Several coworkers and I joke about burning the house down behind us when we move. It will be easier than packing. Just buy new stuff and move on. If only it were that simple. There are things we want to keep because they mean something to us. Most other things we keep because it doesn’t make any sense to buy a new bed or a new washing machine. And other things we can safely toss out. The problem is it takes time to go through everything. And room. It takes room to create a “keep” and “toss” pile. I’m making somewhat steady progress. The living room is pretty much done. The next, most daunting task is the pantry. That may take weeks to figure out. Unfortunately, we don’t have weeks. I’ll take some Tylenol and hit it as soon as I’m done writing.

Lion has been snoozing a lot. It didn’t bother me until this morning, as I was packing, and he was still in bed. The other day, I tried to make a kennel reservation for the dog for a few days during the move. She’s an escape artist who loves nothing more than outwitting me by sneaking out the door if I leave it unguarded for a split second. Obviously, the movers need the door open. She’d be underfoot anyway. It turned out one of the dates for the kennel was unavailable. Lion said it was because I waited too long. I then had the task of finding a new kennel. Why? I mean, I know we need to board her. But why do I have to do it? I’m working and packing, and Lion isn’t. Granted, he’s been doing the logistics of utilities and movers. This morning, I was just feeling like I had enough on my plate, and I wanted to tell him to get his lazy ass out of bed. I didn’t, of course. His ass was perfectly fine where it was. He wasn’t in the way. What could he be doing anyway?

Then I sat down to have a drink before I tackle the pantry. Lion asked me to look for a kennel. Grumble, grumble, grumble. Why am I looking? But I didn’t say it. I looked and found one close to the new house. I was looking at the dates we needed, and something didn’t seem right. I was off by a day. We need Monday night through Friday morning. I was looking for Tuesday through Saturday. Friday night was the problem with the regular kennel. I just did the new reservation and I’m hoping they’ll confirm it once they get back in the office later today.

Lion hates when I blame things on him sleeping, but I haven’t snuggled next to him lately because as soon as I get over there, he falls asleep. (Sometimes I do too.) And it’s such a process to get over there and back. I sleep with a weighted blanket and there’s a gap between the beds. My shoulder has been hurting so I can’t really snuggle in the way I used to. It winds up just being me sort of closer to him. But I need to put all that aside and get as close as I can get more often. We’re both a little (maybe Lion more so than me) freaked out about the move and we need to be closer.

My idea of keeping Amazon boxes may be flawed. Sure, it gives us variety in the sizes and shapes of boxes available to us. However, it creates a giant mess in the living room. The boxes I’ve packed have nowhere to go. More correctly, I have to do a lot more maneuvering to make a simple stack of boxes. What I need to do is disconnect all wires and move speakers out of the way so there’s more room. It’s a giant game of Tetris.

A friend offered to come on Sunday to help pack. If things were more organized, I might have accepted. There’s too much going on right now. I need a staging area for things that will be donated. Where? There’s no room. I need a staging area for things that can go right to the new house as soon as we get the keys. Again, no room. It’s frustrating. Personally, I don’t mind going through a maze of boxes. Lion has a hard time both from a mess point of view and a vision point of view.

I’ll just be glad when we get the keys. Luckily, I think it will be a Friday so we can make a bunch of trips over the weekend to get things started.

Yesterday was punishment day. No, I didn’t spank Lion. I may not be able to be in move mode and spanking mode at the same time. Too many balls in the air. Of course, Lion will probably say there aren’t enough of his balls in the air. His balls are another matter. He can do his Edex shot whenever he wants to. There’s a brand new can of IcyHot spray that hasn’t been tested yet. The clothespins haven’t been packed yet. The rope is still available. So many options.

We went to take measurements for the new house yesterday. That’s assuming we wind up signing the lease. Lion doesn’t like some of the clauses and we’re not sure if they can be changed or deleted. I guess we’ll find out this week. In the meantime, I’ve gone back on the hunt for a house. I managed to pack a few boxes, but not much.

Last night, when Lion went to take his shower, I told him he could bring the Edex out. He seemed happy. After he came out, he said he thought we’d eat first. Then he fell asleep, and the rest is history. I didn’t spank him because I didn’t want it to get in the way of sex. Today is punishment day again and I feel like I should finally whomp him. It’s been a long time. And he did have an opportunity for sex last night. You snooze, you lose.

My shoulder is still hurting on and off. It was feeling pretty good until I had to get into a sweatshirt and then a jacket. Of course, lifting a box of books didn’t help either. I’ll have to just take some Tylenol and suck it up when I’m packing and moving. I know I still have to pack even if we don’t take the house we’re applying for now, but I’d feel more motivated if we had a place locked in.

Our cold weather is over. I think. It’s in the 30s today although it did go down below 20 last night. The little snow we got shows no sign of melting. Still, we are better off than most of the country. We normally get one snowstorm a year. I hope that was it. We don’t need to be moving in a storm.

We have a high wind advisory, which apparently replaces the plain old wind advisory from yesterday. It has been windy and cold. Last night it went down to 15o F. For us, that’s cold. That’s ridiculously cold. Our normal winter temperatures have us in the 40s during the day and not much colder at night because the clouds usually hang around and act as a blanket. I decided to stay inside and pack today. Unfortunately, I just realized the packing paper is in the basement, which is only accessible from outside. I guess I’ll be bundling up in a little bit.

We’ve both been pretty stressed out about the whole moving process. It was bad enough looking for a house. Lion has been arguing about the lease for a day or two. In one spot, it says that if the refrigerator dies, they won’t replace it because it’s a “convenience item”. Excuse me? If I have to buy a new one on my own, I’m taking it with me when I move. What if I think it’s a convenience to the owner that I’m renting the house? I am, after all, making sure no one breaks in or damages it. I shouldn’t have to replace last month’s rent with new rent.

We also had a mover stop by to do an estimate. Is it possible it should cost almost three months’ rent to move us? I know we have a lot of crap, but it shouldn’t be that much. Lion says we can move some of the boxes and lighter things ourselves with a U-Haul to keep costs down. Funny. That’s sort of what I suggested before we got the quote. It’s better because it’s his idea.

Everything going on has thrown our schedule off. Lion has been busy with moving stuff, so his shower has been later. And then we’re hungry, so dinner comes next. We haven’t managed to squeeze in spanking or a blow job. I do have a three-day weekend. We’re going to the new house tomorrow to take some measurements. There’s still plenty of time for fun.