clothespins on balls

We are having a quiet weekend. Mrs. Lion didn’t feel very well on Friday and Saturday. We slept late, and she took it easy. I slept until 11 on Sunday morning. That’s very unusual for me. Mrs. Lion felt better on Sunday and caught up on unpacking and laundry. She is also excavating in our still-packed boxes for our stew pot. We have the makings for beef stew. i’m hoping to make some. It’s cool and damp out; perfect weather for beef stew. We have a great recipe for it.

If Mrs. Lion and I have the energy, there may be some BDSM fun later. She unearthed the toy bag that she used in our trailer. She said, “There ought to be some clothespins in there.”

Uh oh. Sounds like an Edex injection and lots of pinching clothespins on my cock and balls. OK, we both like those clothespin sessions. I think Mrs. Lion’s record is 45 covering my tender bits.

The WordPress sex nazis closed down one of the blogs I recommend, Our Bottoms Burn. Fortunately, the blogger maintains a supplementary version of the blog on Blogger. The link on our site now points to the Blogger blog.  We wish him well and hope he can restore his blog on a provider who isn’t allergic to sexual images. The idiots at are on a crusade to shut down any explicit sexual content that they host. They aren’t mature enough to understand the difference between sex blogging and commercial porn. I wonder how many of our readers are sex nazis from WordPress. It’s OK, I won’t tell your bosses what you do at night.

In case you don’t know, our posts are also available as podcasts. The most recent 500 are carried by every major provider including Google, Apple, and Amazon Music. It’s helpful if you have limited vision like me. I’m considering putting an audio player here to help visually impaired friends. We also offer versions of the blog (logo on upper right of your page) to help people with limited vision. Computer translations of our blog are available in 18 languages (see flags on top navigation bar). We’re committeed to doing whatever we can to make our blog available to as many people as possible.

We found a new home. It’s a nice, modern house in an older housing development. The house was built about 25 years ago on a quiet, residential street. This is new for us. Until now, we’ve lived in older homes far from developments. We aren’t used to houses being close together. The house itself is a nice, three-bedroom rambler; that’s what they call one-level ranch houses in these parts. I won’t have any interior stairs to manage.

The last few days have been filled with the typical transitional details that one has to handle when moving. I had to transfer utilities and locate a mover. The move will take place at the end of next month. It’s going to be a stressful time as we prepare and then move. We’re both excited about our new house. It’s a lot nicer than the one we have now.

As a result of all this turmoil, Mrs. Lion hasn’t gotten around to either spanking or sex. I’m pretty sure that she will correct this omission very soon. I’m also sure that I will not be happy when she sets up the spanking bench. Speaking of that, I’m not sure where that piece of furniture will be located in the new house. There is a kitchen counter with a breakfast bar. The spanking bench is probably the right height for that. Maybe we can hide it in plain sight. We plan to visit the house this weekend to measure and plan our move.

Mrs. Lion made it clear that spanking comes before sex, so I suppose it makes sense to remind her. I know that the upcoming spanking is going to go at least ten minutes. I’m still owed punishment for interrupting Mrs. Lion. On the BDSM/sex side, I replaced Mrs. Lion’s IcyHot maximum strength spray. She enjoys spraying that on my perineum and balls. It burns like hell. Being aroused reduces the pain, so when she masturbates me after spraying, the burn isn’t too bad. When she stops, oh boy! Please don’t stop! Please!

Mrs. Lion has four days off for Christmas. There’s no point in house hunting until after New Year’s Day. In other words, we have a long weekend free. I dropped a very unsubtle hint that we haven’t played in a long time. According to the counter on this site, it’s been 49 days since my last spanking. Looking into the record book, the prior record was 38 days back in June.

She said we could take a trip to the oriental market. I suggested that she could get some ginger for figging. No response to that idea. Several weeks ago, we got a new, nasty paddle that hasn’t been tried. We also got some new restraints–Mrs. Lion keeps misplacing the ones we already have–they’ve never been tried either.

Are you sensing a theme here?

It’s likely that she’s lost interest in BDSM, at least for the last couple of months. It’s true that she’s never really liked doing more than CBT. If I asked, she sometimes did some anal play as well. But that’s pretty much all.

Maybe we’re done with BDSM as well as fucking. I truly miss both.

Of course, there is a lot more to life than sex and sex play. We have the other stuff in spades. When it comes to sex, you know what they say…

You can lead a lioness to…

We finally did the boner shot last night. I say “finally” because it’s been a while and Lion was more than ready. Unfortunately, he wasn’t really ready. He was hard. He seemed like he was getting closer. I swear he bucked into me. But he didn’t come even after my left arm had gone numb and my right shoulder hurt. I’d also worked up quite a sweat. He said he didn’t think he’d be able to come. He was still horny, but he worried about me. We agreed to try again today/night.

This time, I’m bringing out the clothespins or rope or restraints. I have to get him even more ready. I don’t really have to, but clearly, he wasn’t really ready last night. If he’s really ready, maybe he’ll get super hard. When this happens, he looks like he might burst from a gentle breeze. It doesn’t happen often. If memory serves, it happened the first time he used Trimix. I guess all those weeks of not having an orgasm and the prospect of having one made him more than ready. A few orgasms ago, he told me he didn’t need any BDSM, so we went right for the gold. I didn’t take that to mean he’d never need BDSM again, but we haven’t done any lately. I’m hoping it helps.

He also wanted to be waxed this weekend. I told him I would do it. It’s almost 4 pm on Sunday. I’m not doing it today. I know it doesn’t take long anymore. I just don’t like doing it. The pantry is still a wreck, so I have to drag the cart into the bedroom. Then I have to squeeze the other massage table into an area that isn’t really big enough for it. There is no area big enough for it. I guess we’ll have to find a house that has room for an impromptu waxing studio. If the living room is big enough, it shouldn’t be an issue. I’d even be okay with backing the car out of the garage to set up the table. Of course, I still won’t like waxing him, but I won’t have to wrestle with the massage table.