Lion loves bondage. And spanking. And CBT. And anal activities. Lion hates diapers. And nail polish. And raisins. Obviously I can use the first set as rewards, of a sort. The second set can be used as a threat, as punishment, or as a show of power.

Last night, after I did some maintenance spanking, after the nJoy butt plug was out, I used some clothespins on Lion’s balls. When I first took out my bag of tricks, I asked what he would like to play with. First I took out the Velcro. No. He didn’t want to play with that. OK. I didn’t either. I took out a plastic clothespin. No. He didn’t want that. OK. I took out a wooden, no frills clothespin. He said that was fine. He wouldn’t mind that. OK. I proceeded to take out some wooden clothespins. Then I took out a plastic one and told him since I had it in my hand we’d have to use it. A few more wooden. Another plastic. Oops. Another wooden. Another plastic.

I started with a few of the wooden, maybe three, before I put on a plastic. I wasn’t going to use many plastic, but I wanted him to wonder. I wound up only using two plastic ones in the midst of about ten wooden. It certainly wasn’t the most he’s taken. I was trying to replicate the edging we did last week when I edged him and took a clothespin off. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as horny last night as he was last week. What i did notice, as I was edging him, is that he had two pink clothespins on. And we have the same shade of nail polish. I told him I could give him matching toes. Planting the seed that he may have girly toenails in his future. Or not. Sometimes the threat is enough.

The other thing I did last night that may have surprised Lion, is when he asked how long the butt plug would stay in. I don’t normally have a time in mind. I think once I did decide he should hold it for two hours, but I usually wait until he starts squirming. When he wondered how long, I told him he’d have it in until I decided it was time to take it out. He doesn’t often ask and I wondered what prompted it, but I also didn’t have any answer for him. Later on, when he said it was starting to bother him, I decided he should hold it longer. Not much longer, but longer, because that’s what 2.0 does. She’s a bitch and not really into his comfort. He wants her to push him so she pushes him.

I wonder what 2.0 has in store for Lion this weekend. I’m sure Lion will be both uncomfortable and happy.

There is a significant difference between a keyholder and a caged male. No, not the obvious top/bottom, dom/sub difference. It’s much more profound. Enforced chastity is a 24/7 proposition for the male. My genitals are locked up whether or not my keyholder is present, involved, even thinking about the fact I am caged. That chastity device is my constant companion. It gets in the way when I pee. It occasionally demands I adjust it when it pinches. I can’t forget it’s there. Ever.

My keyholder, Mrs. Lion, on the other hand, only needs to consider enforced chastity when she wants to interact with my penis. In her post yesterday, she talked about the authenticity of her role. She equated herself to an actor playing a doctor in a commercial. “I’m not a real doctor. I play one on TV.” She puts her 2.0 hat on when she wants to play with me or act as my disciplining wife. It seems to make her feel that her role is artificial.

It’s not. It’s a role she assumes with me. It’s no different than her role as my wife; or her role as a worker. She has lots of hats that she metaphorically wears. Disciplining wife or keyholder is just as real as the others. I wear lots of hats too. I’m her husband, a professional, a photographer, a man, and a caged male/disciplined husband. The only hat that I can’t remove is the caged male hat.

I think that my lioness worries a bit too much about what to do with me. We do have a house full of toys she can use. That doesn’t mean she can’t have a problem coming up with an activity she wants to do with me. When I was topping, I often fell into a rut of repeating the same things. It takes less energy to repeat something familiar. For the record, I am not adverse to repeating things.

There is one thing I have learned that made my top hat (see what I did there?) easier to put on: I played not only with different activities, but with intensity. If we have ten paddles, switch up, try the tawse, use the other hand, spank the head of my cock instead of my butt. We have endless butt plugs and dildos. Each is a different challenge for me. You get the idea.

Let’s face it, there are only so many ways to do BDSM play and so many ways to tease and edge me. I do like some variety. When I know that I have no choice and that 2.0 will “train” me to take what she chooses to inflict, I get turned on. While she is actually doing it, I even get aroused with a little help. The key to making my heart go pitty pat is the loss of control.

