We’re both frustrated by the time it’s taking to get the right dose of Trimix. The problem isn’t that it won’t work. It’s that there is a risk it will work too well. The drug will produce solid erections in almost every man. It clearly works for me, just not well enough yet.

The risk is that if I inject too much, I will stay hard for more than four hours. That’s called priapism and can result in permanent damage to the penis. An emergency room visit is required if I don’t get soft within four hours. So, I have to increase the dose slowly to avoid the issue. On Saturday, I injected .25 ml of Trimix. I was hoping that would be the effective dose. it wasn’t. I had a very bendable partial woody. Mrs. Lion tried to arouse me without much success.

I think the problem with that was my disappointment with the drug. It’s supposed to produce a useful (capable of penetration) erection without outside help. From my research, that means I would be at about eighty percent of my maximum size. My research indicates that a dose of at least .25 ml is required. My urologist said that I might need a larger dose. My Sunday test will be with .30 ml.

Mrs. Lion commented that if the dose is high, the drug may become too expensive. We paid $133 for 5 ml of Trimix. For comparison, my insurance copay would be $200 for 18 doses of Edex. Edex is a single-ingredient drug that is generally considered inferior to Trimix.

Let’s do the math. If I need .30 ml per erection, I would get 16 erections per bottle, a cost of $8.31 per boner. The Edex costs $11 per boner. I can only buy the Edex every three months. If I need .4 ml of Trimix for a boner, I will get 12 boners per bottle at a cost of $11 each. That makes the cost equal to Edex. If I need .50 ml per dose, I get ten boners a bottle at a cost of $13.33 each.

There is more to this calculation than calculating cost per dose. The assumption is that I can use all of the Trimix before it expires. It has a thirty-day life in the refrigerator. So we have to keep in mind that Mrs. Lion will want me to shoot up at least that many times before the bottle has to be discarded. I’m pretty sure that she will want me to get it up at least once a week. So, thirteen erections in ninety days are reasonable. Even if we go to two bottles of Trimix in three months, our total cost is $266, which is only $66 more than my copay for Edex.

The odds are pretty good that I will need less than .50 ml per dose. If I turn out to need more, the doctor can change the mix in Trimix to be more potent. That shouldn’t make much change in cost to me. She can also prescribe Quadmix, which adds yet another boner-making ingredient. There are lots of options. The problem is that it takes more and more time to get that first perfect erection. I think that’s why so many men drop out before having success. I am certainly tired of all these failures. It’s no fun.

The partial erections that I’ve had so far feel…interesting. When I’m standing, it feels like my penis is heavy. I’m sure this is due to the blood partially filling it. Since I’m not turned on, the partial erection doesn’t feel like it is “right.” It feels a little odd. It’s sort of like how it felt when I finished ejaculating and then stood up. It’s not a bad feeling, just odd.

Well, today (Sunday), I’ll inject .30 ml of Trimix. Maybe that will give me the boner we are both anxious to enjoy.

I hope you aren’t getting too tired of my erectile dysfunction reporting. It’s a topic that gets way too little attention. While it may seem to be a purely male affliction, I think it affects both partners in a sexual relationship. I don’t believe that we males intentionally try to blame our partners for our own inability to perform. At least for me, it’s been that the problem crept over me so slowly that we both missed it.

Every man has sexual failures at times. Women do too. However, their failures tend to be private since they are generally limited to a temporary inability to orgasm. Male failures are obvious. Also, women spend their adult lives going through cycles of greater or lesser interest in sex. Guys are in heat almost all of the time. Women are understanding of a man’s temporary loss of libido. It maps to their own cycles of heat.

As a guy, I never made much of a study of my own sexual patterns. Generally speaking, sometimes it took longer to ejaculate than others. On occasion, I wasn’t horny. I chalked that up to fatigue. Like most guys, I’m not all that self-aware. When Mrs. Lion wanted orgasms, I could always provide them one way or another. I rarely initiated sex. I figured that was due to shyness. In retrospect, I wonder if it wasn’t something much more serious.

With the advantage of hindsight, I can see that I was slowly losing my ability to perform over many years. I’m not blaming my failure to initiate on early ED. I’ve always been sexually shy. I realize that’s an odd admission from someone so adventurous, but it’s true.

The first time I began to worry about my sexual health was when I had trouble staying erect once inside my partner. It didn’t happen all the time, but over a period of years, it got worse and worse. I blamed it on my male chastity, keeping me on my back all the time. I reasoned that I lost the ability to keep it up if not on my back. You can find posts here where I made a case for this. Other times, I half-jokingly said that I was “broken.”

Later, I blamed my inability to get hard when Mrs. Lion fondled me under the blankets as a lack of motivation. It wasn’t. I took generic Cialis, which improved things for a while. I didn’t want to consider that there was more to worry about. Things got worse very slowly.

