We found a new home. It’s a nice, modern house in an older housing development. The house was built about 25 years ago on a quiet, residential street. This is new for us. Until now, we’ve lived in older homes far from developments. We aren’t used to houses being close together. The house itself is a nice, three-bedroom rambler; that’s what they call one-level ranch houses in these parts. I won’t have any interior stairs to manage.

The last few days have been filled with the typical transitional details that one has to handle when moving. I had to transfer utilities and locate a mover. The move will take place at the end of next month. It’s going to be a stressful time as we prepare and then move. We’re both excited about our new house. It’s a lot nicer than the one we have now.

As a result of all this turmoil, Mrs. Lion hasn’t gotten around to either spanking or sex. I’m pretty sure that she will correct this omission very soon. I’m also sure that I will not be happy when she sets up the spanking bench. Speaking of that, I’m not sure where that piece of furniture will be located in the new house. There is a kitchen counter with a breakfast bar. The spanking bench is probably the right height for that. Maybe we can hide it in plain sight. We plan to visit the house this weekend to measure and plan our move.

Mrs. Lion made it clear that spanking comes before sex, so I suppose it makes sense to remind her. I know that the upcoming spanking is going to go at least ten minutes. I’m still owed punishment for interrupting Mrs. Lion. On the BDSM/sex side, I replaced Mrs. Lion’s IcyHot maximum strength spray. She enjoys spraying that on my perineum and balls. It burns like hell. Being aroused reduces the pain, so when she masturbates me after spraying, the burn isn’t too bad. When she stops, oh boy! Please don’t stop! Please!

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  1. Glad you found a place! I can handle icy hot on my dickett but on my balls, that’s another story.

    1. Author

      If you are being jerked off, the IcyHot on the balls isn’t so bad. When Mrs.Lion stops…oh boy! It burns like hell.

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