Mrs. Lion edged me on Tuesday night. Since it had been ten days since my last orgasm, I thought I might go all the way. Nope. She’s unpredictable. Well, there’s always tonight. Or not. I happened to look, we are about three months away from our 6,000th post. I would have never guessed we would end up writing this much or, for that matter, blogging for nine years. Yet, here we are. While I am on the subject of statistics, I have had 326 orgasms since January 1, 2016. That may sound like a lot, but I probably had that many in 2012. Male chastity changed that!

Speaking of which, I will be reviewing the Holy Trainer v5 Nub in the near future. While I had a great experience with the Nano, the tube was too long for me. The Nub is their shortest male chastity device and should be a great fit. I’m really happy that I will be able to wear this excellent male chastity device.

It’s difficult to collect statistics on how many people listen to our podcasts. As best as I can tell, the number is growing. We are available on every podcast provider. Unfortunately, there is no way for any of them to make our entire catalog available. The most any provider lists are 200 of the latest. Still, it’s nice to have another outlet.

Most recently, we’ve added our posts to Tumblr. We’d like to do the same on Instagram, but the only way to post there is manually. We don’t have the time to do that. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Over the years, we’ve managed to find our way into a lot of social media.

I’m writing about all this because it’s nice to share the way we’ve managed to grow over the years. Like our kinks, communication on the Internet is challenging. We both enjoy sharing with you.

Even though the bedroom was cool, I had trouble getting to sleep. I ended up streaming old “Shark Tank” episodes until after 2 AM. I don’t understand why this is happening. As promised, Mrs. Lion offered to play on Wednesday night (“General Yuck“). I declined at first and then got on our new massage table so she could test the height adjustment. She played with my cock and balls for a while. It was nice, but I couldn’t get very aroused. She decided the table needed to be a bit higher. Maybe we will try again tonight.

I’m still unspanked. We are at 42 days. I think that’s a record. I’m doing my chores and not pissing off my lioness. There’s a good chance that she is disregarding behavior that deserves correction. This happens if my bottom stays lily white too long. I don’t think that I let things slip.

Some couples add rituals to their spankings. I’m pretty sure that the guys want them. The rituals I’ve read about provide a dose of sexy humiliation. I admit that idea turned me on for a while. After all, spanking is inherently humiliating. Mrs. Lion refused to add anything to our punishments. She was right. The entire point of spanking me is to let me know I did something I shouldn’t. It’s punishment. It isn’t a BDSM scene. When Mrs. Lion spanks me, she’s calm and purposeful. Her objective is to give me a painful lesson, not sexy time.

The idea of being spanked turns me on. I like thinking about it. I don’t like the actual event. I’m not unusual in this respect. A lot of people find spanking hot. The trick in domestic discipline is to make the punishment anything but arousing. That’s a big reason why rituals don’t work for us. I can get turned on thinking about being spanked all I want. Mrs. Lion knows that when she starts paddling me, I lose any sexual thoughts.

Some people get aroused during a spanking. Women are more likely to react this way. Their sexual nerve endings are located in places that get a sexy bump when their bottoms are hit. Very few men are that lucky. That doesn’t mean the spanking doesn’t hurt. I’ve spanked a few women to tears while they were having an orgasm. Talk about confusing sensations!

It doesn’t matter if they have an orgasm or not. Some part of their consciousness recognizes that they displeased their spankers. The spanking underlines that displeasure. Even though spanking is a turn-on, I don’t know any men or women who consciously try to provoke punishment. That’s important. No matter how sexual the experience is, the fact that it is punishment stays in the foreground.

blog housekeeping

My vision has deteriorated over the last few years. Modern website design calls for lower contrast on web pages. For example, some (most) forms use light grey boxes to designate where to add data. I can’t see them. I can read the caption of the field they want, but I can’t easily find where to enter the data.

Another big problem is how links are shown. I was guilty of committing this sin. Many sites offer links in different colored type. People like me (color-blind folks, too) can’t see the color change. I have to guess whether something is a link or not. The theme I use for this blog doesn’t offer the option to underline links. I asked them for help, and they sent me a little code that fixed the problem. It’s not a perfect fix, but it works.

The biggest issue is that people, most bloggers, for example, choose graphic setups that they think look contemporary. This “modern” style calls for grey type on a colored background. OK, pure black type on white can be a bit much. Dark grey is pretty (I use it here) and works for people like me.

Type size is another issue. The default type size for most themes is too small for modern browsers. As screen resolution has increased, the rendering of the type gets smaller. Here’s why. The pixel is the smallest unit of measurement. Traditionally, we specify the type by the height of a capital “M.” On low res monitors, the 12-pixel type is quite large. On my monitor, it is very hard to read. The type on this page is 23 pixels. I added extra space between lines. That also makes it easier for me to read.

Making changes like this isn’t hard. It may take some searching, but it can be done. Fortunately, browsers allow me to magnify type on websites that render too small for me to read. On most browsers, CTL + will enlarge the type. CTL – will make it smaller, and CTL 0 returns to the default size. Bloggers, please be considerate of people like me. Thank you for listening.