Taking control from me isn’t easy. I can be scary when pushed hard.  But when my growls do no good,  I get the most excitement. Forcing me to be docile has enormous effect on me. I’m very independent and stubborn by nature. I try my best to help Mrs. Lion top me. I work to avoid resisting. But let’s face it, this lion is not submissive. That makes me a lot more work to handle than one that is. I’m grateful she thinks I am worth the bother.

After 2.0 removed Lion’s butt plug and we’d been snuggling a while, he said it wasn’t at all what 2.0 said she had planned for last night. 2.0 never said what the plans were. 2.0 said perhaps Lion needed more activity to tire him out, but never said when that activity would be. 2.0 is careful to keep Lion guessing. As soon as Lion starts figuring things out, it’s time to change tactics.

I will say that Lion will have more activity tonight. It wouldn’t be hard to have more activity than a butt plug for a few hours, but I think he’ll enjoy himself. It’s all relative, of course. He won’t like what I do while I’m doing it, but he’ll appreciate the fact that I’m doing something. He might even like the idea of the activity before and after. He’ll definitely be happy that 2.0 is soldiering on whether he wants to or not. She’s not without her softer side. She did give up the other day when it was clear Lion wasn’t interested after eating too much. There’s a difference between not wanting to play and not being able to play.

I think that’s what slowed 1.0 down. She couldn’t reconcile between Lion wanting something beforehand and then saying it hurt too much during. 2.0 doesn’t seem to care. She figures if Lion was silly enough to ask for it he must really want it. If he can’t take it, it’s his problem and not hers. I imagine 3.0 won’t wait for him to ask. She’ll just come up with ideas on her own and tell Lion she’s going to do them whether he wants to or not. But she isn’t here yet and we don’t know if she ever will be.

Something for Lion to look forward to? Or something for him to dread? Either way he won’t have any choice.

Mrs. Lion, or as she calls herself, Lioness 2.0, has made amazing changes to better support me and our enforced chastity / FLR relationship. For two years she worked hard to make me happy by providing me with the discipline and enforced waits she thought I wanted. She did a remarkable job and our intimacy grew along with her control.

Barely into our third year of all this, she announced that there was a new lioness in town: 2.0. She decided that some changes needed to be made. As far as I can tell, her epiphany was that to make me happy, she needed to do things that make me unhappy at the time. She also realized that action that doesn’t quite work is preferable to inaction. She announced that she was taking me at my word and would henceforth provide what I have been saying and writing what I want.

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that I’ve made numerous suggestions on how Mrs. Lion could reinforce her control. I’ve also encouraged her to be stricter and not so concerned with my feelings when she was doing things to me. In essence, I was asking her to push my comfort zone and take control physically the way she thought she should and stop worrying about my reactions to what was happening. I’ve also been encouraging her to be stricter enforcing her wishes and to take more control in our daily lives.

Lioness 2.0 does just that. Our sensation play has become less about me having fun at the time and more about doing what she wants. A perfect example is her use of menthol rub on my nether regions. Last weekend she seemed to enjoy watching my reaction as the rub took effect. As she wrote earlier this week, she still felt concern that she could go too far and used the fact I was remaining hard (while she stimulated me) as an indicator that no limit has been reached. We’ve discussed that and she understands that my erection and her stimulation actually reduces the pain and that instead of using it as an index of my reaction, she will use it as a way to increase or reduce the pain at will.

On Monday I sent an email suggesting we play spanking games; trivia where if I miss a question, I get swats. 2.0 took that idea and ran. Instead, she decided we would play along with Jeopardy and if I missed a question, a clothespin would go on my balls. We played Monday night and I ended up with 27 clothespins by the end of the  show. It hurt like hell when she removed them. She cheerfully informed me that she wasn’t taking it easy removing them. I could tell. Each one coming off made me grunt. Way to go 2.0!

I’m getting more used to wearing a collar and sleeping is no longer a problem. Mrs. Lion said she likes seeing me in it. I believe her. I don’t understand why, but she does. This is all so different from Lioness 1.0 that sometimes I wonder if my lioness was abducted by aliens and a new, much tougher lioness substituted. I am not a bit sorry that I made suggestions that are turning quite painful in reality. This is what I really want and thanks once more to my wonderful lioness, I’m getting them.