lion gravy
Applying lion gravy. It’s very hot and spicy.

I’m  curious about hot stuff. You know, things like Icy Hot, Ben Gay, and other menthol and capsicum products that make me burn miserably when Mrs. Lion applies them to my nether regions.

I had the bright idea that I could make custom heat, designed to be perfect for torturing me. This isn’t as crazy as it sounds. The commercial products are really not meant for the way she uses it. So I logged into Amazon and got going.

First, you need the heat. I found pure capsicum oil. This stuff is liquid fire! Handle it with extreme care. Seriously! A tiny bit left on your finger can burn any part of your body you touch. Wear nitrile gloves at all time when handling it. Also, it is an oil, so it doesn’t just wash off. You need to use soap and lots of water if any gets on your hands.

Next, you need an oil so you can dilute the capsicum. I chose coconut oil. Mrs. Lion and I found a liquid version for the purpose. Finally, you need containers to hold the end product. I found some nice, blue, two-ounce dropper bottles. Since the bottles come in sets of two, I decided to make two strengths of heat.

Before getting to the chemistry lesson, it may be helpful to explain why I embarked on this seemingly-masochistic project. One of the lowest energy ways to torture your male partner is to use safe-but-painful chemical agents on his penis and balls. Most of the over-the-counter muscle ache preparations are blends of various creams with the active ingredient being menthol. The maximum legal amount of menthol (in the US) allowed in these products is 5%. The cream base for most of these is washable.

Any 5% menthol product, when applied to balls, penis, perineum, or anus will provide about fifteen minutes of intense burning sensation. If too intense, washing with soap and water will reduce or eliminate the pain. There are a couple of products that add capsicum to the mix. These products are a nuclear solution. Most are incredibly painful and the pain lasts for much longer. Unlike the menthol products, washing will usually have no effect on the sensation.

These products shouldn’t cause permanent damage. Of course, like any products applied to the skin, a “patch test” should precede wider application. A small amount rubbed into a little square on the balls is the way we do the testing. Most of these products take anywhere from five to fifteen minutes to produce the desired results. Wait at least a half hour to make sure there isn’t any allergic reaction. Hating the burn doesn’t count as an allergic reaction. That’s what the stuff is for.

Capsicum can cause injury if it is improperly used. Anything you do with this stuff is at your own risk. I am not advising you to try this.

hot stuff kit
Lion Hot Sauce These are the needed supplies to make custom hot sauce.

Now back to the lab. Capsicum, full strength, is dangerous to apply to any sensitive skin. It must be diluted before use. I wore nitrile gloves (latex is dissolved by oils). I filled the 2-ounce blue bottles almost to the top with coconut oil. Then, I used the dropper that comes with each bottle to put three drops in the “Hot” bottle. I held my finger over the bottle (don’t put the dropper back just yet. It has capsicum sticking to it), and shook it to mix in the capsicum. I then found a finger on a glove that wasn’t wet with capsicum and rubbed a very small amount into a little patch on my balls. Then I waited.

Capsicum takes at least fifteen minutes to begin working. Eventually, I felt the warming. I waited another half hour. The spot was very warm, but not really burning. So, I added two more drops of capsicum to the bottle. That made it five, in total. I repeated the patch test on another spot on my balls. Fifteen minutes later it was starting to burn. It wasn’t horrible. It shouldn’t be. After all, I only used a tiny amount. It was clear to me that if Mrs. Lion put some on a larger area, I would be wishing I never had this idea. I carefully washed out the dropper, returned it to the bottle, labelled it and declared success.

Since I have two bottles, I figured that I might as well give Mrs. Lion a stronger solution. I put seven drops of capsicum in the second bottle of coconut oil. I repeated the patch test with this version. Fifteen minutes later, it was burning! I was very glad I only added two more drops of capsicum. My balls were still painfully burning an hour later.