I may be heading for a spanking. We are coming on two weeks of good behavior. This puts my bottom into “just because” spanking territory. Once we go more than ten days, Mrs. Lion starts to lose her edge spotting behavioral issues. “Just because” spankings are as much for her as for me. Of course, I’m the one who will have trouble sitting for a day or two.

It’s probably no shock that I read other blogs about spanking and orgasm control. I’ve noticed that other bloggers I read are writing much less frequently. I’ve heard that some are getting less traffic than they have in the recent past. Our traffic is steady, but not growing. I would suggest that more frequent writing would help. I don’t think that male chastity and domestic discipline are particularly good TikToK or Instagram topics., but what do I know.

Let’s face it; one male rear end is pretty much the same as another when it is bent over for a spanking. All penises don’t look alike, but they aren’t so different that you could identify a guy by a picture of his cock. The same is true of female parts. Pictures of my butt or penis are only interesting because of what’s been done to them., not their inherent good looks.

A big issue for sex bloggers like us is that we evolve, and the subject matter we discuss changes subtly. For example, at the beginning (2014), I wrote a lot about male chastity devices. I had a lot to say about fitting and living in one. It was new to me. Over time, I grew used to wearing my male chastity device, and it became less interesting to write about. We both accepted male orgasm control as a fact of life. It wasn’t special for me to be horny and wishing to come. Edging was my most common sexual activity.

As a result, my writing moved away from chastity devices and into the more internal realization that the devices trained me not to masturbate. It wasn’t remarkable that I had to wait for a release. I’ve had to wait for the last nine years. It’s no big deal. That’s the problem. If you are new to male chastity and are going through the same things I did in 2014, reading my 2022 adventures isn’t very useful or interesting. The blog evolved away from its initial audience.

Our traffic stays high because we have static pages about the basics of male chastity, spanking, and domestic discipline. Google points interested readers to those articles, or they discover them independently by looking at the menu. A small number of people do a blog search for topics of interest.

I think that one reason bloggers I follow are writing less often is that they feel that they have said all that needs to be said on the subjects of their blogs. Mrs. Lion and I sometimes feel that way too. We are approaching our 6,000th post. There isn’t much to say about our kinks that we haven’t covered. Our approach is to report our current state of affairs. This is probably not interesting to a beginner but may be helpful to people further along in these kinks.

We started writing about how we got into male chastity and spanking. Then, we wrote about integrating it into our lives and marriage. Now, we talk about how we keep our interests alive and refine our understanding. I could have gone in another direction. I could have written about my current fantasies, no matter how impractical to implement. I think that would be hot reading, but it feels wrong to write about it here. I restrict my fantasy reporting to activities within the realm of possibility. Mrs. Lion usually tries any I propose. When she tries them, we both report on how we are doing.

Our blog was always meant to be a sexual journal. It’s our story. We write it for each other as much as we write it for you. I realize that most of our readers don’t follow the blog. They seek specific information. That’s fine. Most of our regular blog readers found us after searching for something of interest. I’m happy you are reading what we write.

I started a survey on Twitter asking what sort of stuff our followers would like to read on the blog. So far (the survey has a couple of days to run), 72 percent want orgasm control and male chastity device posts. Only seven percent want to read about spanking, and 20 percent about domestic discipline. Since the survey is on Twitter, it may indicate what tweets people want to see. Some never discover the tweets announcing each post are linked to the blog.

Our site stats tell a different story. Bear in mind that a large percentage of our readers come from searches for specific topics. Nevertheless, it’s all we have. The largest number (since 2021) of readers go to our first page, which is the current post. Next is “How to cage your man,” a page about chastity devices and male chastity. The next most popular is “Disciplinary Wives HandbookChapter 2: How To Punish Your Husband.” This is a spanking page and was generally reached via searches. It was a close second to the male chastity page. The next page is “Now He’s Locked Up, What’s Next.”

Based on our site stats, it looks like there is a slight bias toward male chastity pages. Our most popular titles are static pages that can be reached via the menu on the top of our web page and in the mobile menu. This makes sense since these pages have been around for a while. Don’t get me wrong, there are thousands of page views for our blog posts, but none as popular as some of the static content. Far and away, our home page is the most popular.

Based on all this, I think our Twitter followers are biased toward male chastity. That’s not too surprising. All of the survey responses come via my personal followers. I didn’t retweet the poll on the site’s Twitter feed. We have another audience that I can’t track, our podcast. Our posts are provided as podcasts on most podcast providers. You can hear our posts if you have an Amazon Alexa by saying, “Alexa, play the Male Chastity Journal podcast.” Amazing, huh? We are also on Apple, Google, and lots of others. We use a computer voice for our posts. It isn’t that we need to hide as much as the time it would take to record each post.

We realize that orgasm control and male chastity are why we started the blog. It’s hard to write endless posts about frustrating me. Ho, hum, it’s been six days since my last orgasm. Nope, not exciting. That’s not to say that there isn’t more to write. There is. I plan to write about some of the long-term effects of being under orgasm control. I also want to write more about aging and all this stuff. Yes, we will also be writing about spanking and domestic discipline.