As Mrs. Lion wrote yesterday (“Sore Butt, Burning Ass and a Nice Blow Job“), I got 570 swats during the Giants game. We are up to ten swats per point and ten swats if the Giants quarterback is sacked. Mrs. Lion made the change I suggested (“Whew! I Could Have Gotten 590 Swats During Yesterday’s Football Playoff“) that she use a less severe paddle for home team swats and a mean one for the opposition’s score. She did that. 300 of the swats were with the easier-to-take leather paddle. The rest were administered with a very painful bloodwood swatter.

I admit it. Each touchdown made me question the wisdom of this spanking game. However, when the dust settled, and my bottom cooled, my memories were very happy. What can I say?

Our website was down overnight. One of the plugins I installed seems to destabilize our server. I removed the offending plugin. Hopefully, we will return to being stable. Our site has been online without trouble for a long time. This is the first serious issue. On the same subject, our blog may be offline on January 31 from 8 PM PST (11 PM EST) to 10 PM PST (1 AM EST). This is for cloud maintenance. Our migration to the cloud has largely freed us of all the hassles we had with other vendors. This is the first time we have been notified of activity that will impact our site availability.

Mrs. Lion was home yesterday and did some laundry and cleaning. She also ran an errand for me. Now, she is tired and achy. Trips to her doctor haven’t resulted in any explanation for this condition. Now that we are on a diet, maybe the weight loss will help relieve some of the pain.

I had Monday off and that threw my week off. Lion told me it was punishment day. Obviously, that meant it was Thursday, but I still had trouble reconciling that today was Friday. Short weeks do that to me. I guess that’s why I forgot to do punishment swats. I won’t catch up with it tonight. Tomorrow is punishment day again.

This weekend is the second to last regular season game for our football team. They started off so well. I think there’s still hope they can get in the playoffs but I don’t expect them to get far if they get there. Since the season is drawing to a close, we’ll have to take advantage of every opportunity to play our football spanking game. Lion had quite a sore butt last time. We’ll have to see what happens this week. The swats per point are up to nine.

Also this weekend is New Year’s Eve. In the past, I’ve given Lion orgasms on holidays. It’s more difficult as it’s taken him longer to get ready for the next one. I’m not sure I can plan on any given day anymore. Not that that’s such a big deal. He’ll take an orgasm whenever he can get one. Good thing I like giving them to him.

As you’ve probably read, we’re coming up on our 6,000th post. It seems crazy to me that we’ve written so much. I guess it’s even crazier that we’ve shared so many intimate details. Who would have thought we’d have kept this up. When Lion suggested locking him in a chastity device, I thought it wouldn’t last long at all. Well, maybe the chastity device isn’t around anymore, but we still are. Craziness. I admit it’s sometimes difficult to come up with things to say (today, for example) but I think it’s worth it in the long run.

You may have noticed that there are no ads on our blog. It’s a personal project belonging to Mrs. Lion and me. Readership growth is an ego boost. It has no financial benefit for us. It’s irrational for me to care about the fate of this blog. But I do. So does my lioness. It has value to us. The funny thing is that it isn’t the value I expected when we started out.

I figured that the Journal would provide reminders of agreements we made and activities we tried. Mrs. Lion tends to forget things like that. I also thought that we could look back and see how we changed over time. In nine years that hasn’t happened. Mrs. Lion only reads my current post and corrects any typos she finds. She never comments on the content unless I probe her. She has never looked back to read old posts.

I was wrong. The blog is no help in that respect. We’ve managed to evolve without referencing our historical record. That doesn’t mean we haven’t found value. For one thing, the act of writing daily posts helps us organize our thoughts. We do communicate difficult-to-discuss topics via the blog. Even though she doesn’t discuss what I write with me, she reads and understands what I want and need. Sure, I would prefer a discussion, but one isn’t really needed.

I suppose that posts could become emotional weapons. I’ve read blogs that have degenerated into destructive rants. We are both very aware of how dangerous it would be if we allowed ourselves to go in that direction. We do get angry at one another. It’s rare, but it happens. I tend to talk about it when I’m upset. Mrs. Lion broods. She has become better at expressing herself since we began domestic discipline. We’ve made some progress. The goal we agreed on is for Mrs. Lion to use a paddle when she is upset by me. The times she has done this, I’ve improved, and hopefully, she felt heard.

