Lion complains that I leave stuff in the dish drainer. Ok. Now it is
his job to make sure it is empty. I see a red bottom in his future.

I am on the hunt for some new rules. I’d like at least two that Lion is sure break often. These would be along the lines of spilling food on his shirt or eating first. Then I need one that is more serious, like interrupting.

He’s been leaving the cabinet door open in the bathroom and I thought that might be one, but I seem to have a similar affliction. How would I know which one of us did it?

He gets frustrated with me because I don’t put away the utensils I’ve had to wash by hand. They sit in the dish drainer for days. I figure I put everything else away and I washed the damn things, so what if I didn’t go that extra mile to put them away. Maybe it should be his job. After all, he’s getting the coffee pot out of the dish drainer when he gets the coffee ready for the following day.

Admittedly, this is an inconsequential rule. That’s by design. I want him to break it so he gets swatted more often. This way we’ll stay in practice and not have to do maintenance spankings like we did last night.

I think we’ve decided that the softer punishments like mouth-soaping don’t mean much to Lion. In order to have an impact, no pun intended, he needs a spanking. Last night’s maintenance spanking lasted less than five minutes. Maybe the lesser offenses get fewer minutes. That seems fair to me. [Lion — Based on our experience, shorter spankings aren’t effective.]

So far that’s all I have. I think I’ll have to wait for him to do a big thing and then I’ll decide it would make a good rule. It was only after he kept interrupting me that I got so frustrated I made it a rule. There must be something he does that pisses me off. I’ll know it when I see it. So will he. [Lion — No more growls?]


I’d assume having an orgasm would make Lion sleep well. Sadly, that was not the case Saturday night. He was awake for a good portion of the night and was snoozing on and off yesterday. Apparently football makes for good napping even though they were good games.

I didn’t really think Lion would be in the mood for love, but I thought he’d like to snuggle. Any time I glanced his way he was snoring softly. Then he’d wake up, watch a bit and drift off again. His shoulder was hurting and this morning, his tummy hurts. It’s nothing serious, but don’t tell anyone in pain it isn’t serious. It’s serious to them. On the way home I’ll stock up on some comfort foods so Lion doesn’t have to eat anything too taxing.

Lion has been a very well behaved boy lately. He’s remembering punishment days. He’s not spilling food or eating first. He did interrupt me but I growled at him and left it at that. It’s my version of a parent counting to three. A warning shot over the bow, if you will. I let him know I caught it and the next time will not be tolerated. He was even on his best behavior when we went to a Mexican restaurant the other night. He didn’t get upset with the waiter. He didn’t even get salsa on himself. Exemplary behavior! I’m proud of him.

My problem now is coming up with more rules. I need some that he can’t help but break to make sure he gets spanked sometimes. I’d also like one more that has real meaning. You know, like not interrupting. It’s difficult for me to find things that annoy me except when they annoy me. I guess I’ll have to wait for Lion to do something annoying and pounce on it. Eureka! That’s the new rule. Depending on how serious it is, I’ll spank him on that first offense. I already have a rule in effect that I can spank him if he annoys me. I’m just looking for a more concrete rule.

Lion isn’t perfect. It’s only a matter of time before he gives me an idea for a new rule. Of course, I also have to be more diligent about enforcing the rules we already have. They’re no good unless I catch him. Look out, my pet.

Yesterday I was trying to come up with new rules for Lion. I couldn’t think of anything. Then last night I realized I don’t need new rules. I can reinstate a rule from a long time ago.
Lion has a habit of being impatient with people in the foodservice industry. He can be rude when they don’t get his order the first time. We’ve both read books about what waiters do to the food of nasty people. I’m not sure why he would put his dinner in jeopardy of being spit in. I certainly don’t want anything to happen to my food because I’m with him.

The rule seemed effective while it was in effect. He was well-behaved when ordering food. I guess I must have decided he’d changed and no longer needed the rule enforced. I was wrong. He still needs it. I’m confident the threat of a punishment spanking will make him treat foodservice workers with respect. If it doesn’t, it won’t be a threat anymore.

I know Lion doesn’t intend to be rude. I mean, yes, the words do come out of his mouth. I think he’s really just impatient when he needs to repeat himself. What he doesn’t understand is that sometimes the poor Burger King worker is looking for the button that says no lettuce and that repeating the order as he hits the buttons helps confirm what Lion wants. Other times, there’s a language barrier. Of course, it always helps when you get upset at a person who didn’t necessarily understand you the first time. Not.

So this rule is back in effect, not only for waiters and order takers but for any customer service person. I know there are times that require some escalation. If you can’t get your point across after a few tries, raising your voice is natural. But having to repeat things once because a server just wants to make sure they have it right, is no reason to raise your voice.

Lion forgets that I’ve worked in Burger King. I know things. He forgets I’ve worked for a certain discount store and have dealt with rude people for many years. Every time he’s rude I cringe. I was on the receiving end of it more times than I care to remember. Now he’ll be on the receiving end of a spanking. It seems fair to me.

lion's punishment stool
Lion’s punishment stool with the coir welcome mat on top. Those tabs I cut are designed to catch his balls.

I didn’t get much accomplished yesterday. Mid-afternoon we decided we needed to go to the store. I was trying to avoid all stores since it’s the weekend before Christmas, but we needed things for Christmas dinner. As it turned out, the grocery store was not all that crowded. We piled our cart high with necessities and non-necessities, grabbed Chinese take out and had a date night watching “Love Actually”. It’s one of my favorite movies.

Lion started the wax early so we could finish at a reasonable time, but then we went shopping and that always takes more time than I think it should. We were back after 5 and I had to put all the food away before our dinner got cold. Lion asked if we’d do the waxing. When I said no he was disappointed. Wouldn’t that have been the same thing as doing it after work? No, thank you. However, now it’s hanging over my head today. The wax is currently melting and maybe I can get it the hell out of the way before the day is completely shot again.

Since Lion had his orgasm Friday night and we were having date night watching a movie, we didn’t do anything sexual. We held hands and snuggled a bit. I’m not sure Lion was looking for anything other than maybe anal play anyway. Oddly enough, to me, date night means watching a movie and not necessarily doing anything sexual.

Somewhere around dinnertime, I realized Lion hadn’t reminded me of punishment day. It was still early so I didn’t say anything. He had time. This morning, I told him he was in trouble. He had no idea why. For some reason he has trouble remembering Saturday punishment day. He’s been punished for it in the past and apparently even that didn’t help. He wondered what his punishment was going to be. Without thinking I said a spanking. Then I remembered it should be a funishment. The problem with that is that it’s a repeat offense. What if he completely loses his mind and eats first three days out of a week? Should that still get a funishment? I think it should escalate to a spanking. And to think, I nearly did away with that rule. Silly me!

When I went out to start breakfast, I realized Lion didn’t put the coffee pot together. This is a fairly new rule and he’s been doing very well with it. Again, it seems like weekends are a problem for his memory. This is definitely a funishment rule. It only warrants a mouth soaping or time on the punishment stool. Since he’s getting spanked tonight, I think he should sit his sore bottom on the punishment stool. I’ll have to decide if he does it with or without the welcome mat. The punishment stool, if you remember, has rough stair tread on the surface already. Adding the welcome mat to it just makes it more prickly when the coconut husks dig into his buns. It’s particularly painful after a good spanking.

I’m sure Lion won’t forget punishment day or the coffee pot for at least a week. Saturday is coming up all too soon though. Let’s see if he’s learned his lesson.