We haven’t been up to much. As of Wednesday, it’s been six days since my last orgasm. Mrs. Lion may be ready for me to come again soon. That will be fun. My necklace came on Monday, and I started wearing it on Tuesday. It wasn’t much of a problem sleeping with it on. Mrs. Lion hasn’t commented on it. I’m not sure whether she likes it on me or not.

We’re planning a trip to Hawaii early next year. It’s a combination vacation and visit with Mrs. Lion’s oldest son. He’s been there for the past year, completing his physician assistant internship.  I’ve booked us a whale-watching trip and a Luau. It will be fun to take a week away.

It looks like I will be reviewing the Mature Metal micro Watchful Mistress. This is a radical design for a male chastity device. The cage is only one-half-inch long. That’s half the length of my Jail Bird and considerably shorter than the Holy Trainer Nub. I think it’s possible to wear this comfortably. It presses the penis straight back into the body. There is more than enough “flex” to allow this compression. I think this model will be invisible under clothes, even a tight bathing suit. Wearing this device is pretty close to having no penis at all.

It will be interesting to experience such a radical device. I expect that it won’t be uncomfortable to wear. It will be very easy to keep clean. I’m not sure about that yet. With so much compression, getting unlocked once or twice a week may be necessary to clean under the head. I guess I’ll find out.

Mrs. Lion is remembering to put me in panties without a reminder. She let me go wild (no undies) on Monday. That felt nice. Wednesday was a pink thong. Even though made for a woman, there is plenty of room for my cock and balls. I don’t mind the strap nestled in my crack (no one asked if I mind, just saying).

man (not lion) hard in panties

Every morning, I’m required to remind Mrs. Lion to give me panties to wear. Every morning she picks out a pair. I have no idea if she even sees me wearing them. They stay on me all day until I shower, then I’m allowed to go commando. Some of the women’s undies are comfortable; most aren’t. I don’t get turned on seeing myself in panties. I like that Mrs. Lion is showing her control this way. Today I’m wearing a skimpy thong that barely covers my junk. The waistband is just above the base of my penis. Balls keep escaping. I think I’ll ditch this number.

On Tuesday night, Mrs. Lion wanted me to shoot up with Edex. My stomach bothered me, and she decided we could wait another day. It’s been a week (Wednesday) since my last orgasm. I’m pretty horny, and it would be fun to do more than parade around in panties. OK, I’m more than a little horny. Sex has been on my mind quite a bit. Mrs. Lion said she’s been thinking about play in addition to sex. I’ve been imagining what she might have in mind. CBT? Bondage? Anal play? I’ll find out soon enough. One thing for sure, she wants me hard when she does it.

About an hour after Mrs. Lion finished work, she helped me get an injection of  Edex. I promptly produced a full erection. Obedient Lion. While I was stiffening up, Mrs. Lion got out some restraints. I have no idea where they came from. They were cloth and closed with velcro. Apparently, our nice new leather restraints are still missing. Anyway, the cloth ones worked well, and I was tied down spread-eagle. The bondage improved my chemically-induced boner.

Once restrained, she applied some IcyHot to my perineum and the underside of my balls. It felt cool, but not heat. I guess the IcyHot was old and lost its kick. Mrs. Lion then got out the maximum-strength spray version. She used that to cover my entire scrotum and below. You can see the effect it had on me in the image above. After a couple of minutes, my balls started burning.

Mrs. Lion took some pictures. This is the first full body image I’ve seen since I started dieting in January. The over 40 lb. weight loss is apparent. How nice! After she finished spray paining (yes, I coined that new word) my balls, she used her mouth to distract me. It worked very well.

Mrs. Lion was uncomfortable with me tied in that location. The footboard of the bed was in her way. So, she stopped sucking and had me move across the bed. She fastened the restraints with me in this new position and went back to sucking. While this change was going on, my balls felt like they were on fire. That seemed to amuse her. I wasn’t a happy camper at all, but I couldn’t do anything about the situation. Once she went back to work with her mouth, I was pleasantly distracted again.

I don’t know how long it took, but I eventually had a nice orgasm. By then, the burning had subsided to a ‘toasty warm. After I recovered and Mrs. Lion released me from the restraints, I took a shower. It felt odd to have a boner and no arousal. However, it’s easier to soap up and clean when hard. Every cloud… The erection lasted about two hours. There was no pain at all this time. It just felt strange walking around the house with my hard penis swaying in the breeze.

We seem to have the dosage correct. Mrs. Lion is learning to work with my chemically-induced boners. I think we are finally back to normal.

Blogging is an odd form of journalism. Anyone can publish a blog. There are two large, free platforms that most bloggers use. Some blogs are published by large companies as part of their corporate communications. Some, like ours, are mom-and-pop operations that are self-hosted on Internet service providers. We are cloud-based and not subject to any censorship. WordPress.com is one of the free providers. It hosts millions of websites. It also censors sexual content and will take a blog offline without any warning. Blogger, a Google service, is the other. It currently puts warning interstitial pages in front of blogs with explicit content. So far, it hasn’t booted anyone off the Net for sexual content.

Sometimes, it’s easy to understand why someone is publishing a blog. Other times, it’s a mystery. The majority of sex bloggers maintain strict anonymity. That makes sense. We don’t reveal details of our sex lives to casual acquaintances.

I think that a lot of us want a chance to share those details with people who share our interests. I’m not sure I could say what I write here from person to person in our living room. I wonder how it would feel actually to meet a reader. Would we be able to chat about our sexual activities? I would like that, I think.

lion spread eagle and hard
This is the old picture of me before the diet. Tomorrow, you can see the change losing 40 pounds makes.

Speaking of activities, one thing or another kept getting in the way of our planned bondage/CBT session. I think the stars are aligned now, and we might be able to play finally. I’ll ask Mrs. Lion to take a picture so you can look at what she did to me. I’m also curious to see what I look like. I’ve lost over forty pounds since the last time a picture was taken of me tied to the bed.

I think the new picture (see it tomorrow) will be the first of my entire body since I started dieting. The images posted since I started (January 2023), have been of my spanked bottom or my genitals. Neither area has changed much since I started the diet. My plan is to lose another ten pounds. We’ll have to see.

Another interesting (to me, at least) comparison will be any changes in my erection. The one I’m sporting in the image to the right is all-natural with no pharmaceutical help. The one in tomorrow’s picture will be generated by Edex. So far, ejaculations from Edex boners have been very juicy. Before the injections, I almost never produced any fluid. Enough about my penis. Stay tuned to see if we have a new adventure.