Day three in the captivity of my CPAP showed no real improvement. Lion says I haven’t snored since I started using it. It’s no wonder since it blows air up my nose. I know it will take some time to get used to, but so far I’m just as tired as I was without it. I was looking forward to an a-ha moment after which I’d be ready for anything. Oh well.

I thought I’d take last night off from play because I was tired. Lion even took a short nap. He wondered if a CPAP would help him sleep. It might. I’m usually more tolerant of being uncomfortable though. Anyway, we only snuggled last night. I don’t know if Lion was really in the mood or if he just wanted to be close. Either way, it worked out for both of us. Tonight I’ll make sure he gets his plastic clothespins, which is what he selected from the Box O’Fun the other night. I know he’s been looking forward to it. (Not so much.)

Lion says he’s getting furry again. I’ve noticed some stubble. He thinks it’s time for another waxing session. I’m wondering of the hair is long enough for the wax to grab. He says it is. I say we’ll see how we both feel this weekend. We may need to catch up on sleep. We also may have to catch up on some chores. Clearly there isn’t an issue if we put off waxing for another week. The hair won’t be too long for waxing at any point.

The main thing I need to guard against for all activities – BDSM, punishment and waxing – is complacency. Yes, we may need to catch up on sleep, but not to the detriment of our relationship. There’s a fine line between being too tired to play and being too lazy to play. I do tend to get a bit lax when it comes to playing. I’ve forgotten to punish Lion because I don’t make it a priority in my mind. Left to me, we’d never do waxing anymore. It’s not because I want Lion to be hairy. It’s just that I can think of a bunch of other things I’d rather expend my energy on. Or, more correctly, not expend my energy on.

I’m determined to make this stupid CPAP work for me, but I’m more determined to make our relationship continue to work. If I get less sleep with the machine then out it goes. But I’m not there yet.

Hairless male legs
Mrs. Lion did a great job waxing me this weekend as you can see here.

We’re both tired today. We got to bed late and then at 3am, the dog woke us up. She was having a seizure. We got that under control and then struggled to get back to sleep. Mrs. Lion could barely keep her eyes open to get to work. I’m working from home so I don’t even have to worry about getting dressed.

As I look down at my legs today, the fact that they are hairless is very obvious. Considering that I haven’t had any body hair for over a month, that struck me as odd. It’s not like I haven’t seen my legs in six weeks. Since our weekend waxing sessions, I do look different. I think that perhaps our earlier sessions may have broken hairs off more than pulled them out.

According to my YouTube research, this can happen with inexperienced waxers. Also, my skin was bumpy because the pulled out hairs were stubborn since I had never had hair removal there before. The combination made my legs, to me at least, look about the same as they did when I had hair. In any case, I look very different to myself now.

I’m not used to this look. It doesn’t look feminine to me. I don’t need a lot of fur to feel like a man. I admit that it does look odd. Apparently, the waxing process has slowed the return of hair. Mrs. Lion had a much easier time this weekend. The results, as you can see, are flawless.

She says she is indifferent. She tells me that she likes the way I look with or without the hair. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I like not having pubic or chest hair. I also like the way my thighs look too. That’s because the missing pubic hair no longer has a border where it ends and fur begins.

Every time I write about this, at least one guy comments on how he doesn’t understand why I would want to remove body hair. Generally, the reasoning goes that it’s either feminine (gay) or pointless. In 2018, the absence of male body hair says nothing about gender preferences. I freely admit that it’s purely an esthetic choice. I like the look and feel.

When I watched the instructional video for male Brazilian waxing, I noticed that I was a little put off by the model’s penis and balls before the waxing. Once waxed, I went from put off to neutral. I don’t think that means I am interested in penises, other than mine , of course. It means that for whatever reason, I prefer skin to hair. I also like being waxed by Mrs. Lion. It is an intimate, not-entirely-painless activity. She’s learning to be very good at it.

I’ve learned something else about myself. I tend to be an all-or-nothing sort of guy. I liked having no pubic hair, but the idea of no body hair at all is much more exciting to me. My attraction to male chastity is similar. I am attracted much more to complete sexual surrender than to a more voluntary submission. Hence, my love of bondage and wearing a chastity device.

The fact is that I’m conditioned to be unable to jerk off, Mrs. Lion’s control is complete even without steel locked around my penis. This is a far more severe form of sexual bondage than a chastity cage. It’s just the way I’m wired. I guess it makes things more interesting around here.

Yesterday I went for the analysis of my sleep study. I have mild sleep apnea. I get to wear a stylish mask to bed. If that doesn’t get Lion’s motor running, I don’t know what will. It’ll be a few weeks before I get that sexy mask so I’ll have to figure out other ways to arouse him in the meantime.

