Yesterday Lion’s back didn’t hurt as much so he was hornier than he has been in a while. While I still entertained the idea of a Lion ride, I didn’t want to push our luck. There’s plenty of time for that on the weekend assuming things stay the same.

As I was whomping his balls and teasing him I was trying to decide if I would give him a bonus orgasm. After I edged him a few times I tried something I’ve never done before. In the past I have done only upstrokes, which keep his interest up but are not in any danger of making him come. Last night I did only down strokes. Very slowly at first, then I sped up and eventually a full stroke. Between his very nice erection and the fact that he has been in so much pain lately, I decided he needed some pleasure. After edging him again I let him come. I made him eat it but we decided a bad taste in his mouth was a fair trade for an orgasm.

Afterwards he told me he could have waited. I have no doubt. I know he wasn’t his tree-humping horny self and he could have made it to Sunday. It’s not that many days away. It wasn’t like I needed to taste him. I did have a little taste, but that wasn’t my motivation. Sometimes I just want to give him release. What can I say? I like to make him come.

He’s still guaranteed to come Sunday and then I will probably set another date. Whether I adhere to that date is to be determined. I can do what I want and Lion is in no position to argue. Well, he can argue but I’ll probably laugh at him.

Last night I decided Lion needed to be teased. He hasn’t been very horny lately but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to be unlocked and taken for a walk around the block, so to speak. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do to him, but I grabbed my little bag of tricks after I unlocked him. It has clothes pins, a small rope, some clamps, and velcro in it. I choose the velcro.

When I put the velcro on his flaccid cock it does dig in, but the real challenge for him is when he starts to get hard. The harder he gets the tighter the velcro gets. The tiny little teeth bite in. And then I start to open it. A little bit at a time. I make him think about how much it will hurt when it finally lets go. Last night I had two pieces on him. I released the top one before the bottom one so I could play with him better. Then I draped the loose one over the head of his penis and attached the ends to the velcro that was still encircling the base. And I stroked him. This way the tiny little teeth bite into the head of his cock. Looks painful. Lion says he hates the velcro but like I always say, if he really hated it he wouldn’t get hard with it on.

Then I decided to edge him a few times. I asked if he was horny and he said not really. I need to get him back to tree humping horny again. I’m hoping by this weekend he’ll be ready for his birthday present. The calendar still reads October 9 for his scheduled orgasm even though he’s had two since then. At some point I will reset it. I was waiting until we did his birthday present, but since I have allowed him to schedule that whenever he wants it, I think I should pick a new date. Maybe it will snap him out of his unhorny period.

lion penis with tiny clothespins
Mrs. Lion brought some of these tiny clothespins up to add to her toy bag. I need to be tied down to take them and the two in this image are the most Mrs. Lion was mean enough to use. She threatened to build a “crown” of them around my penis head. Mrs. Lion likes to point out that if they really hurt, I wouldn’t still be hard. Can;t argue with that.
Click for NSFW picture

Yesterday (Sunday), as promised Mrs. Lion put me in my sling. For me, this was a very different experience. She pointed out that I was still in my cage. I agreed. She then did some anal play. Normally, I like this play even if locked up. Though I think this is the first time I wasn’t aroused at the time. For some reason I just wasn’t turned on. The anal activity ranged from uncomfortable to outright painful. I usually love being strapped into the sling. This is the first time I didn’t. I can’t claim I wasn’t expecting it. Mrs. Lion made it clear we were going to do this today. We’ve done everything we did today in the past, both with me turned on and not turned on. So it isn’t anything Mrs. Lion did or didn’t do. It’s me.

For whatever reason I am very tired and not interested in sex. That is unusual for me. Maybe I am coming down with something. I don’t think it is that weird that there are times when I just don’t feel sexual. Granted, it’s rare, but it has happened. Knowing me, my desire for release will be at its usual high in a few hours.

I do think it was exactly right to go ahead with the anal activities. We only had to stop when it started to hurt. I want Mrs. Lion to continue her program regardless of my mood at the time. I like that a lot. It has to do with surrender of control. I am grateful she stopped when I asked and equally grateful she went ahead without worrying about my arousal. Great job!

Later, while I was making dinner, Mrs. Lion took our kitchen paddle (it hangs on a magnet on the fridge) and told me to bend over. I asked why. She told me that I had just announced I was taking a shower but hadn’t asked. Four very hard swats on my bare bottom. Later, she brought the nasty bloodwood paddle to our bed and told me I would get spanked later for dropping my napkin. Clearly she read my post yesterday. Another case of “be careful what you wish for.”

Earlier, while she was down in our dungeon, she picked up a handful of tiny, dollhouse clothespins. These little toys have a very strong grip applied to a tiny area (see image at right. Click it for NSFW full-color version). In the past, the most Mrs. Lion has applied to my cock was two. She threatened to create a “crown” of them around the head of my penis. She may need to gag me to do that. I imagine that she will start slow and work up to the full “crown”. At least I hope so.

Mrs. Lion might think that yesterday’s adventure was a failure. I don’t think so at all. She did exactly what she set out to do. She did take my reaction into account. I’m glad she did. But, she left me in my cage and didn’t worry about the state of my arousal. That’s real keyholder behavior! Thank you.