Please note that we are talking about 5 or 7 drops of capsicum to two ounces of coconut oil. This is powerful stuff. The coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin. If anything, it magnifies the effects of the capsicum. Bathing does not usually relieve the burning. The only antidote I have ever heard about for capsicum is milk. I’ve never tried it.

People have different levels of sensitivity to this stuff. That’s why patch tests are essential. Another critical factor is level of arousal. When Mrs. Lion has me extremely aroused by edging me over and over, the burning feels very mild. As soon as the arousal starts to decline when she stops playing with me, the burn comes back full force. It can bring a guy to tears.

Using this stuff requires experimentation. Mrs. Lion usually starts by painting a narrow “racing stripe” from the base of the penis all the way down to my anus. She uses very little of the material. Then she waits. If my response isn’t as intense as she intended, the racing stripe gets wider with a more liberal application. After each application, she rubs the stuff into my skin. When she did her “racing stripe” with a strong menthol rub, you could actually see a red stripe from the penis all the way into my ass. The burn felt like it covered a much wider area than the actual application area.

Capsicum is very different from menthol. It is sneaky. The burn grows very slowly. There is no sensation for a while; quite a while. Then it gets going. The intensity builds up slowly over several minutes. When it reaches its maximum, it just keeps burning for a long time. The effect fades slowly. I felt the extra-strength lion liniment for more than an hour after application.

It’s a good idea for the top to wear a nitrile glove while applying. You only want this stuff where you aim it. Accidentally rubbing your face will result in a very unpleasant surprise.




A British product that may prove to be my undoing.

I admit it. I’m dangerously curious. When I hear about something related to sensation play, I want to experience it. This often leads to my downfall. Case in point: the training collar. I heard about using one to zap someone when a correction was needed. The idea aroused me, pervert that I am. So, I didn’t rest until I had one.

Mrs. Lion is a very agreeable soul. She is happy to try any harebrained idea that I suggest. That, as you may recall, is how I ended up locked in a chastity device for the last three years. Most of my ideas get tested and then put aside. This explains our enormous paddle collection. I just can’t help myself.

Some of these discoveries, usually the ones I find particularly onerous, end up a part of our regular activities. Icy Hot and other menthol rubs applied to my balls and perineum is a prime example of something I truly regret suggesting. Mrs. Lion is quite fond of painting a broad “racing stripe” of the stuff from the base of the penis, down the seam of the scrotum, all the way to my anus. Ouch!

In that same vein, I read about Linnex. This is a capsicum, menthol, camphor compound in a wax base. Rubbing just a little from the handy applicator is supposed to be far more intense and long lasting than the other nasty products that have been applied to my nether region.

This product is very difficult to find. Amazon lists it but only offers an email if they ever get it back in stock. I should have left well enough alone and abandoned the search. But no, this big cat is way too curious for that. I finally found a UK site that took my order and money via PayPal. Of course they were closed when I placed the order on Christmas Eve. Maybe if they refuse my order, I have another reprieve. But you know me. I won’t drop it until I give some to Mrs. Lion.

This is absolutely a classic example of curiosity killing the big cat. Of all the nasty things that Mrs. Lion has at her disposal, menthol products to my most sensitive area ranks close to the top of things she can do that I truly hate and fear. If you wonder what tops the list, it’s doll house clothespins applied around the head of the penis. Those little devils are diabolical. The springs are very strong and the force is applied to a tiny area. Regrettably, these infernal toys do no lasting damage. They just hurt like hell. Guess who found those and bought some for Mrs. Lion? Yup. Me.

I am the author of my own undoing. You might think it’s because I want pain. No, that’s not it. When I hear about something new, I just want to experience it. You know the old saying: Act in haste; repent at leisure. Well, for me it’s buy a toy in haste; suffer forever.

“But I’m not a sub!” you say. “All we do is enforced chastity.” Enforced chastity is a consensual power exchange where the male surrenders sexual control to his keyholder. That surrender is submission. I don’t usually pay much attention at all to labels, but in this case it is important we do. Let me start at the beginning.

