(Saturday, late afternoon) I’m sitting in front of my computer with nothing on but saran wrap and a pair of underpants to keep everything in place. We had a busy day of running errands and when we came back a little while ago, I asked Mrs. Lion if she wanted to do manscaping. This is a biweekly ritual when she shaves me and then uses the Bella Flash hair removal system on me. We bought this device about a month and a half ago. Treatments are every two weeks. We cheated the first week and did it after only one week’s wait. The second time we waited the full two weeks and today is the third session.

The powerful light is far from painless, particularly on my balls and perineum. To help make it more bearable in those areas, I bought some Numb Master gel. This is a 5% lidocaine preparation. To use it, you have to apply it liberally to the areas you want to numb, rub it in, add more on top, and then cover the area with plastic wrap. Then you wait between 30 and 45 minutes tightly wrapped for the lidocaine to take full effect.

So, after Mrs. Lion unlocked me, I applied the gel to my pubic area and in my butt crack (she is permanently removing all butt hair too). The butt cheeks aren’t sensitive enough to need the gel. Next, I wrapped myself up tightly and put on a pair of briefs to hold things together. I could have used packing tape to keep me tightly wrapped, but that would be more trouble for Mrs. Lion to cut away later.

After the wait, Mrs. Lion uncovers one area at a time, wipes off the gel and shaves the area. Then she uses the Bella Flash hair removal system on me. It still hurts a bit, well much more than a bit on my numbed balls, but it is manageable. The plastic wrap, aside from keeping the gel off surfaces I touch, assures it is in contact with my skin and also captures my body heat. The extra warmth helps the anesthetic effect. One side effect is that my penis ends up numb too. It’s too difficult to isolate it from the rest of the package. The anesthetic wears off one to two hours after it was applied. Sort of like a pubic dental appointment.

Does it really work? It does! A patch of hair that was growing directly north of my penis has thinned to invisibility. This area was all that remained above my cock when I had laser hair removal treatments about 12 years ago. Hair remained on my balls too; not a lot but enough to be very noticeable. It too seems to be almost gone. I had never had any hair removal treatments in back. Mrs. Lion reports that there is almost no hair there either.

That doesn’t mean we will be done soon. Hair follicles go dormant and activate on an irregular cycle. Even though we may have killed or badly wounded the current crop, there are dormant follicles that will start producing new hair. This cycle can take up to 250 days to assure that the entire population of hair roots has been treated. That means we have a minimum of 17 more treatments to go. After that is done, we only need to go back if new hairs are spotted.

I like the idea of permanent hair removal; not because it is convenient but because it represents a commitment. Simply shaving or waxing will allow the hair to grow back in a few weeks. This treatment assures that the hair is gone for good. Sure, a few stray hairs might come back over time. But anyone who sees my pubes or butt will know that something intentional was done down there.  I like that. I don’t want to be able to hide my surrender.

So here I sit wrapped tightly in plastic wrap writing this post. It feels quite warm down there. Hopefully the pain will be lessened when Mrs. Lion goes to work. As a former friend once said, “Lions don’t get to have pubic hair.” Oh the price of beauty!

bellaflash hair removal system
This is the hair removal system we bought to tame Lion’s nether regions. Click the image to go to Costco product page.

Yesterday was a bit less hectic than Saturday. We went to the warehouse store and the supermarket. Mrs. Lion kindly did manscaping. The new Bella Flash hair removal device shows great promise. After only three weeks, there is a marked reduction of the amount of hair growing back. The BellaFlash device uses a flash tube as the source of energy. Flash tubes are used in photography as well as powerful landing lights and other “strobe” applications.

The bright light contains a lot of energy; very similar to the energy contained in a laser beam. The flash transmits heat through dark hairs to the follicle. This action stuns the follicle and it doesn’t produce more hair, at least for a while. I had laser treatments about fifteen years ago that covered a lot of my pubic hair. Almost all of it has not returned. There is just one stubborn patch at the base of my penis that kept growing back very thin hairs.

Since the three treatments with the Bellaflash, this area is growing back a much lighter crop. In other places that the laser never touched, namely my rear, Mrs. Lion notes that in many spots hair hasn’t returned. In others it is sparser. That means the BellaFlash is getting enough heat down to the follicles to at least stun them.

Treatments have to continue every two weeks for some months. Follicles grow hairs on their own schedule. Dermatologists have observed that some go dormant for as much as 250 days before sprouting. So, the BellaFlash can’t attack a follicle that hasn’t produced a hair. Over eight or nine months most, if not all, follicles will produce some hair. The biweekly treatments should catch them as they come up past the skin.

numb master anesthetic gel
This is the Lidocaine gel I use to reduce the pain associated with the BellaFlash hair removal system. Click image for a link to where I buy it.

This process isn’t without pain. The flash can hurt. My balls, in particular, are the most sensitive. We are able to flash most of me at maximum power. You want to use the most power you can. We have to go down a notch for my balls. I use an anesthetic cream before each treatment. Without it, the discomfort is very high. I use Numb Master. It’s a 5% Lidocaine gel. That’s the most concentrated you can buy without a prescription. It gets applied over the entire area to be treated. A few minutes after the first application, you put a thick coating of it over the first. Then you cover the area with plastic wrap. The wrap keeps it from rubbing off and it also causes the area to get warmer. This activates the anesthetic. Wait between 30 and 45 minutes before starting the treatment. Just before treating, remove the plastic wrap and use a wet washcloth to clean up the area. Then shave the entire area and do the light treatment. The gel is expensive but well worth the cost. It takes most of the pain out of the flash.