It was only after the boner pills stopped helping that I needed to take a hard look at myself. That’s when I began researching ED. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Now I’ve seen a doctor and have solid help getting hard. I can’t help but wonder if my lack of ability to take ownership of the problem isn’t what caused Mrs. Lion to lose her libido. Maybe I killed it while trying to cover up my problem.

Monday night, I finally had an orgasm. As you may recall, last week I began injecting Trimix into my penis. The initial three doses were too small to produce a reliable erection. On Monday, I went from .15 ml to .2o ml. That did the trick. I was hard about ten minutes after the injection. A few minutes later, Mrs. Lion started giving me oral sex. As soon as she began, my erection became harder. I stayed that way until I came about fifteen minutes later. Mrs. Lion reported that I produced a large amount of semen.

After the orgasm, my penis lost a lot of its starch but didn’t get soft. A few minutes later, I was about eighty percent as hard as I was while Mrs. Lion sucked me. I retained this boner for about an hour. This is probably close to the optimum dosage for me. We won’t know for sure, of course, until we try again when I am a little less horny. I was very happy with the experience. The chemically-induced erection felt a little different from the organic variety. I’m not exactly sure how to describe it, but it felt like my penis was straining. That’s probably the result of the vastly increased blood flow. It didn’t hurt. It just felt different.

The injection itself was painless. In fact, after I positioned the Inject-Ease on the right spot, I accidentally bumped the release button. I heard the click but felt nothing. The needle was inserted. All I had to do was press the plunger and remove the needle.

The only potential issue this method of erection building poses is timing. There’s a necessary pause between making the decision to have sex and injecting the Trimix. The romantic flow is broken for the five minutes it takes to get the injection done. This can be a little daunting. But, if the alternative is no sex, a five-minute intermission isn’t a big price to pay.

I never thought I had a real problem. For many years, even before meeting Mrs. Lion, I had Erectile Dysfunction (ED). I didn’t realize it. The symptoms were there. Many times I would lose my erection if I was fucking doggy (lion?) style. I would be fine in the beginning but lose it before either of us finished. This didn’t happen every time, probably about 25 percent. I was fine if the woman was in cowgirl or reverse-cowgirl position. I just avoided thinking about the times things didn’t work out. Blowjobs were always satisfactory.

Things slowly deteriorated. I never imagined that there was something wrong with me. Viagra and Cialis did a good job fixing the problem for quite a while. Between compensating by using positions that worked and taking the boner pills, we did fine. Then, Mrs. Lion couldn’t get me off by hand. Oral worked, but not her hands. We weren’t fucking because her libido had shut down. More recently, oral had become less reliable. I had to do something about this problem.

The hardest thing for me is considering that my problem is getting worse. I really am broken. I don’t have any of the usual underlying causes: prostate surgery, uncontrolled diabetes, etc. I’m not taking any medications that list loss of erection as a side effect. If you’ve been reading our blog, I think you will agree that there doesn’t seem to be any psychological cause. I’m not sure if there is an official disease called idiopathic ED, but that seems to be what I have.

There is a chance that the problem is related to the medications I am taking. Side effects of many drugs become more severe as you age. It’s possible that the combination of drugs I take may be responsible. I’ve considered stopping one or more to see if there is a positive effect. However, if I do stop any of the drugs, I increase my chances of getting dangerously sick. Since I’ve lost weight, some of the medicines may not be necessary. I’ll consult with my doctor and see if we can adjust things.

In the meantime, my old standby, Cialis, has lost most of its value. If I take the maximum 20 mg dose, I still have problems getting and maintaining an erection, even in Mrs. Lion’s mouth. That’s what brought me to the point of researching more drastic measures.

As I see it, there are two approaches I can take. The first is to experiment with the long-term meds that I am taking. If one or more is to blame, the problem is solved. There’s a lot of risk in that. The second is to use a drug that produces an erection without the need for arousal. This medication is injected directly into the penis. It relaxes the tissue that engorges with blood and produces an erection. Aside from the need to inject something into my cock, it’s safe and effective in over ninety percent of men who use it. That’s what I’ve been doing.

The injections are nearly painless. I just feel a slight pinch when the needle goes it. The needle is very thin and only a half-inch long. So far, I’ve given myself three injections, each one with a slightly larger dose. I have to continue this process until I find the dose that gets me a satisfactory boner that lasts about an hour. I can only do one injection a day, and no more than three injections a week. My next try is later today (Monday).

I decided to write in detail about this because more than half of the men over fifty have ED. We tend to be reluctant to admit we have it and even more unwilling to seek help. I’m sorry that I waited as long as I did before asking for help. With any luck, things will be back to normal this week. How cool is that? Should I publish a picture of my first satisfactory erection?