Last night didn’t start out very well. Our power went out a little after 4. Lion called me to come home and help with the generator. Unfortunately, several traffic lights were out and I realized this was more of a widespread outage than I thought. Lion was able to get the generator going and run the power cords without too much trouble anyway.

While we sat there watching TV, Lion said he hoped the power outage didn’t screw up our plans for the evening. I was more concerned with whether or not we’d be able to take showers, having to put more gas in the generator at some point and running around unplugging everything that was plugged into the generator when/if the power came back on but, sure, our plans should have been on my mind. I know Lion and I have different priorities for sex but that seemed a little out of place on the list of things to worry about last night.

In all, the power was out for about three hours. Not bad for one of our outages. They’ve been known to go on for days in big storms. We were able to take our showers at a reasonable hour and we had plenty of time for fun. Lion had generously put the roll-on Icy Hot next to the tube I’d left near the sink.

I put on a glove before I set to work with the Icy Hot. I didn’t want to get any on my hands to transfer to my weenie. I only wanted the balls to be on fire. I squirted a fairly liberal amount and rubbed it in. In the past I’ve just done a little racing stripe. As hot as it is, I knew Lion could take more. I put a wash cloth over his balls to protect my weenie. If I had thought about it ahead of time I could have used a hot wash cloth to make things worse. Live and learn.

As I played with my weenie, I rubbed the boys through the wash cloth. Not only was the dry wash cloth scratching around the hot spots but I was also rubbing the Icy Hot in further. Lion was not a fan of this. He was grimacing a lot. And then I decided if I couldn’t get him to the edge, obviously it was because he needed more Icy Hot. I squirted another liberal set of gobs on his balls. Insult to injury.

However, at some level he must have liked it because soon he was bucking into my hand. I didn’t want him to come so I let go. Then I decided he should get an orgasm for withstanding the Icy Hot. I was pretty mean with it. But then it was difficult to get him back to the bucking stage. Eventually he got there and had a very slow and (I hope) enjoyable orgasm.

I’m a nice mean person.

This morning I teased Lion about how horny he’s been. I said maybe it had something to do with all the people touching my weenie during his operation and stent removal when I’m supposed to be the only one touching it. May be my weenie was reacting to some “strange”. I’m just interested to see if he’s as horny after his orgasm yesterday.

Of course, I don’t really think my weenie was affected by other people touching him. I suppose it could be an unconscious occurrence but I doubt it. Lion was under anesthesia for the kidney stone removal and when he had the stent removed he didn’t report any erection to me. And weenies don’t really have minds of their own despite some evidence to the contrary.

Lion has been super horny before but that usually translates to a harder erection and possibly more urgency to have an orgasm. He does not usually have a hair trigger until he’s been edged over and over again. Even after a lengthy play session I still have work to do. This time around I almost didn’t have to be in the room. It was yet another side of Lion. He’s just full of surprises.

He did have to wait a while for this orgasm. In all fairness, he wasn’t consumed with sex while he was battling the kidney stone. But I decided to make him wait so we’d have time to play before he got to come. Most weekends I screw it up by giving him an orgasm Friday or Saturday and then he’s not ready for another one. We miss out on Sunday play.

I don’t have any plans on how long the next wait should be. I want to see how horny Lion gets. I also want to get back to the Box O’Fun (which may very well determine how horny Lion gets). I’m sure Lion is looking forward to choosing the card that puts tiny clothespins on my weenie.

dollhouse clothespins on penis head
Lion’s fate today? Only I know.

This morning Lion posed a fairly innocuous question: what time do I plan on playing with him? Hmmm…

He assumes I have a plan.

And a time.


But I know he wasn’t asking for details. He was wondering because he wants to make sure his boner pills are operational within the correct time frame. It’s a valid request. I just hadn’t thought about it at that point.

While I was feeding the animals I was running down the list of things that need to be done around here. Although it’s been sunny and dry for a few days, I’m not going to mow the lawn. It will wipe me out and I won’t have any energy for playing. The other chores are not so labor intensive. With that in mind I’m shooting for 3 pm. It doesn’t have to be right on the nose. I just need to give Lion a window to aim for. It takes X time for the pill to kick in and it lasts for Y time, so he’ll take it at Z pm.

Now, on to what actual plans I have for him. I was thinking about that last night as I was edging him. At that point I wasn’t sure of anything other than a blindfold. And if I use a blindfold it would be stupid of me to give away the rest of the plan because then Lion would know what to expect. The blindfold allows for the element of surprise. Menthol rub. Surprise! Ball bondage. Surprise! Tiny clothespins. Surprise! Did I give anything away? He’ll have to wait and not see. [Lion — Not that I can tell.]

The one thing Lion can be assured of is that he will have a happy ending. An oral happy ending. I have to improve my statistics. He may or may not be wearing the blindfold at that point. I haven’t decided, but I doubt he’ll care one way or the other once I start the oral ministrations.

Regardless of whether or not Lion is in pain after his stent removal, he won’t be getting an orgasm tonight. I know he wants one. I know he thinks he should have one. But neither of those things matter. Do I want him to have one? That’s the determining factor. And the answer is, “No.”

It would be easy for me to give in and make him happy. He’s so horny I’m not even sure I even need to touch him. I could just move my hand in the vicinity and he’d ejaculate. A few days ago we were snuggling and my hand was nowhere near my weenie but when I actually did go to touch it, Lion was already very hard. I’m not complaining. I love it when he’s super hard.

The reason I want him to wait for an orgasm is that we haven’t played in a long time. Since the beginning of March, one of us has been sick or injured. There have been a few limited days where we felt well enough to do anything but it was usually edging or an orgasm. I want to try to get things back to normal before I let him come.

My plan (I know I abolished all talk of planning some time ago but I guess I’m stupid) is to play with Lion through the weekend and give him an orgasm Sunday. I don’t really care if it’s Velcro, clothespins, bondage, the sling, menthol rub, or what. I just want to give Lion the attention he’s been missing. And I want it to be more than “just” edging.

At this point I’m sure Lion would be more than happy with “just” edging and then a nice orgasm. But think of how much happier he’ll be with a few days of actual play with edging and then an even better orgasm. He just emailed me that he realized he hasn’t been spanked in months. Months! I think maybe that brings spanking to the top of the list. (Of course, he said it right after he reminded me of punishment day but I think a play spanking would be welcomed.)

Assuming all goes well with the stent removal, and with all the weirdness lately I’m not sure we can assume that, we’ll begin normalizing tonight. We may start out slow but by Sunday I hope we’ll be well on our way.