We went adventuring yesterday. We just had to see Useless Bay. It was nothing special but how could you not visit a place named Useless Bay? Along the way, we stopped to have lunch. It took more than a half hour for our food to arrive. Lion was ready to leave. He was very fidgety. He said he was leaving. I told him I was staying. Stand off.

I think Lion had his truck keys with him, so it was a matter of whether he wanted to strand me on an island. He didn’t. I knew he wouldn’t. I agreed it was horrible service. The food took too long. The waitress basically ignored us. While I was proud of Lion for not growling, I wanted to put my foot down when he decided we should leave. I may let him decide a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them.

By the time we made it back to the camper, I was tired. After dinner, Lion’s tummy was bothering him. Needless to say, we didn’t play last night as promised. Sometimes I think we’ve become an old married couple. Sex takes a backseat. We’re too tired. Too this. Too that. Blah, blah, blah.

I really thought that Lion would be having lots of orgasms within his seventeen day free orgasm period. Maybe not quite every other day, but more than he’s had. And we’re running out of time. He’s only got seven more days. I know he’s excited about his new job. That’s more important than sex. But there’s no reason we can’t make time and effort for sex.

So now we’re in the homestretch. A week from today Lion starts his job. He’ll be busy. He’ll also need a way to relax. I think I have an idea for relaxing him. Several actually.

We had a good day yesterday. We went sight seeing, had dinner with our friends and then went to a casino. When we got home we were too tired for much of anything. We just snuggled into bed and fell asleep.

This morning we had breakfast with our friends and now we’re on our own. I’m not exactly sure what we’ll do but we’ll find something interesting. And, since we have no plans with friends, we might be in early enough to play tonight.

Something interesting I noticed last night in our group was that one of the women was trying to say something, but people were talking and being rowdy. Her husband yelled that his boss was trying to speak and we should all listen. She was visibly uncomfortable he said that. Now, these people are friends but I have no idea about their “arrangements”. Is she really his boss and she was embarrassed that he brought it up in that company? Or is she the boss in the joking way men refer to their wives? I don’t know and I would never ask.

As a matter of fact, if anyone ever said, in public, that I was Lion’s boss I would jokingly agree. Even before I was really the boss I would have jokingly agreed. No one needs to know if it’s true or not. Enough men say they need to ask the boss for permission that it’s become cliché. Most people don’t take it seriously. Lion and I take it very seriously.

Lion was the perfect gentleman yesterday. Except for a few times he was snarky to me. But that’s OK because I snarked right back at him. When we met up with friends he was well-behaved. There really was nothing to complain about anyway.

He also had nothing to complain about in the bedroom last night. When we first started snuggling, he said he was losing interest. I told him I could fix that. Lion can almost never resist my mouth. And he couldn’t last night either.

I got him right to the edge several times. I was trying to decide if I should give him an orgasm. Since we haven’t been doing anything lately, it seemed rational to just edge him. On the other hand, we both like his orgasms. Ultimately I decided to give him a slow buildup to orgasm. It might just be the thing that gets us back in the swing of things.

Today we’re wandering around the area while our friends go whale watching. It’s a beautiful area. We’re on the island with a few more islands around us. Lion is looking forward to taking some pictures. He loves landscape photography. Later on we’ll meet up with our friends for dinner. And after that?

I don’t normally have plans for Lion at night. Sometimes I’m leaning toward spanking but I change my mind when we start the festivities. Really, it’s more of a spur of the moment thing. It really depends on our mood. Mostly my mood, but if Lion isn’t in the mood, that drives it too.

So we’ll play it by ear. I’d like to do something tonight, but since I gave Lion an orgasm last night, he may not be interested tonight. And that was a consideration last night when I was deciding whether he should have an orgasm or not. It’s not like he can’t be interested but the odds are against it. It’s my job to convince him.

One thing that might help is that yesterday I had a twinge of horniness. He was excited when I told him about it. He wondered why I didn’t say something. It was just a twinge. It wasn’t anything I would have knocked him down and ridden him for. But it is good news. Maybe my interest is on the uptick. We’ll have to keep an eye on it.

We are headed to a peninsula. The RV park is right on a bay. I think all but one of our trips this year is on water. But that’s not what you came here to read.

We went out shopping for Lion clothes last night. We were tired and didn’t play. Somehow we’ll get back on track. I now owe Lion another round of swats for spilling food on his shirt. He’ll definitely get them this weekend.

I think I’ll have Lion wear the shock collar for at least part of the weekend. That way I can let him know of he’s misbehaving. Not that I think it will be a problem. He’ll be fine. I just like the idea of being able to zap him for my own amusement.

Since we haven’t been playing, we’ve fallen behind on Lion’s all-you-can-come buffet. I don’t know if it’s possible for us to catch up, but we can sure try.

I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. I hate when we’re both too tired to do anything. We haven’t even been snuggling. This weekend ends that.