My ED doctor has prescribed a different drug for me to inject, Quadmix. This new drug includes the same three that are in Trimix, but adds one more, Atropine. The new drug relaxes the long muscles in the penis–who knew they were there? This mix is considered the most potent boner maker. I’m sure that the blend I’m getting is one of the weaker mixes. Hopefully, it will work. My first dose is supposed to be .30 ml.

I’m going to try it tonight after my shower. I’m writing this post on Tuesday afternoon. I have an unrelated doctor’s appointment at three. We’ll pick up the Quadmix after that. When we get home, I’ll shower and try the new drug. Maybe it will do its magic, and a nice, firm, long-lasting boner will result. I’m hoping for an insertion-grade erection that lasts at least an hour. Stay tuned for results.

I suppose that needing a drug like this is a very strong form of male chastity. I can’t masturbate or do anything else sexual without getting my injection of boner juice. Control my supply of the drug, and you control my ability to have sex, no hardware needed. While it isn’t a formal rule, I always ask permission to get an injection of the medication. Mrs. Lion has full control of my sexual abilities. We haven’t discussed this as part of her power to control sex. It isn’t necessary. She’s controlled that for the last ten years.

The fact that her sexual control is deeply embedded in our relationship makes it more difficult to write about male chastity. It isn’t a novelty for us. I haven’t masturbated in ten years. We couldn’t stop if we wanted to. She is in charge, and that’s that. It isn’t a fantasy for us. It doesn’t even feel sexy to me. It’s just the way we live. I wish it did feel newer and sexier. It’s a little unfair that the novelty has worn off. I still like it and I’m glad we started all those years ago.

It amazes me that so much medical research has been done about boners. Since I’ve been trying to restore my penis to its former glory, I’ve discovered that medical science is on my side. It turns out that my Trimix injections are just the tip of an erection iceberg. I’ve been gradually increasing my dose from .10 ml to 4.5. I haven’t had any improvement in quality since my .30 try. It turns out that there are more powerful versions of Trimix that may inflate my stubborn penis. If that doesn’t work, there are other drugs to try.

I’m grateful for the huge amount of research that has produced this sexual miracle, but I’m also surprised that similar science isn’t available to women. It’s true that there are two drugs available that are supposed to improve the female libido. They are Flibanserin and Bremelanotide. These drugs aren’t approved for post-menopausal women. I wonder if Mrs. Lion’s doctor would let her try one of them. Beyond them, the usual advice is to seek counseling or try hormone therapy.

In fairness, the male problem the drugs solve has nothing to do with libido. All they do is provide mechanical help to get an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t needed. Once the penis is hard, the man can have sex whether he is aroused or not. The opposite is true of a woman. She can have sex whether or not she is aroused. The drugs for her are designed to help her enjoy it. There are no drugs to help a man have an orgasm.

Maybe women are getting the better deal. Also, it has to be much more difficult to develop a drug to get someone aroused than it is to find a way to inflate a limp penis. I know that feminists complain that more research is devoted to getting men hard than to getting women hot. They claim it is because the majority of drug companies and research scientists are men. I think they are wrong. For one thing, the boner-producing science has been the result of unexpected consequences to other research. Viagra was originally a heart medicine. Its fun property was an accident. The penis injections were developed through hormone experiments. That’s not the point.

Erections are necessary to extract semen and sperm reliably. Despite the nonsense you read online, prostate milking does not produce sperm-containing semen. The only non-sexual method is pretty violent. An electrode is inserted in the anus, and a substantial current is applied. This will cause ejaculation. It’s so painful that general anesthesia is required. Muscles contract in a seizure-like way. The current needed can heat the electrode and burn the man. This treatment is used with paralyzed men who want to have children. Sperm can sometimes be collected from the testes via surgery.

Sexual medicine is a fairly new specialty. The urologist I’ve been seeing is such a specialist. I’m encouraged to learn that there are many other ways to help me get hard again.

It is late on Saturday afternoon. We spent most of the day trying to assemble my antenna. It was a stupid mistake that I made. I only discovered my error after two futile trips to hardware stores. Then, after ordering a replacement, I noticed something we both missed all day. Bob’s your uncle and it magically went together. Mrs. Lion will mount it tomorrow.

I took a new dose (.45 ml) of Trimix about five minutes ago. I’m starting to feel something growing. Maybe this time, it will be penetration-ready. I’m not holding my breath. I was warned that I could need a large dose. Still, I like what’s happening between my legs right now. It’s just a little growth, but I’m sure things will get longer and fatter as I type. I love this feeling. Even if there’s no sex, just getting hard is great. I hope that this time I’ll get nice and hard.

So far, it’s getting longer, but still floppy. The tip is past my balls and is touching the edge of my office chair. I can feel the blood filling it. I’ll have to take a break from typing soon. At least I hope I will. The head is fully exposed. I can still bend it, but I don’t think that it’s done growing. Come on, boner! You can do it, Lion! I don’t know. Please grow. Please?

one hour later

Nope, it didn’t happen.  Floppy and useless. Mrs. Lion tried oral, but no luck. I’m really discouraged. Sex seems out of reach. I’m almost out of Trimix. Should I ask for another bottle? Maybe it’s time just to give up. Is it worth another $133 for ten more disappointments? Going from .40 to .45 ml made no difference at all. None. Mrs. Lion isn’t interested in sex. Maybe it’s time for me to give up too. It would be one thing if each time I increase the dose, there is some progress. That’s not what’s happening. Nope.

OK, I’m going to send an email to my urologist and fill her in. Let’s see what she has to say.

I am writing this post on Friday after lunch. In about two hours, I’ll be taking my FCC license tests. I’ve been taking practice tests for a week now and my scores are over ninety percent. I hope I do as well on the real tests. Mrs. Lion and I discussed how we will erect the antenna for our new transceiver. We agree that it should go fairly well. UPDATE: I took both the Technician and General license tests and passed!

I heard from Thumper. He has a new Internet provider and is working on getting his site back up. It’s good to hear that he will be back soon. Other bloggers have expressed concern that they might be next. Fortunately, there are good options available to the sex-blogging community. If you are a blogger, feel free to Contact Us if you need help escaping their right-wing grip.

If we are both up for it, I will try the next-higher dose of Trimix tonight. If you’re keeping track, that will be .45 ml. My supply is running low. I hope we can find the magic dose before I run out. The reason that matters is the doctor might want to change the mix to let me use less. We can’t know that until I find the dose that gets me hard and keeps me that way for an hour or so.

It feels to me that we are heading into sexually-repressive times. The conservative Supreme Court has struck down universal abortion access. It seems likely they will eventually hear challenges to Florida’s censorship laws. A new bill went into law there that restricts discussion about homosexuality, transgender, and other sexual-orientation topics in schools all the way through high school. They also have a law that mandates all educational institutions, including state universities, censor libraries and course materials. The guy responsible for this Nazi-like regression announced his bid for the presidency. We have to do something before it’s too late.

This is Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer. It’s also a time to remember all the people who gave their lives defending the freedoms that the governor of Florida wants to take away from us. It’s an especially good time to consider how much we have, and how easy it would be for us to lose the freedoms that make us unique.