatives that if they elect him, they’ll never have to vote again.  This wasn’t hyperbole. It was a stark repeat of Trump’s intention to stay in office for the rest of his life.

I listened to his remarks preceding and following this statement. It wasn’t a joke. He didn’t say that he really meant that he would be elected again. Of course, that’s illegal; a president can only serve two terms. Reporters asked Stephen Cheung, Trump spokesman, to clarify:  “President Trump was talking about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every American, as opposed to the divisive political environment that has sowed so much division and even resulted in an assassination attempt.”

This statement doesn’t walk back Trump’s promise that if he’s elected, there will be no more elections for president. He still insists that he won the 2020 election. Every time he speaks, he tells easy-to-discover lies. If he were some kind of diabolical would-be dictator, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so obvious in stating his desire to derail democracy.

I’m convinced that he is unhinged. If the stakes weren’t so high, I would say he’s a sitcom star. No sane person would say the sort of things Trump delivers. During the debate with President Biden, he lied 34 times. No, he wasn’t exaggerating. He lied 34 times during the debate. His fans insist that he didn’t lie; he only exaggerated to make a point. That’s stupid.

Every time he’s given a chance to explain, he goes off on another long tirade filled with more lies and exaggerations. I can understand that his supporters like the intelligible things he says he stands for. The biggest is immigration. Trump and the Republican party want to deport illegal aliens and seal our southern border. The bipartisan immigration bill called for that. Trump asked his supporters in Congress to vote against it. His reason was to keep immigration on his agenda. The fact is that both parties want the same thing. Trump, not his party, wants to deport illegals no matter how long they have been in the US. That would be over ten million people. Sane Republicans understand that such a broad sweep would drive illegals further underground and create new problems. Both parties favor a more gradual approach that includes both deportation and naturalization.

I can’t believe any American would vote for a candidate that wants to abolish our democracy. i don’t care how distasteful the Democratic platform may be. First and foremost must preserve our democracy. I don’t particularly like Kamala Harris. But I will vote for her. I will also hope that Congress will pass laws to limit presidential power and immunity. The choice isn’t whether you like what Harris stands for. It isn’t how you feel about either candidate’s platform. We need to keep Trump out of office. If you want the Republican platform, just vote Republican in the down-ticket elections for House and Senate seats. But please don’t help put that lunatic back in office.


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  1. Well said. Here in the UK we have managed to throw out the corrupt Tories/Conservatives but that was partly because the even more extreme Reform party split the right wing vote. We have to stay alert to what is happening in the rump of the Tory Party as well as what the Reform Party, which potentially is an even greater threat to our democracy. Many people in the UK are very worried about what Trump is really up to and hope that he will not only be beaten but soundly thrashed in the November elections, along with his co-conspiritors. We wish you well.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your thoughtful response. Trump has suggested that he will incite violence if he loses this election.Like you, I am worried.

  2. Sorry I didn’t subscribe to be preached to about politics.

    1. Author

      There is an unsubscribe link in the email you got announcing the post. Feel free to use it.

  3. You are missing the context. He was talking to fundamentalist Christians who rarely vote. He was stressing the importance of voting in this election. He said that once in he will fix the country and then they can go back to not voting as usual. It was super, super, clear from the context, it was partially in jest, and he got the laughs. Here’s a link to that segment of the speech and a rational anti-Trump analysis:

    1. Author

      I listened to the five minutes before and five minutes after the comment. Not right at all. Two days later his spin team came up with the statement you made. Trump repeatedly says he will only accept election resuslts that shows him as the winner. He has also repeated his desire to suspend the Constitution in favor of keeping himself in power. Believe what you want. The laughter on the recording was nervous twitters. Even the conservative Christians have a problem sowllowing the crap he shovels.

      1. I think you’ve lost perspective because of your irrational hatred for the man. The context was very clear to me and is the obvious interpretation of him saying they wouldn’t need to vote next time. Your extraordinary claim requires a much clearer statement from him which he has never made. It is your bias talking.

        Regarding your “34 lies” claim, you lack the context of how many lies his opponent said, who counted these, and whether the lies were trivial/humorous or directionally dangerous. As it is, you parrot a mainstream media talking point. Why don’t you pick the “lie” you found most heinous and we can discuss?

        Trump has been repeatedly asked if he woukd unconditionally accept the election result as a “gotch”. A person would have to be an idiot to either ask that question or respond yes. If there’s evidence of widespread cheating, of course not. His answer has always been, “yes, if it’s a fair vote”. Think logically. What other answer Woukd you prefer? “Yes, even if there’s massive evidence of cheating I vow to accept the result without fighting it.”. As I said, an idiotic question.

        1. Author

          It’s hard for me to believe someone of your intelligence can continue to buy into the outrageous rants of Donald Trump. There isn’t a giant conspiracy to discredit him. He has a very long record of lying and then doubling down when caught. For years after he was shown proof, he continued to insist that Barack Obama wasn’t born in the US. He continues to rant about the 2020 election. I have no idea what it is about him that attracts you. I don’t hate him. I consider him crazy and a danger. He tells people what he thinks they want to hear. Despite your protests, he lies. I can’t convince you. I’m glad that you are a foreigner and can’t vote here.

  4. I’m sure you’ll get a few “driveby” trolls and people who don’t want to consider the effects that a Christian Nationalist dictatorship would have on things like kink.
    Well said though – not overstating, nor hyperbole. Incredibly depressing to see so many people (in amongst all the bots) who actively resist using their critical thinking skills on Trump because they dislike the other party/candidate…

    1. Author

      True. My point is that issues aside, the candidate himself is the problem. I don’t like the extreme right wing agenda. It frightens me. I also think the extreme left is just as scary. My point is that regardless of which view you favor, Trump the man, is a scary risk to democracy. His rants are getting more and more difficult for his supporters to rationalize. I am not commenting on the Republican platform. Whether you love it or hate it, the guy running for President is crazy and dangerous.

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