Another unexpected value of writing this blog is the opportunity to hone my writing craft. My education after high school didn’t include a single writing or English course. Anything I know about writing is self-taught. I suppose that shows. Anyway, for better or worse, I have gotten a lot of writing practice. I think it helped.

My favorite benefit of the blog is that it allows me to talk about those secret sexual things I’ve always wanted to experience. It would be very difficult for me to start a conversation and ask for them. It’s much easier to write here. Speaking of which, I went back and looked at recent posts from Mrs. Lion. I see that I’m owed a racing stripe or two when she feels better. Ouch!

We are less than 50 posts from hitting the 6,000 mark. There’s nothing very special about that number other than it is pretty large. I’d be surprised if any other blog like ours is as extensive. Mrs. Lion and I have written millions of words about a pretty narrow range of topics. In one way or another, almost all of them are about my penis and ass. A lot of people read us every day. I wonder if I have one of the most famous cocks in the world? Should I be proud or profoundly embarrassed?

When we began in February 2014, I figured that very few women would read the Journal. Apparently, nearly half of our readers are women.  A lot of females share my most intimate moments. Since almost none comment, I can’t help but wonder what they are thinking. My wife contributes every day and thinks nothing of us publishing intimate views of me. Do the other women who read us have the same lack of reaction?

In a way, it would be good if they feel the same way. They would be sharing the way we treat our most unusual lifestyle. Things that shock a lot of people are routine for us. I realized how far off center we’ve drifted when I asked a female author who, like me, struggles to get published. She read my first book. It contained some sexually suggestive content. She was fine with that. In my more recent manuscript, two naked women hug, and lesbian sex is suggested but not explicitly described. She was repulsed and said that she was grossed out by those images.

I didn’t think twice about writing that material. It never occurred to me that anyone would be offended. That’s what started me thinking about my other literary effort, this blog. It’s the accurate, unvarnished account of my sex life for the last nine years. You can read about every ejaculation, spanking, and teasing session I’ve experienced. This blog documents in painful detail how we struggled with our sexual differences. You can read about our doubts and share our victories. It documents all this with explicit photography. How many people expose themselves this way?

As a guy, it’s easy for me to understand why other men would enjoy our journal. A lot of it is arousing. I’m less sure why women would want to read such explicitly illustrated sexual content. To be fair, a little less than half of our visitors come to read specific pages, not blog posts. That isn’t surprising to me. I figured that a smaller percentage of our readers would follow our adventures. I was wrong. Over 75 percent of our visitors read current posts.

Maybe it’s a little late to consider what our female readers think of us. Are we making friends? Are the explicit pictures enjoyed? From time to time, I consider removing all of my naked pictures from the blog. The posts and articles wouldn’t be badly hurt if I did. I wonder if your impression of me would improve if you didn’t see my penis and butt. So far, I’ve resisted that temptation.

Another question is why I would want anyone but Mrs. Lion to read our blog. Sure, we’ve have a lot of people read what we write. So what? The blog is an expense and a time suck. In our nine years of blogging, we’ve gotten an average of one comment for each post. Not a lot of encouragement or education from our readers. If I didn’t know how many people spend time reading our blog, I would assume that we are wasting time, money, and energy publishing it. The fact is that millions of people read what we write. Why?

I mentally set 6,000 posts as the marker of when I would reconsider this effort. Now that it is only a few weeks away, I’m starting to question what I am doing. WIIFM? What’s in it for me? As of now, I think very little. I spend a lot of time writing without the thousands of readers each day saying a word.


I’ve taken solace in the very good readership stats and Mrs. Lion’s feedback. The blogs that I like to read always feature very active comments. Not mine.

Well, it looks like I have my answer. Your silence speaks to me. Maybe silence from me will speak back. We’ll hit 6,000 in 18 days or so. I have that long to decide whether or not to pull the plug.