Sometimes one of the people I follow on Twitter posts an old (1960’s?) nudist picture. Obviously, people haven’t changed. We all have the same parts. What is different is the personal grooming. Over the decades, both women and men have been grooming body hair more and more. In the last 20 years, it’s not unusual for people of either sex to have no pubic hair. No big deal, right?

That’s what I thought. I haven’t had pubic hair in over 20 years. Mrs. Lion doesn’t remove hers, but she is naturally lightly furred. Then I saw this image (Right). The women are certainly good looking, but I found myself turned off. Their bushes might as well have been bathing suits. I’ve been conditioned to respond to skin. I’ve always known that I prefer little-to-no pubic hair on my partner, but I don’t remember feeling turned off by a naked woman who has some.

Granted, I don’t spend much time looking at porn or nudist images. I enjoy seeing naked women. I’m male, after all. Until now, I didn’t realize I had such a strong filter. I like the image (Below, Left) much more. It’s a pure aesthetic with me. Over my life, I’ve experienced women with ungroomed bushes and enjoyed them in all respects. My ex never womanscaped.

Some women, probably ungroomed, argue that the reason men (me) like hairless vaginas is that we are closet pedophiles who can imagine that a hairless grown woman is really a little girl. I’ve heard this more than once. That’s just silly. A grown woman has a beautiful shape down there. It is something males are instinctively programmed to find arousing. I do.

From ancient times to the present, art often presents the female form without body hair. I think the hair visually interrupts her smooth, graceful, feminine lines. The fact that the current style is for women to take it all off tells me that I’m not alone. For the record, and to my surprise, when I see naked women I don’t find myself picturing them in bed with me.

I don’t spend any time looking at pictures of naked men. I am strictly on team vagina. I have noticed that I am far from alone in terms of manscaping. Lack of male pubic hair hardly turns any heads. A year or two ago we had a power failure that went on for more than a week. We have a generator that provided light and TV, but not enough power for our electric hot water heater or heat pump. We went to the local community center. They had power. There are a gym and locker rooms. We decided to shower there.

The men’s locker room is very much like the ones I remember from school or the YMCA. It’s a big room with lockers and benches. Adjacent is the shower room. It is open with nozzles along three walls. There is no privacy at all. When I got there, it was empty. I undressed and put my clothes in a locker. I grabbed a towel (too small to wrap around me) and went to the shower room.

While I was showering, more men came in. They joined me. I was a bit worried that I would look odd. I didn’t. All of them were groomed too. Yes, I snuck a peek. We have turned some sort of corner when it comes to body hair. The “natural” look of the last century is out. Both sexes are taking the time to show skin uncovered by hair.

I had no idea that I was so influenced by fashion. Until I saw that old, nudist picture I didn’t realize I cared so much.

Things appear to be settling down after the migration of our blog. That’s not to say it’s completely smooth sailing going forward, but at least I understand what the problem was and corrected it. It’s been five days since my last orgasm. I’ve been feeling decently horny all day. I told Mrs. Lion and she was happy to get that news. Having the worry of a crashing blog off my mind doesn’t hurt a bit.

Sooner or later female sex bloggers end up writing at least one post about penises. Not surprisingly, we male bloggers tend to avoid saying too much on that subject. Since I am heterosexual, I have no visceral interest in other men’s sexual equipment. I am extremely interested in my own. I’ve measured it many times when flaccid. This was necessary to provide information when I ordered custom male chastity devices. At some point I measured my erection as well. I was curious about how I stacked up, so to speak.

it turns out that 6 inches is very good

The average erect penis is about five and three-quarter inches long and 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Mine is 6 inches long and 1 1/2 inches in diameter. I guess that makes me slightly above average. Yippee! It’s always good to be above average. Based on my reading, it’s good to be a little bit above average but not terribly desirable to be too large. Too much girth makes for painful vaginal insertion, not to mention anal or oral fun. I have a sort of type “O” penis — the universal donor. Most women are more than willing to accept my size penis in any orifice they make available.

Mrs. Lion uses a dildo considerably wider and longer than my penis when she pegs me. When it comes to pegging and male anal play, training him to accept larger visitors is part of the BDSM fun. Even though it’s uncomfortable for me, I agree. I like it when I am able to accept a larger dildo. It doesn’t take long before it feels good nestled deep in my anus.

It appears that most heterosexual women enjoy viewing the erect penis of someone they like. Based on my reading and visits to Twitter, they don’t welcome unsolicited pictures of strangers’ sex organs. When it comes to the rest of the male sexual anatomy, the balls, opinions seem to vary widely in terms of being interesting to women. Some women love them and enjoy fondling them and even putting them in their mouths. Others try to do their best to ignore them. They don’t willingly touch them, even when masturbating the penis attached to them.

