This really isn’t an erection dysfunction website. It’s just that my attempts to cure my ED are very much front of mind. When I went to the urologist to discuss my problem, I expected the new injections to work the first time. As I’ve learned, it’s a pretty long process for me to find the correct dose. That process is interesting in that my decision of what works for me is based on two very sexual factors.

The first is how hard the injection makes me. The second is how long I stay hard. If the erection lasts four hours, it’s a medical emergency that requires a visit to the ER. There’s a third factor. The drug is expensive. It costs me $133 for 5 ml. It expires about ninety days after I buy it. Each increase in dose means I get fewer erections for my money. The balancing act is for me to get the firmest erection that lasts less than four hours for the lowest cost. It’s an engineering problem!

My last experiment produced a very bendable woody that lasted a bit over two hours. It wasn’t stiff enough to insert. However, Mrs. Lion could firm it up more by sucking it. The dose was .35 ml, which would yield fourteen boners per bottle at a cost of $9.50 each. I would like to do better than that. My next attempt will be with .40 ml. I’m hoping that will firm things up. If it does, we’ll get 12 boners per bottle at a cost of $11 each. Even if I have to increase the dose further, I doubt it will go past .5ml, which would yield ten boners at a cost of $13 each.

Hopefully, I won’t get into a situation where I need to visit the ER. There is one more factor: time. The drug expires in 90 days. If I get twelve boners from a bottle, I need to use a dose about once a week. If the dose goes up to .50 ml, then it’s once every nine days. Both numbers are within our usual orgasm schedule. I have no idea when we will use up the first bottle. That’s the one we have used for experiments.

ham radio lion

I’ve been studying for my amateur radio exams. I’m scheduled to be tested on Friday. I bought a handheld ham radio that works on two of the VHF/UHF bands. I’ve had it scanning both bands so that i can listen in on how our local hams talk with one another. So far, I’ve only found one very short conversation. That’s disappointing. It means that I don’t live close enough to the action. The handheld radio can’t pick up any activity.

The problem is almost certainly the little antenna I have on the device. It’s not the small rubber one that came with the radio. I followed online advice and purchased a much better one. It’s still not good enough. Or is it? Can it be that there is no real activity around here on those bands? It’s possible. There are only 750,000 hams in the US.

I decided to get into this arcane hobby in order to “prep” for inevitable natural disasters. I figure that cell phones will become useless if we have an earthquake, volcanic eruption (we are surrounded by volcanoes), wildfires, or floods. Handheld ham radios have proven to be lifesavers in disasters for decades.  If Mrs. Lion and I get separated, if we both have ham radios available, the network of hams around the world can help us find one another, or rescue us if trapped.

There is a drawback to this plan. Mrs. Lion isn’t inclined to learn technical stuff. She’s absolutely capable of it. Her job requires her to have extremely detailed knowledge of a wide range of difficult technical (medical) issues. I have to convince her to take the eight-to-ten-hour study course and then pass her test.

In the meantime, I want to connect with the local amateur radio community. That’s not going to be possible if I can’t hear any of them. I may need to set up an outdoor antenna. Yuck. Regardless, if we have a pair of handheld radios and are licensed to use them, we have some extra security in the event of an emergency.

How’s this for a post? No one got teased, and no one got spanked. We are both having fun anyway.

We had to suspend our Trimix dose testing due to a bruise caused by my injection on Monday. I must have hit a vein. The bruise is fading. With any luck, we can try again tonight (I’m writing this post on Thursday) or tomorrow night. I shouldn’t be surprised that the required dose is large. My doctor warned me that it might be. I did some more research and called the compounding pharmacy to find out if there were options if the dose needed was high.

If I need .50 ml per dose, I would get ten erections per $133 vial. That’s not a crazy price when I compare it to the copay I would have for 18 erections of Edex ($200 every 90 days). The pharmacist said that there are stronger Trimix formulas. The next one up is about twice as strong as what I have now. She said that they don’t usually recommend it until the weaker dosage is at least .80 ml. My thought is that if I go above .50 ml (ten erections/vial), I want the stronger stuff. My goal is to get at least 15 erections out of a vial.

This process feels weird to me. It shouldn’t. When Viagra and Cialis were under patent protection, my insurance covered a very limited number of pills per month. I think it was five or six. My current insurance doesn’t cover those drugs at all. At the time, I could get it up with some reliability without drugs. It’s only recently that I can’t get hard on my own or with the boner pills.