In the 1990’s, Janet Hardy, author of The Topping Book, The Bottoming Book and other very helpful works about play and power exchange, coined the term “ethical slut” to describe someone who is sexually free but at the same time protects their partners physically and emotionally. That’s an over simplification, but you get the idea.

The concept of an ethical submissive centers on open and honest communication. That implies a lot. In the case of enforced chastity, it means that when asking someone to be a keyholder, the male discloses his minimum expectations and makes sure that his keyholder understands what he wants. The potential keyholder must know what is expected. Once that information is on the table, negotiations can take place and both people can make informed decisions about going forward.

An ethical submissive pays close attention to how his keyholder is feeling about the power exchange. An ethical top always puts the welfare of the bottom first. Safety and emotional security come before everything else. An ethical submissive has a similar responsibility. He has to be aware of how his keyholder/partner is reacting to his chastity. Is she feeling guilty because he says things that makes her feel she is making him unhappy? Is she feeling overwhelmed by the activities he wants? Believe it or not, some women don’t want sexual attention all the time. The keyholder has to feel free to limit her sexual activity to levels she enjoys.

The first responsibility of an ethical submissive is to do everything necessary to assure his keyholder is happy and fulfilled. While he may be obsessed by his enforced chastity, chances are she doesn’t share that enthusiasm. If she loves him and wants him to be happy, she may try to live up to his expectations and in the process, lose some of herself.

There is a popular misconception about power exchanges. Some people believe that since the dominant partner is in charge, they can control the activities to keep them on a level they like. That’s not often the case. Dominants are people too. Very often they love the person submitting. The dominant wants to please her submissive. That may sound odd, but the truth is that dominating someone is hard work. The reason most people accept it is to please the person they dominate. Well, another reason is that they paid to do it.

My point is that very often the keyholder will do more than she really wants because she knows it makes her submissive happy. It’s up to the ethical submissive to recognize this and to make sure that his keyholder isn’t doing more than she should. The concept of ethical submission is not that the submissive accepts (takes) the actions of the dominant. The ethical submissive is an active partner who protects his keyholder and works to make her happy with the power exchange.

This past weekend was a peaceful one. We had local errands to run but no required destinations. We went to Costco, the grocery store, and had lunch on Saturday at a local barbecue restaurant.  There was nothing sexual on Saturday night since I came on Friday. Today, Sunday, I’m not feeling particularly interested in sex. Of course that can change as the day goes on. We have lioness and lionscaping planned for today. I will be removing Mrs. Lion’s very light leg hair. She will be keeping my pubic area bare.

I know that some people consider personal service to their disciplining wife / keyholder a sexy part of submission. It has never been part of my fantasies. I think of it as a way I can do something to help make Mrs. Lion’s life easier and more pleasant. Activities like removing her leg hair aren’t sexy to me. Well, she doesn’t find keeping me hairless sexy either.

So many accounts of male submission feature elaborate pampering routines for the dominant female. They also include descriptions of sexy outfits, high heels, makeup, and other accoutrements. I’ve never understood the appeal. That means our D/S activities are based on things applied to me and not on how Mrs. Lion looks or how I personally serve her.

D/S has a language that spans verbal, visual, and sensation expression. There are many dialects. Some include leather costumes and six-inch heels. Others have catch phrases and words that resonate with the  participants. On top of that there are the actions that evoke submissive or dominant behavior. Submission to some is powerfully symbolized by providing personal service and unreciprocated sexual pleasure to the dominant partner. Bathing, shaving, and massaging the dominant partner is a significant turn on to many. Others fall into a submissive/servile state by performing these tasks.

I’m not wired that way. I don’t think Mrs. Lion is either. My big turn on is losing control. That’s why I get very aroused with Mrs. Lion ties me to the bed. Wearing the chastity device also feeds that kink. So, while some guys get very aroused bathing their partners, I am aroused when tied down or blindfolded. Different strokes..