Opinions also vary about whether balls are more attractive when warm and loose swinging freely between their owner’s legs. Others prefer them tight, pulled up close to the penis. Mrs. Lion and I haven’t discussed this topic, but I think she prefers them loose and hanging. I know she enjoys a rear view when I bend over with my legs open. She definitely enjoys fondling them and sometimes painfully swatting them when we play.

Hairy balls or smooth?

Male pubic hair grooming is relatively recent activity. My pubic hair has been completely gone for more than 25 years. Call me a trendsetter! I like the way it looks and feels without hair. More and more men and women are following my lead and remove all of their pubic hair. I’ve always felt that a woman without pubic hair is far more interesting to view. Mrs. Lion doesn’t remove her hair, but it isn’t important. Her growth is light and I get a good view of her vagina even with untrimmed pussy hair. She’s said that she doesn’t care whether I have pubic hair or not. It’s up to me.

Even if I didn’t aesthetically prefer hairlessness, wearing a male chastity device is far more comfortable on a bald pubic area. Pubic hair tends to catch on the chastity device and pull uncomfortably. With smooth skin, there is no pull and the device is painless to wear. Speaking of chastity devices, I haven’t seen women comment on how they feel about their men wearing them. Let me clarify, even the ones who say they like their men locked up, don’t offer an opinion as to the aesthetics of seeing a penis in a male chastity device. Most of the devices aren’t that attractive and don’t do a great deal toward making my weenie more appealing. They are utilitarian and designed to prevent the one thing most women prefer when they look at a penis: an erection.

Erections are both entertaining and aesthetically pleasing to many women. They are entertaining because they reveal their owners’ sexual interest. It’s hard to appear nonchalant sporting wood. It’s also embarrassing during play. Mrs. Lion applies very painful tiny clothespins to the head of my penis. I really hate having them there. However, my penis stays hard as a rock. She says that means I really like it. It’s hard to argue with that logic. There was a line in the TV sitcom “Becker”, a teenager was consulting with Dr. Becker complaining that he kept getting erections at odd times. He said, “I even got one while I was vacuuming for my mother. Now she thinks I like cleaning.”

Here I am with full body waxing

Male pubic hair: like it or lose it?

If you asked this question 15 years ago, chances are good that both men and women would vote to keep it. In those days a lot of people equated male body hair with masculinity. Men without body hair were somehow “feminine”. This idea has faded along with the 45 RPM record. Body hair, particularly pubic hair, has fallen out of fashion.

Manscaping isn’t an all-or-nothing practice. It can range from a simple pubic trim to full body waxing. Here are some of the more popular styles:

Bare Balls
Keeping the boys hairless is one of the most popular manscaping activities. Women generally react negatively to hairy balls.  Some don’t like balls at all. That’s their problem. I want to keep mine. Shaving and waxing are the best ways to keep the boys in the pink. Chemical and laser hair removal are extremely painful down there. I had laser treatments. Even with a topical anesthetic, the treatments burned like hell.

Waxing only hurts the first couple of treatments. Each treatment keeps the hair away for about a month. Over time, the hair grows back thinner.
This is how Mrs. Lion does me.

The Trim Almost all women surveyed (over 80%) preferred trimmed male pubes to wild bushes. Before I went Brazillian I trimmed to about 1-inch. I liked the look. At one point I stopped trimming and my partner at the time was upset at all the hair. She tied me to the bed and shaved off all of my pubic hair. Obviously she had strong preferences. Once a week as long as we were together she shaved my front and back. I kept it up since then. Had I kept trimming I probably would still have hair down there.

Neatly trimmed pubic hair sends a message of good personal hygiene and grooming. Any length under three inches gets good marks.

Do the Samba Since I have frequently bottomed, hair can get in the way in front and in back. A Brazillian is the removal of all pubic hair as well as any hair on the ass and in the crack.  We didn’t know it at the time, but that is what my partner gave me. I like the way it looks. It also has practical benefits. Removing crack hair makes it much easier to stay clean back there. The hair picks up stuff when you poop. Bare skin is easier to keep clean. There is a downside: Farts are louder without the muffling effect of hair.

If you want to wear a chastity device or cock ring, pubic hair gets pulled and tangled in the hardware. Staying bare there not only improves how you look when wearing a device, it also avoids those nasty hair tugs when the hardware gets tangled in your pubes.