I’ve wondered if this isn’t nature’s way of telling me that it’s time to give up on sex. It would make life easier for Mrs. Lion if I did. Well, I don’t want to. I think I could without falling into depression, but I’m not ready yet. Think of it, a sex blogger who resigned from having sex. Yeesh!

I could take up knitting or needlepoint instead. Nah! Maybe I could find some geezers for a bridge game. Talk about depressing options! I am about to take an amateur radio license test. I can chat with other impotent men about technical subjects on the radio. Actually, my spidey sense tells me to get the license as a way to help protect us in case of a natural disaster. If nothing else, it gives me a geeky way to learn more about technology.

I can’t think of any menu choice to replace sex. That means I’ll have to keep trying to find ways to keep it available to me.

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to wonder if all this effort for an erection is worthwhile. On Monday night, I tried with .3o ml of Trimix. I got a bit hard but bendy. This wasn’t what I wanted. Yes, I was warned that I would probably need a high dose of the stuff, but I optimistically figured I wouldn’t need more than .25 ml. Now that I know .30 ml is still too little, I have to face the chance that I may need a .50 ml dose. That makes boners pretty expensive. If I need that much, each erection will cost $13. I will get ten out of a 5 ml vial. The vial is good for ninety days. So, if I want to make the stuff last, I’ll be able to get hard every ten days.

Actually, ten days is a reasonable spacing for my orgasms. I’m pretty used to waiting that long. The thing is that I’m not used to having any teasing or other fun during the ten-day wait. I was hoping for two activities a week. That would require about one vial a month. I suppose that isn’t an insane cost. I just wanted to keep costs at about $2oo for a ninety-day supply. Maybe once I optimize my dose, the doctor can find me a different strength or blend that will let me use a smaller dose.

Aside from the evolving economic issue, I’m still not injecting as well as I should. Monday’s injection produced a rather large bruise on my penis (See bruise here). This is probably due to me hitting a vein that wasn’t visible on the surface. It’s not a big deal, just an annoyance. I’m holding off on my next try until the bruise gets better. I did this shot without the Inject-Ease. I was able to position the needle more accurately. The shot was painless and easy to do.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that erections cost money. Like most guys, erections were always free, and the biggest problem was getting too many of them at times that could be embarrassing. Now, we have to decide if it’s worth $13 for me to get hard. Sheesh! I hate this idea. It certainly puts pressure on both of us every time I use the Trimix.

Before, when I took generic Viagra or Cialis, it only cost a few cents per pill. A 20mg Cialis tablet set me up for erections for over thirty hours.  A bottle of 90 tablets cost less than $40. It was no big deal if Mrs. Lion was tired or not in the mood. Now, we both have to be prepared to do something big each time I inject the drug. It’s too expensive to waste on a “I have a headache dear” evening. This need for advance commitment takes a lot of the fun out of things.

Mrs. Lion is good at finding ways to make things work. Perhaps she should decide when I get a shot and what will happen when I do. Maybe there’s a way to turn this rather depressing process into a fun activity. I hope there is. Right now, I’m feeling pretty bad about it.

I am having problems with my Trimix injections. On Sunday, I set up a .3 ml dose and loaded my Inject-Ease with the syringe. I thought I hit the right area of my penis. There was no pain, bleeding, or bruise. However, there was also no erection, not even a trace of one. What the hell? I didn’t feel any effect at all.

locations on the penis to inject Trimix

There are only a couple of reasons this could have happened. One is that the Trimix isn’t working. That’s probably not the case. The vial has been refrigerated since we got it. Also, two of the three ingredients are not sensitive to temperature. The second possibility is that I didn’t get the drug in the right place. The image (Right) shows the correct position for the needle. The drug has to get into the spongy erectile tissue. It seems hard to miss, but I did.

I don’t know exactly what happened. I didn’t hit a nerve or the urethra, so I probably just sent the drug under the skin on top of my penis. The problem I’m having with the Inject-Ease is that I’m finding it difficult to control the device at the same time I have it in the right position. I’ll try again today.  Since I had no reaction, I’m not counting Sunday as one of the three times-a-week limits for the drug.

My plan for tonight (Monday) is to inject without the Inject-Ease. I will also ask Mrs. Lion to help me make sure I’m in the right spot. For the record, the injections have all been painless. The needle is very thin, and the shaft of the penis has few nerve endings. I can understand why some men find this process too intimidating. I’m not crazy about it. I just want to get hard, and doing the injection is my only option. Wish me luck!