The day after treatment you may notice what looks like a sunburn where you used the BellaFlash. This is normal. You will also see “stubble” appearing to grow out of the treatment area. Actually this is the burnt hair that was under the skin being pushed out. It’s not new hair growing back. This process only works on dark hair and light skin. It won’t work on blonde or grey hair. The unit checks the color of your skin, and if it is too dark, it won’t fire.

If you buy the device from Costco, you can return it any time if you don’t get results. Amazon only gives you a thirty day return time limit. The results so far are on a par with the professional laser treatments I got from a doctor. Of course, it will be months before I know if this turns out to be just as long lasting. I’m encouraged by the results so far.

no pubic hair
The laser hair removal leaves no stubble, just smooth skin.

We spend some time writing about my pubic hair; well the lack of it. This may seem curious to some. It certainly isn’t a requirement for either enforced male chastity or FLR. In my case, pubic hair has been missing for decades. It all started many years ago when a girlfriend and I decided to try BDSM. We switched for a while, taking turns topping and bottoming. It became clear that bottoming didn’t suit her at all. So, I got the bottom role.

During the time we started dating I kept my nether hair neatly trimmed. She never commented and I didn’t think much about it. After we moved in together I stopped trimming. One Saturday afternoon she had me tied spread-eagle on my back. She walked out of the room and came back with a bowl and washcloth. Without a word, she took a razor from the bowl and removed all of my pubic hair. I was surprised and not very happy about this activity. She paid no attention to my reaction. When she finished, she wiped me off with the wet washcloth. I finally asked her why she did that to me. She replied in a very matter-of-fact voice, “Everyone knows that lions don’t have any pubic hair.”

My witty reply was, “Oh.” From then on, every Saturday she would lead me to the bathroom and keep my genitals and surrounding area completely hairless. She also shaved my ass as well. I asked her how she decided how wide an area she would shave in front. Her reply was to stretch my penis as far as it would pull and then move it in an arc around my body. “That’s how,” she said. She also wanted to remove my underarm hair. I begged her not to do that. So she kept it trimmed very short instead.

When we broke up, I let everything grow back. It stayed that way for about six months. Then I started a relationship with a lesbian couple. I suppose when we started having sex they were a bisexual couple. Tomatoes, potatoes. After a month or so, one of them said she wondered how I would look without pubic hair. I asked her how she knew that lions don’t have pubic hair? She said that everyone knows that. By the way, I’ve had the lion nickname forever. It’s been my online nickname since the 80’s. So, she removed mine and I removed hers. Fair is fair.

Since then, I’ve been hairless down there. I’ve learned to prefer it. In the mid-90’s I decided that if I was going to permanently stay hairless, I might as well find a way to make things easier. So, I hunted till I found a doctor who would deal with it with his laser. It was expensive and hurt a lot, but it worked quite well. Most of the hair has been gone since then. A patch just above the base of my penis grows back. It’s not thick hair, but it is hair. My balls were never completely done. It hurt too much with the laser. I couldn’t afford my perineum or butt.

Mrs. Lion has kept me fur free front and back as long as we have been together. A couple of weeks ago I suggested we try one of the at-home hair removal units that use bright light in the same way the doctor’s laser worked. A laser, after all, is light. After reading a lot of reviews we decided to try it. It’s too soon to know if it will work, but even if it isn’t perfect, it will most likely make maintenance hair removal much less frequent.

It turns out that it is much more comfortable to wear a chastity device if there is no pubic hair. Guys complain that the cages and tubes catch the hair and hurt. I have no such problem. Keeping clean is easier too. There’s no hair to trap smells. When I first lost that hair it was very odd for a male to be hairless down there. Now, manscaping is considered good manners. Suddenly it’s fashionable to be a lion.

I have a wild Lion. After we played last night I decided to leave him unlocked. I don’t know why. It just seemed like the thing to do at the time. I know I have some manscaping to do, but I can easily unlock him for that. I guess I just wanted to give him some time off for good behavior.

His orgasm is scheduled for Monday night. Since he starts his new job Monday, I am considering giving him the orgasm Sunday night instead of making him wait. I’m thinking maybe he’ll be more relaxed if he’s not a horny boy. And I’m also wondering if the new job with a new commute will wipe him out for any play time Monday night. It has been a while since he’s had to work a full day and deal with a commute that could stretch to an hour or more each way. It will take some getting used to.

I may be wrong. Lion may be rejuvenated by working. He may come bounding in the door ready for anything. In that case, an orgasm Sunday night won’t hurt anyway. He’ll just have more energy to play. It will be punishment night although he has nothing on his list at the moment. I’m sure I can find something if I just pay attention hard enough. He’s not perfect. He doesn’t need energy to be punished, but it’s easier for me to punish him if he’s not tired or worried or down.

Later today I will do the manscaping and maybe play with him a bit. It’s so tempting when I’m pulling on his balls to shave him and Mr. Weenie is usually hard and requesting attention. If nothing else I usually give him a quick suck and a few tugs. Maybe today he’ll get edged right then and there. I’m sure he won’t argue with that timing. I’ll have him clean the cage and then he can be locked up again. Safe and sound. And he’ll just have fond memories of being a wild Lion.