For some reason I thought today was the 6th. Lion probably wishes it was the 6th. We didn’t play last night so I don’t know how horny he is, but I’m pretty sure he’s ready for another orgasm. It takes very little to convince him. As you can see by the “countdown to Lion orgasm” chart on the right side of the screen, he gets to come tomorrow. Not today. Today is the 5th. Poor Lion.

I’ll have to think about what I can do for/to Lion tonight. We’ve been trying to figure out what caused his sore. It may have been a pinch, although that usually results in a bruise. He thinks something scratched him. When I suggested it might have been the Velcro, he deemed it too dangerous to play with. Nice try, my pet. The Velcro stays. I’ll just have to be a little more careful. Needless to say, I won’t be using it tonight. Lion was getting tired of CBT anyway. As if it matters what he wants…

However, I do want to take a step back and maybe together we can do a sort of inventory of ways to play. I get caught up in the same old, same old most of the time. It’s no wonder Lion’s tired of CBT. It’s my go-to thing. Yes, I know I can spank him and restrain him and why don’t we all just lapse into a coma doing the same things over and over and over and over. I need to mix things up a bit more. Tonight we’ll talk about it and come up with some ideas. It doesn’t have to be regimented. I don’t want to do CBT on Mondays, spanking on Tuesdays, etc. We just need to get out of the rut we’ve been in. It’s mostly my fault. I do the easiest stuff more often.

hand-shaped riding crop
This hand-shaped riding crop is just the right length to deliver a stinging swat that leaves a nice, red, hand-shaped mark behind.

It’s no secret that most people who practice enforced chastity also have other kinks. Part of the reason for this is that chastity is a fairly advanced kink. It’s a form of bondage that is sustained for very long periods of time. It’s a power exchange that many of us practice full-time. It also surrenders control of a male’s favorite activity: sex. No wonder there are so few of us! Compared to enforced chastity, other forms of BDSM play are much easier to practice.

Sexual surrender betrays a strong desire for power exchange and a strong desire for physical evidence of the exchange. It’s not surprising that I, for one, like domestic discipline. It broadens the power exchange and includes spanking. You won’t be shocked to learn that I like bondage too. I’ve liked that all my life. I could tell you stories… Anyway, enforced chastity is a full-time form of bondage; no wonder I like it.

If you ask people who are actively involved in BDSM, who buys the most toys, the answer is almost always the bottom. As a top I did buy floggers and paddles. These toys are like tennis rackets; the grip, weight, and balance have to be right. Bottoms also bought me toys they wanted me to use on them (selfish, greedy creatures!). In my current, bottom role I find and buy most of the playthings. Now and then Mrs. Lion buys some on her own. Her most notable purchase, based on what she writes here, are the Velcro cable ties. She enjoys using them on my penis.

My desire for trying new things is a product of my innate curiosity and my love of variety. Frequently I bite off more than I can chew. You’d think that with all my experience that I would be  selective about what I suggest to Mrs. Lion. I’m not. The main reason is that I come up with new ideas at times I am horny and new ways to play become appealingly sexy. A good example is my request to be trained to take a ring of tiny, dollhouse clothespins around the head of my cock. I know from past experience that a single one can be unbearable to me. What would possess me to ask to be trained to take ten or more at the same time? I was horny and it sounded exciting. Being a kind lioness, Mrs. Lion is obligingly training me. She’s sure that sooner or later I will learn how to handle the pain. So, several times a week I get to practice. What a gal!

My curiosity goes beyond sensation play. I also ask to be topped in new, more restrictive ways. These requests are more difficult for Mrs. Lion. She isn’t a disciplinarian and my requests for her to be stricter challenge her resolve. They also challenge her view of reality. She knows that I am not submissive by nature. She knows I am a rather dominant person who has a perverted need to bottom. So when I ask for something she knows I will absolutely hate she shakes her head in wonder and then agrees to try it.

If the tables were turned and I were in charge, if my bottom suggested something I knew she would hate, I would enjoy watching her suffer with the fruit of her desire. When I write posts about new ideas for Mrs. Lion, I always mention that I imagine she will enjoy seeing me in this new predicament. That’s my wishful thinking. I’m assuming she will handle it the way I would. Actually, it’s the way I want her to feel. One of my great joys in topping is watching my bottom handle a difficult predicament. Given my penchant for getting myself into painful trouble, if Mrs. Lion could adopt that point of view, she could have some real fun.

figged maleMrs. Lion and I ventured out and stopped at our local supermarket. There in the produce department was a nice selection of ginger root. Cooking Chinese? Thai? Nope. Figging! Ginger root adds heat to many dishes. Properly prepared, it will provide anal entertainment. Figging has long been used as a punishment and for BDSM play.

Figging is a great example of play with improvised “toys”. In this case, purchase ginger root. Like the one in the picture [right], it has reasonably straight cylindrical parts. The root should be thick enough so you can carve it into a nice butt plug shape. It needs to be wide enough to challenge your bottom’s anus. It needs to be a very tight fit. Thicker is better in this case.

Preparation is easy. Cut the root so that you have at least one fairly straight piece at least five-inches long. If you can get a longer piece, it is better. Next trim the piece to get rid of big nubs. Now take your veggie peeler and remove the skin. Use a knife to give the end a nice rounded shape. Some people actually carve a butt plug shape. The narrower neck of that shape will help retain the ginger. The image [Left] illustrates some nice ginger carving.

If you’re wondering why you are doing this art project, wonder no more. Ginger contains essential oils that produce an intensely hot sensation when applied to sensitive areas of the body like the anus or vagina. See where we are going? When you fig your bottom, you are inserting the peeled and carved ginger where the “sun don’t shine.” The sensations produced are very intense. You may want him restrained. The procedure is simple: Insert the ginger and assure it stays where you put it. Do not use any lube. Take your time if it doesn’t go in easily, but do not use lube.

Within a short time, he will begin to feel an intense burning sensation. He isn’t really being injured. It’s the essential oils at work. The sensation will build and stay very intense for about ten minutes. Depending on the individual the sensation may become intolerable. As the top, you can decide if it needs to come out before the oils are exhausted. It depends on how much of a softie you are.

For figging, ginger improves with age. A couple of weeks in the vegetable compartment of your fridge will intensify the sensation the root will deliver. You may want to buy extra on your shopping trip to experiment with aged root and see how it compares with the fresh product.

Figging can be used as a punishment; in which case you probably won’t remove it until the effect wears off. In any case, once you try it, a trip to the produce department will never been the same.