We arrived with no muss and no fuss. There was very little traffic. Setting up was not difficult. We both snoozed a bit before we went out to find food.

Four years ago, when we first discovered this area, our first dinner out was at a Mexican restaurant. We’ve kept that tradition ever since. Lion made it most of the way through dinner without trouble but then spilled food on his shirt. Uh oh.

I hadn’t given him his maintenance spanking on Monday night so I deferred it to last night. Lion was not happy about being spanked. He was really not happy in the middle of it. He kept trying to move away. I asked him if he thought I wouldn’t follow him across the bed to keep spanking him. He told me he had enough. But it’s not up to him. I didn’t say he’d had enough. I kept going. He kept moving.

I know. I know. I should have started over with the punishment. The best way to cure him of his wiggling and insistence that I should stop is by starting over. Eventually he’ll learn. But the thing is, I get tired of hitting him. My arm strength is not as good as it should be. That’s one of the reasons we’re doing maintenance spanking.

In the end, in Lion’s end, he might have been sore but he wasn’t red. The slight rosiness didn’t even last until he got off the bed. He says his butt is notorious for not getting or staying red. I guess it’s a good thing for him that I don’t rely solely on how red his tushy is to know when I’m done.

It was late before I tried to play with him. We were both tired and I wasn’t really even going to try. But when we snuggled he responded fairly quickly. It was short lived though. He’d dropped the remote and the TV was distracting. By the time he picked it up it was too late. After the fireworks we’ll try for some fireworks of our own.

I had hoped to give Lion a maintenance spanking last night and edge him. But we went out to dinner, stopped by the grocery store for last minute items and got fuel for the truck, and then it was already late. Our guests stopped by for one last goodbye. And I was tired. I can try for tonight but I know we’ll be tired again from driving.

It’s not like we won’t have time for maintenance spankings and play. We’ll be gone a week. Lion loves to drive around randomly but I’m hoping we’ll just hang out for a day or so. If we do then we won’t be so tired and maybe more likely to have the energy to play.

While the rest of the country is in a heat wave, we remain relatively cool around Seattle. Our destination is generally warmer. The Cascade mountains form a sort of barrier for the cooler air. Eastern Washington is technically a desert. We head east for most of our trips to take advantage of that heat. It’s also very beautiful.

By the time this post publishes we should be very near our campsite. We’ll set up the camper and, if past trips are any indication, head out for dinner very shortly after arrival.

Lion likes to keep moving. I like to relax a little. I’m hoping we can find a compromise this trip.

Aside from the fact that we have a seven hour drive tomorrow and we’re already tired from having company, I’m looking forward to getting away with Lion. We’re going to a state park with a lake and it’s very peaceful there. I do anticipate some rowdiness since it’s the 4th of July but that will help drown out Lion’s already muffled yelps from the maintenance spanking.

We may not play Tuesday night but we’re there for about a week, we’ll have plenty of time for play. One thing that was apparent when I tried to tie his balls last time is that the rope I have is very long. That’s an easy fix but in the heat of the moment is not the time to have a toy malfunction.

About an hour away from where we camp there’s a western store. A few years ago we bought cowboy boots. I don’t remember actively looking for toys but we might just do that this time around. There’s a very good chance they have riding crops and other fun things. Not that we don’t already have a hearty selection of toys but it’s always fun to add to the collection. Plus it gives Lion a rush to see all the torturous items.

Today we’re off to Seattle for some sightseeing with our guests. Pike Place Market and the fish throwers are first on the list. No matter how many times I go there, I’m still amused by the show they put on. It looks like so much fun to throw a fish. Smelly and gooey, but fun.

As I was cleaning the last part of the house Lion announced that our company had landed at the airport. It will take them some time to deplane, gather their bags, pick up the rental car and drive here, but we made it. The house is clean. The Lions are excited. And now we wait.

I have just enough time to tell you about last night’s activities. I didn’t think there would be any. We were both tired and we were watching reruns of TV shows. We gave the dog her ice cream and Lion mentioned we hadn’t even snuggled yet. He said, “You never know what might pop up.”

Oh, I know.

True to his word, something popped up. As I was edging him I was toying with the idea of giving him a ruined orgasm. I was getting him closer and closer to the edge each time and he was almost sweating. Then I decided to stop. Lion was panting. I often give him a quick suck when I’m done edging him. He started bucking into my mouth and even put his hand on my back as “encouragement”. I didn’t like it when I pulled away. He wanted more. So I gave it to him.

It took longer than I expected but eventually I got the yummy crème filling. Now Lion was really panting. Just what he wanted! Me too. I love crème filling.