We watched waxing videos before I attempted another waxing session. I should say Lion watched them. I napped through a lot of it. I got the gist. I was just so tired yesterday. I think waxing looks easy on the videos because the guy has done it about a million times and because he’s waxing a young, muscular guy who doesn’t have loose skin here or there. Some areas of Lion are easier to pull the skin tight. Others, not so much. Plus, the hair is dark against the waxee’s skin. The waxer isn’t hunting for a gray hair or going after that one patch of stubborn hair that doesn’t want to come off no matter what direction you try.

When I was done Lion asked if he was hairless on the front. I told him I doubted it. He seemed disappointed. I can’t guarantee I got every hair off. I can’t guarantee I didn’t miss an entire patch somewhere. I’m not a professional waxer. I’m not even close. But I’m doing my best. At least I don’t seem to have bruised him as badly as last week or the week before. Today I’ll tackle the flip side.

Lion got himself in trouble last night. He started out with a few bits of tortilla chips on his shirt. That wasn’t the problem. It was when he added salsa to the mix that he earned some swats. I thought about it when we first got home but I was so full I just wanted to relax for a bit. Then Lion fell asleep watching TV. I was struggling to stay awake myself. By the time we were both awake again, the dog had her ice cream and we were back to watching TV, I’d forgotten all about his punishment. When he asked me about it as I was falling asleep, I told him I’d get him today. I was probably too tired to give him the nice punishment he deserved last night anyway.

Today we are off to lay in a supply of bagels and to pick up Lion’s birthday cake. Years ago I found an Italian bakery that comes fairly close to m atching Lion’s favorite Italian bakery in Greenwich Village; at least as far as rum birthday cakes are concerned. We’re still getting things ready for our guest who is arriving on Thursday, so we’ll be doing some more cleaning and hiding of toys. The punishment stool will be hidden in the basement. It might be hard to explain why there’s a piece of welcome mat on a kitchen stool. Better to remove it from view.

So far this weekend has been an old-settled-married-couple time. Saturday was sleeping late, watching TV and hot dogs for dinner. Mrs. Lion and I snuggled and she tried to get my motor runnng. I couldn’t get very excited even after she brought out the power tool. She said it was because it was just a couple of days since my last orgasm. It had been three days; more than enough time for me to get up a fill head of steam. I suspect it was the hot dogs. They give me the farts. Sex hasn’t really been on my mind much. I know, I know, I’m supposed to be horny all the time. Well, if you’ve been reading the blog for very long, you know I go through highs and lows in terms of sexual interest. This could be a low, or it could be the hot dogs.

Meanwhile, we are enjoying each other’s company. I have been worrying about work. It isn’t that anything is actually wrong. It’s just that my job is very self contained and I don’t get much feedback from management. Of course, if I weren’t doing a good job I would get lots of feedback. Well, Friday I got very positive feedback. How nice. I haven’t traveled since January. I like being home but I also miss the trips cross country. Still, it’s really nice to be home. Our climate is largely unaffected by global warming, so our summer was mild and sunny. Now we go into nine months of cloudy rainy weather. Oh joy!

I’ve been reading other blogs. I love following what others are doing. Sadly, a lot of bloggers aren’t writing as often as they used to. I miss their voices. One blogger, whose “facts” are questionable to me, wrote about prostate milking as a way to clear out the pipes. That’s a sure sign that I am reading fiction. So-called prostate milking is massaging the prostate gland. Doing this is supposed to generate ejaculation without orgasm. It’s true that massaging the prostate will produce a few drops of liquid. My urologist “milked” me to get a sample for testing.

The prostate is a small contributor to semen. It is true that some guys do ejaculate from anal stimulation. It isn’t really milking. Its the fact that they can have orgasms from anal stimulation. That shouldn’t be surprising. Women routinely have anally produced orgasms. There are a lot of nerves in the anus that bundle with nerves in and around the genitals. So if you really produce semen in any quantity from anal stimulation, you are one of the lucky guys who can come via anal stimulation. More fun for you.

For me, the orgasm nerves don’t extend into my butt. That won’t stop Mrs. Lion from pegging me later today. She promised to do that in her post yesterday. I guess we’ll be dusting off the sling today. Next weekend I will be getting my full body waxing. Hair is starting to grow back. It’s finer, softer, and harder to see. From my YouTube research, this is the expected outcome from waxing.

One reader commented that his wife wasn’t successful waxing him. Waxing is a skill. You can’t just do it. Mrs. Lion and I have watched videos and we have the proper supplies. I’ve been waxed twice. The second time was better than the first in many ways. Before the session next week, I’ve asked Mrs. Lion to rewatch the “Hollywood” waxing video and reviewing the leg waxing one as well. These videos are essential I think. You can learn anything on the Internet. Take it from me, your hairless lion.