waxing balls with no strip wax

Well, I don’t come with an instruction manual. Mrs. Lion lamented about that yesterday (“No Reason For Spanking“). In my defense, I would like to remind her that “Everyone knows that lions don’t have pubic hair.” I’ve been told that my entire adult life. That state has to be maintained one way or another. I’ve been subjected to laser hair removal (worked well and only left a small patch), shaving, epilator, and now waxing.

The laser treatments didn’t cover my perineum, butt, or my balls (hurt too much!). Mrs. Lion has been removing my hair for 20 years. We settled on waxing a few years ago. A treatment leaves me properly hairless and lasts at least a month before Mrs. Lion’s nose gets tickled. She’s gotten very good at it, and it takes less than an hour to get me properly hairless again. She doesn’t like the work of dragging out the massage table and waxing equipment.

Lion’s last spanking (Click image to enlarge)

The other chore she complained about was spanking. Again, everyone knows that lions need discipline. Training is best achieved with consistent application of paddles when an infraction occurs. She’s been spanking me as long as she’s been keeping me hairless. Spanking is good exercise for her. It builds shoulder and arm strength. It’s also been proven to change my behavior.

She could outsource the waxing. There are places around here that do male Brazilians. Sadly, there are no spanking parlors available to discipline me for her. She’s on her own there. Of course, there are sex workers who do BDSM for money, but I’m sure Mrs. Lion has no interest in outsourcing to one of them. If she wants to farm out her spanking, I’ll bet there are some women who would answer an ad for the opportunity to do it for her. She belongs to a local Facebook group where she could put out her request.

We finally did the boner shot last night. I say “finally” because it’s been a while and Lion was more than ready. Unfortunately, he wasn’t really ready. He was hard. He seemed like he was getting closer. I swear he bucked into me. But he didn’t come even after my left arm had gone numb and my right shoulder hurt. I’d also worked up quite a sweat. He said he didn’t think he’d be able to come. He was still horny, but he worried about me. We agreed to try again today/night.

This time, I’m bringing out the clothespins or rope or restraints. I have to get him even more ready. I don’t really have to, but clearly, he wasn’t really ready last night. If he’s really ready, maybe he’ll get super hard. When this happens, he looks like he might burst from a gentle breeze. It doesn’t happen often. If memory serves, it happened the first time he used Trimix. I guess all those weeks of not having an orgasm and the prospect of having one made him more than ready. A few orgasms ago, he told me he didn’t need any BDSM, so we went right for the gold. I didn’t take that to mean he’d never need BDSM again, but we haven’t done any lately. I’m hoping it helps.

He also wanted to be waxed this weekend. I told him I would do it. It’s almost 4 pm on Sunday. I’m not doing it today. I know it doesn’t take long anymore. I just don’t like doing it. The pantry is still a wreck, so I have to drag the cart into the bedroom. Then I have to squeeze the other massage table into an area that isn’t really big enough for it. There is no area big enough for it. I guess we’ll have to find a house that has room for an impromptu waxing studio. If the living room is big enough, it shouldn’t be an issue. I’d even be okay with backing the car out of the garage to set up the table. Of course, I still won’t like waxing him, but I won’t have to wrestle with the massage table.

Mrs. Lion slept in on Sunday morning. I decided to get up and use the time to write this post. Yesterday afternoon, we used the Edex and Mrs. Lion gave me oral sex. She commented that some hair had grown back above my penis and tickled her nose. She wondered if we should try the pulsed light hair removal system I got some time ago. I agreed, and we will try it in limited areas. It burns too much to use on my balls.

That got me thinking about male grooming. When my partner shaved me over twenty-five years ago, the practice was uncommon for men. I decided to see how things have changed. Good old Google turned up a Journal of Men’s Health1 study on that very subject. It turns out that a little over half of American men remove all or some pubic hair. The study goes into detail about exactly how many remove particular regions of hair and demographic data. It’s clear that I’m far from alone.

According to the study, there is an increase in genital injuries and sexually transmitted diseases in men who groom pubic hair. It isn’t very high, but it occurs. I suspect that shaving is responsible for most. It makes sense to take care when grooming down there. Women weren’t included in the study. Other research has shown that a majority of women do some pubic styling.

From my perspective, loss of my pubic hair has proven very positive. I like how the smooth skin looks and feels. It’s easier to stay clean and odor free. Removing pubic hair is a no-brainer when using a male chastity device. Hair gets caught and pulls painfully. It also gets in the way when putting on the device.

One of the main reasons that men gave for pubic grooming was to facilitate oral sex. Mrs. Lion is far from the only woman who prefers to avoid nose tickles when sucking cock. The prevalence of shaved male pubes in porn was also cited as a reason for male pubic grooming.

So, if I were in a locker room, I wouldn’t be the only hairless guy. I stopped worrying about that years ago. I am a happy advocate of hairless male genitals.

1 Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Osterberg, E. C., Rowen, T. S., Shindel, A. W., & Breyer, B. N. (2017). Prevalence and Motivation: Pubic Hair Grooming Among Men in the United States. American Journal of Men’s Health, 11(3), 620-640. https://doi.org/10.1177/1557988316661315

Lion never did watch his opera. He was in his office for most of the day. By the time he came out to mix up the food for the strawberries and tomatoes, I was ready to abandon waxing. It takes a while to change the water and feed them once he’s done with his part. But the wax was all melted so I decided to do it. I have to go on a prescription run so I wouldn’t have time to do it tonight.

I know it’s been a while, well over a month, since I’ve waxed him. He seemed to have more chest hair. It’s no big deal. Just an observation. He always had chest hair, and it wasn’t a problem. At some point, he decided he wanted that gone too. The only issue I’ve had with chest hair is that it tickles my nose when we snuggle. I don’t remember that happening before he wanted it waxed. Of course, I don’t remember the hair at the base of his penis tickling my nose then, either.

While I was cleaning him up, I tried to get him off. He was very oily and seemed to be interested. I guess he wasn’t too interested because he stopped me after a while. Even a slippery weenie isn’t a horny weenie. I’ll have to see what I can do with my mouth.

Since we were late getting done with waxing, I forgot all about his punishment-day swats. I can make it up today. It’s punishment day again. Does that mean I owe him five minutes from Saturday and five from today? That’s an interesting question. I could just keep going for a while after the timer has gone off. Or I could make the swats harder. Both are solid ideas. Lion will have to wait for the answer.