I took my first dose of cabergoline on Wednesday afternoon (“Magic Sex Pills“). The starting dose is 2.5 mg, half a tablet. According to a quick Google, effects are felt in as little as three hours. Mrs. Lion didn’t try to get me off on Wednesday night, so I’m not sure whether we had success or not. I didn’t feel particularly horny. We both did a lot of walking. I had a doctor’s appointment and then a trip to the supermarket to pick up my prescription and some household necessities. To make things worse, a massive traffic jam closed I90, making traffic on every road around us a nightmare. Mrs. Lion found an alternate route, but it still took us over an hour to go 10 miles.

The next half-tablet dose is on Saturday. If I’m still not orgasmic, the dose goes up to .5 mg next Wednesday. So far, I’m not feeling any side effects from the drug. While researching this new treatment, I came across a mention that it may help female libidos too. There is some (very sketchy) evidence that high prolactin levels in women reduce their libidos. I found one study1 that suggests this is the case. The study looked at young women with very high prolactin blood levels. It also cited the loss of libido observed in men with high prolactin levels.

A second study2 with a small (25 women) pool of patients with high levels of prolactin showed a strong correlation between loss of libido and high prolactin levels. The study had 25 women with normal levels as a control. Even though it was a very small study, the results show that both women and men lose sexual capability when prolactin is present.

I’m surprised that Mrs. Lion’s doctor didn’t check her prolactin level, or just prescribe cabergoline. Based on what I could find on the web and what my urologist said, this drug is generally safe to try unless there are specific conditions that contraindicate it.

Actually, I’m not surprised. Sexual medicine isn’t a subject that all doctors study. In fact, most urologists have very limited knowledge. I’m going to ask Mrs. Lion if she would like to see my specialist or another that we are referred to.

I am very grateful that Google provides excellent help in academic research. It’s easy to find research papers on any subject. I’m lucky that I have access to a large university library (in person and online) that lets me access journal articles without having to buy them.

Cabergoline isn’t a miracle sex pill, but it has great potential for men and women who have issues with libido or, in my case, anorgasmia. I wish more physicians knew about this. We both could have tried this drug years ago. Well, now we all know. I hope it works.


1 Krysiak, R., Drosdzol-Cop, A., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Okopien, B. (2015). Sexual function and depressive symptoms in young women with elevated macroprolactin content: A pilot study. Endocrine, 53, 291-298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12020-016-0898-5

2 KADIOGLU, P., YALIN, A. S., TIRYAKIOGLU, O., GAZIOGLU, N., ORAL, G., SANLI, O., ONEM, K., & KADIOGLU, A. (2005). SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN WOMEN WITH HYPERPROLACTINEMIA: A PILOT STUDY REPORT. The Journal of Urology, 174(5), 1921–1925. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ju.0000176456.50491.51

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