lion's excess pubic hair
As you can see, the dog isn’t the only critter who needs grooming. Mrs. Lion plans to remove the excess hair this weekend.

If the recruiter is to be believed, I only have one more day to wait to get the news on the job I have the most hope of getting. I hate to say it, but there is no plan B. It’s not the way I like to operate. Stay tuned. Today I take the dog for a bath. This will help my allergies. I’m pretty sure she will hate it. However, I will take her toy shopping afterward. That will dim the memory of all that attention from the groomers. As you can see from the image on the right, it’s been some time since my last grooming session. Mrs. Lion uses an epilator to remove most of the hair. While a bit painful, the results last longer and when the hair grows in, it’s much finer and some never comes back as you can see in the image. Sometimes she takes pity on me and teases me during the grooming session.

I want to stress that pubic hair removal is not required for enforced chastity or FLM. I’ve been hairless for decades; long before considering enforced chastity. Of course, there is an advantage to losing that hair: there isn’t any to get caught in the chastity device. It also makes staying clean a little easier. Some people associate pubic hair with power. If you have it, you have power. If you don’t, you are submissive. That might have been true in 1975, but over the last 40 years, shaved male pubes have become more fashionable. Many men groom body hair of all sorts. I do trim the underarm hair as well. Mrs. Lion keeps my butt hairless. I do tend to get very furry back there.

In the vanilla world, all this shaving and trimming has no power implications. A lot of guys think they look better without all that fur. I’ve felt that way since long before I even knew there was such a thing as D/S. People who write about enforced chastity on the various forums have endless posts about pubic hair. Oddly, almost no one mentions other body hair. In D/S, many bottoms remove all body hair as a sign of submission. This practice apparently hasn’t had wide acceptance in the enforced chastity world. Good thing. What a lot of extra work!

I think it is interesting that many, including me, see some relationship between hair and power. In my case, it isn’t a strong one. But I have always liked that Mrs. Lion has pubic hair and I don’t. It makes me feel more vulnerable. That feeling of vulnerability is one thing I like about our male chastity power exchange. Many of the things that Mrs. Lion initially feels are too much end up increasing that vulnerable feeling as well. I like that. It is exciting to me. It explains why I get that little rush when Mrs. Lion tells me I will be punished. It makes me feel vulnerable to her power. That, not the spanking, turns me on. It’s also why being groomed is exciting too.

view of the velcro "ties"that are wrapped tightly around lion's soft penis. any attempt at erection results in pain as the "teeth" dig in.
View of the velcro “ties”that are wrapped tightly around lion’s soft penis. Any attempt at erection results in pain as the “teeth” dig in. To see lion model this painful wardrobe, click here

Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Lion unlocked me so that she could do routine hair removal. Every few weeks, my pubic hair is removed as well as the hair on my upper thighs and my butt, inside and out. She does this with a combination of tools: a Braun epilator that pulls hair out by the roots. She uses this on my main pubic region as well as my thighs and outer butt. That’s followed by an electric body shaver that takes care of my balls, shaft and crack. When she is done, I am as bare as a…well…lion’s bottom. After she finished she said that she wasn’t going to lock me up until my shower so that I can get a chance to wash without the cage. She said that she still didn’t want any unauthorized erections.

Having said that, she went to her cock and ball toy bag and removed some velcro cable ties we had purchased some time ago. She was drawn to them by their nice colors as well as the fact that they have very scratchy teeth on the inside. Over the years she has used these when we play. She takes the ties and fastens them tightly around my soft penis. She usually gets three along the shaft by stretching it as she applies the velcro. The velcro is tightly pulled, squeezing my shaft and the little teeth hurt as they bite in. Once she gets them on, she begins stimulating me, making me get very hard. The velcro doesn’t give. My cock is “strangled” by nasty hook-bearing strips. When hard, it looks like I have big dents in the shaft where the velcro digs in.

This really hurts! Wow does it ever. My lioness generally observes gently, “If it really hurt, you would be soft.”

Oh no! I am hard as a rock and hurting like hell. It’s a sexual irony. The pain is actually making me harder. Eventually she takes pity on me and releases the velcro. That is its own special brand of hell. When the velcro is released, the blood rushes into the dent the velcro made. That rush feels like my cock was hit by a hammer. She always smiles when she sees this reaction.

That is how she uses them for play. Today she put them on my soft penis quite tightly. She told me that if I try to get hard, I know what will happen: those little teeth will dig into my cock and hurt more and more the harder I get. They also hurt on my soft cock too. Every time I move in my chair, the hooks dig into the soft skin. I have to agree that this velcro cock bondage is an effective way to prevent lion erections. My lioness can certainly be diabolical when she wants. Another reason I love her so much!