Chest and Pits For the longest time I restricted my manscaping to the Brazillian. At one point not too long ago, I wondered how I would look with a hairless chest. My chest and tummy never had all that much hair, at least that’s what I thought. Mrs. Lion waxed me in front and I was surprised and delighted by the results. I discovered my nipples are very small. The hair made them appear larger. I like them better hairless. I think the smooth front looks very nice. Mrs. Lion doesn’t care either way. Oh well.

I also asked her to wax my arm pits. Every so often I had trimmed and sometimes shaved my pits. The hair is very light and straight. I never liked how it looked. Having them hairless initially worried me that I would look too feminine. After a short time, I decided that I don’t care. I like the look. It looks clean to me.

Back and Shoulders Even back in the old days, men had their backs shaved. Very few women like hairy backs. Fortunately, mine has never been hairy. Mrs. Lion waxes my back and shoulders when she does the rest of me. It keeps the look uniform.

My legs are hairy. I never liked the contrast between my hairless pubes and butt and the hairy legs.

Legs Until recently, I never did anything with my leg hair. I have pretty hairy legs. The only manscaping there was removing the hair on my thighs about halfway to my knees. That looks better with the Brazillian. The start of hair contrasting with bare skin elsewhere looked a bit odd to me. I asked Mrs. Lion to wax my legs. My thighs look much better without hair. My knees and below look a bit strange to me. Mrs. Lion can’t decide which way she likes them best. I lean toward keeping my legs hairless too. However, I’m fine being hairy there if that’s what she prefers.

The general consensus is that men should do some manscaping. At the least a pubic trim is in order. Hairless balls are generally appreciated. Beyond that, it is a matter of taste. I like the way I look now. Mrs. Lion likes the look too. Manscaping is a good topic for a couple to discuss. If you haven’t talked about it, bring it up. It may cost you some hair.

Obvious comment of the day: It’s easier to write a sex blog when you’re horny. Aren’t you glad I’m such an astute observer of myself? For the last couple of days, I couldn’t get it up. Well, I did sorta when Mrs. Lion gave me a blow job. I was apparently at half-mast. That’s the first time in my memory that I did that. The next two days I really couldn’t get it up at all. I had chemical help. On one of those days, I tried generic Viagra (a real prescription from a real drugstore) and the next generic Cialis (also legit). They didn’t help. Then on Sunday morning with no apparent motivation, I got fairly hard. This gives me hope that if Mrs. Lion chooses to play with me reasonably early today, we may have good results.

I wonder if the problem is simply either the hour we played or that my refractory period has gotten dramatically longer. It wouldn’t be too surprising if both are true. Also, on Saturday Mrs. Lion gave me a Brazilian waxing. I didn’t achieve an erection during that even though she tried to give me one, but I do consider losing hair sexy. Maybe that was foreplay for me. It might be. I think it counts.

Even though Mrs. Lion dislikes doing it, I love the results when she waxes me. Skin looks better than hair to me. Every so often some nude photographs show up on Twitter, posted by people who like to take pictures at nude beaches. I definitely find the women with shaved pubes more appealing than bushy ones. Fortunately for me, hairlessness appears to be the current trend in personal grooming. I’ve also noticed that those beach shots that include men show that they too get rid of their pubic hair.

I know that some guys think of losing body hair as a way of being submissive. Some women have commented that hairless men are more boy than man. That prejudice seems to be disappearing. Mrs. Lion is indifferent to the status of my body hair. I’m the one who prefers it missing. For the record, she doesn’t remove her pubic hair. It’s light and looks fine to me.

In her post yesterday, she was musing about giving me a Brazilian every month and removing the other hair every other month. I have no objection to that, of course. The only problem is that what grows back is very fine and scraggly. I think it just looks messy. She doesn’t think it’s worth wasting the money on getting professional waxing. If she can do it why spend money on paying someone else to do it? I think it’s much nicer when she does it anyway. We’ve made the investment in equipment. I just hate to see her doing something she doesn’t like, especially when it involves me.

I’m lucky that hair removal is the only part of lion care that she considers a chore. I would be devastated if she felt that way about edging me. For reasons I will never understand, Mrs. Lion really enjoys the flavor of semen. She’s made it crystal clear that it’s worth all the work it takes to get me to produce some for her pleasure. I like making it for her. It’s a definite win/win. Sadly for me, she’s perfectly happy rationing this treat. She is fine with waiting a week or more between snacks. Of course, I’m perfectly happy to provide it more frequently. That’s not gonna happen.

I’m very happy she likes it so much. She doesn’t want to share it. That’s very good! I don’t share her taste in this particular snack. I don’t like it when she decides to be generous and feed it to me. She says it’s good for me. I think it’s better for her.