The restoration people have cleaned out the water damage and mold from the basement. My home office has a very strong ammonia odor. I can’t spend much time in it. Our stuff is out and being handled by our insurance people. What a mess! Fortunately, we are fine and don’t have any serious losses. Mrs. Lion hasn’t focused on sexual or disciplinary matters since this happened over a week ago. Fortunately, she did give me a nice orgasm in the midst of this.

She plans on waxing me this weekend. I am getting pretty furry. This is a combination of fun and pain. Even though my hair has gotten sparse and thin, the hot wax burns my tender balls and perineum. Pulling the hair out isn’t painful at all. When she is done with my front side, Mrs. Lion removes residual wax with mineral oil and spends extra time on my hard cock. She’s a very careful lioness.

It’s been 19 days (as of Friday) since my last spanking. I’m not exactly complaining, just pointing out that it’s been a while. Our pattern is that the longer the time since my last spanking, the less likely I’ll get one. The only exception is if I forget to set up the coffee pot. If I do that, I get spanked. Now that Mrs. Lion agreed to implement “fact of life” spankings (“It’s Just A Fact Of Life“), I expect my butt to hurt more often. Right now, inertia has cut in, and Mrs. Lion will eventually remember.

She wrote that she plans to ride me reverse cowgirl this weekend. It may be a bit too soon. It’s only been two days (as of Friday) since my last orgasm. Three or four days may be too soon for a ride. It’s not up to me. Just sayin’. No matter, we will have a busy weekend.

We’ve self-organized in terms of blogging. Mrs. Lion reports the news, and I write other stuff. The question for me is always: What is other stuff? Over the years, I’ve managed to find things to say. The one topic I figured would draw the least attention is hair removal. Yet, it seems to be consistently interesting to many readers. It makes sense. Playing with pubic hair is titillating in the same way as locking the penis in a male chastity device.

Me in my normal, no-hair state.

The similarity is clear. Removing pubic hair isn’t usually permanent, yet once done, it is not reversible for the time it takes for the hair to grow back. This is the same as being locked in a male chastity device. You can get out, just not right away. Both hair removal and wearing a male chastity device are instantly visible to anyone who has access to the penis. More importantly, both send interesting messages.

Years ago, a man with no pubic hair was either prepped for surgery or assumed to be gay. Straight men had hair on their balls. That was never really true. A lot of straight men had no pubic hair. I haven’t had any in 30 years. The times have caught up with me. Now, many men have hairless pubes. The same is true of women. It was never more than potentially embarrassing for a woman to be hairless down there. It’s a personal choice rather than a sexual signal.

I think the topic is so interesting to our readers because pubic hair removal is an act of vulnerability. It feels naughty and a little submissive to be hairless. At least that’s how it feels to me. It’s fun. At this point, I don’t remember what I looked like with pubic hair. Most of mine is permanently gone, thanks to professional laser treatment. Some stubbornly remain. Mrs. Lion waxes that off.

Obviously, there is more to pubic hair removal than just taking the fur off. It seems that a lot of people react strongly to this topic. How does it affect you?

Pretty Australian women. Their bushes are unappealing to me

Tastes change. I am a little surprised at myself how much I have. The other day, someone posted a picture on Twitter of a naked woman in Australia. They have full bushes. I was turned off. I’m not saying that nudes with shaved pubes turn me on. They don’t turn me off. They look normal to me. For the record, when naked men are in pictures, seeing pubic hair seems odd.

I haven’t had pubic hair in over 25 years. I can’t remember how I looked when I had hair down there. When I first lost my hair, women (and me, I suppose) had full bushes. Naked women with hair there turned me on. I didn’t even consider hairless pubes back then. My sex life was active. Obviously, my taste in pubic hair radically changed over the years.

I lost mine shortly after my divorce. I was dating a woman who was exploring BDSM with me. It was completely new to both of us. When I first met her, I did a little manscaping. I trimmed my long, unruly pubic hair. I don’t remember why I did it. Anyway, apparently, she liked me that way. As it grew back, she was topping me. One day, when I was tied spread-eagle on my back, she came into the room with a bowl of warm water and a razor. Without a word, she removed all of my pubic hair and a lot of the hair on my stomach and thighs.

This is much more appealing to me.

I was very surprised and not entirely happy about it. After we were done with play and sex, I asked her why she did it. She said that she never liked pubic hair. One of the things that attracted her to me, in the beginning, was my trimmed hair. As it grew back, it started to turn her off. She loved the hairless look. She pointed out that she was naturally almost bald down there. I never gave it much thought until she shaved me.

Shaving was a weekly event. I got used to it quickly. When we broke up, I let the hair grow back. Then, several months later, I met my lesbian couple. One of them shaved as a surprise. It was nice. I agreed to let her shave me. All three of us were hairless for a while. One of them had a problem with ingrown hair, so she went back to a bush. The other one and I stayed hairless.

I never had hair again. I got used to the way I looked with no hair. I remained neutral about the female bush. Over the years, I came to think of pubic hair as a sign of power. Mrs. Lion had a bush. She was in charge so she could have one. I was her bottom, so it would be inappropriate for me to have any. Now, I don’t think of pubic hair in terms of power. It’s aesthetic now. I’m so used to seeing hairless pubes, a bush seems almost dirty. What can I say?

Mrs. Lion is doing the lioness share of dog care. Other than middle-of-the-night trips outside, our puppy has been very good. I’ve had her when Mrs. Lion is working. So far, it hasn’t been bad caring for her. I have no illusions. When the pup gets a few weeks older, she will be into everything. Hopefully, by then, she will be crate trained and can be given timeouts.

We still seem to be on a one-thing-a-night routine. Friday night, it was dinner out. That took sex off the table. I’m not saying there wasn’t a good reason. It’s just an observation that has been holding for a long time. There is only one exception: spanking. On nights that I’m spanked, I may also get some sexual play. It isn’t consistent, but it does happen. I understand that life intrudes and can get in our way. I wish it wouldn’t happen so often.

Hairy patch over penis
This stubborn patch of hair remains over my penis. It’s not enough to see clearly, but it tickles Mrs. Lion’s nose.

I’m not asking for an orgasm. Mrs. Lion has made it clear that I won’t get one of those for some time. I want sexual activity. While a “just because” spanking may recharge my sexual battery, it isn’t sex. Mrs. Lion wrote about waxing me. It’s certainly due. I’m not really hairy. Between the laser treatments and waxings, I only have a small patch of thin hair above my penis and some long, stray hairs on my balls. Other areas that I can see are also nearly hairless. According to Mrs. Lion, I do have a crop of fur on my butt. I guess that will be waxed out next week.

As you probably guessed, I’m horny. That is no surprise. Since I can’t get myself off, Mrs. Lion likes me to want sex. She knows that she is my only outlet and enjoys teasing me. Would it be as much fun for her if I could masturbate? It would be a lot less work. As far as I’m concerned, it would be less fun. When nothing is happening, of course, it’s no fun. At times like this, “less fun” would be an improvement. No, it wouldn’t. I would get annoyed. My lioness is the only good solution. So I wait.