Yesterday wasn’t Lion’s day. Well, it wasn’t supposed to be. According to my calendar he should have waited until June 6 for an orgasm. I think it would have been an 18 day wait. A long time in Lion years. So why did I give in after such a short wait?

After I manscaped him in the sling, I started playing with him. As I was pressed against his buns jerking him off it looked a little like I was jerking myself off. My Lion was moaning and telling me it felt good. I’m not sure why it felt any better than any other time I’ve played with him. Maybe it was the angle. I sucked him for a bit and then went back to using my hand. Eventually he had a tiny drop of pre-cum. He tastes so good I couldn’t help but suck him more. And as I stroked him with my tongue I was rewarded with more pre-cum. Once I tasted it I knew I had to make him come. I alternated between mouth and hand a few more times and then went in for the kill. Lionesses can only play with their food for so long, you know.

There he was, spread-eagle in the sling with a silly smile on his face. He was a happy boy. And I was happy both because I had made him happy and because I got a mouthful of yummy goodness out of the deal. Lion cum is the nectar of the gods. Okay, it’s the nectar of Mrs. Lion. But we were both happy and that’s all that matters.

Lion remembered earlier in the day that it was punishment day. He reminded me like a good boy. Somewhere around 9 pm, during a break in the tv action, I gave him his swats. Six hard swats for forgetting maintenance spanking night and two hard swats for squirming during those first six swats. They were hard swats, but come on, Lion. You need to hold still!

Unfortunately, that was the end of our long weekend together. Fortunately, we have just three days till our next weekend. I love short work weeks.

Last night I finally got Lion to the edge. Several times, in fact. I’m not sure why last night was different from other nights in the recent past. Things didn’t start out so well. I did a little manscaping and managed to cut him with the electric shaver. Then, as I was tying his balls I pinched him. Yay, Mrs. Lion. Way to set the mood. I figured all was lost at that point, but I decided to try anyway. And there you go. I guess it proves you don’t know what will happen until you try.

This morning we dragged the camper out to have some work done to it and we got it stuck trying to park it in the yard. It’s sitting exactly where it got stuck the first time we brought it home when we had had tons of rain. We thought it was dry enough. I guess that proves you do know what will happen when you try. So now we have a few weeks before our first scheduled trip to get it unstuck. I’d ask what else can go wrong but I really don’t want to know.

On the plus side, as we were driving home (before we got stuck) Lion gave the weather report. He’s horny again. Yay!!! He’s probably less horny after fighting with the camper for a half hour, but at least he felt it. I know I was happy a few weeks ago when I felt a tiny bit horny. It was gone as quick as I realized it, but it meant I’m not completely dead. Lion might have thought he was broken, but I knew he’d come around. I should have known he was horny. As we were driving he said we should stop for something and I said there wasn’t enough room for me to get all the way off the road. He joked that he’s used to not being able to get all the way off. Yes, my poor boy is back!

His not being horny worried both of us. I think he was more worried than I was. I know he has his down times even in the best of circumstances. These past few months have certainly not been the best of circumstances. We have our fingers crossed now that there are two potential jobs out there. While neither is a sure thing, there is one thing I am sure of: I love Lion whether he’s horny or not, employed or not.

Lion has been a good boy for weeks. Well, at least I haven’t punished him for weeks. It’s not that he hasn’t been interrupting me or doing things that he should have been punished for. I just haven’t held him accountable for them. Yesterday was different. He added two things to his list although I said I’d count them as one. And I probably should have added a few more.

The biggest offense happened while Lion was watering one of his plants. He brought it into the kitchen and as he was returning it to the window he spilled water all over the kitchen floor. Then he spilled more water as he brought the plant back to get rid of the excess water. Not really that big a deal, but it was a mess and Lions get punished for their messes in this house. The second offense is the very soggy sponge I encountered when I went to help clean up the mess. When I grab a sponge I want it to be ready to clean up a mess. I don’t want it to create another mess. Big deal. Just squeeze it out before I use it. As far as I’m concerned it should be ready to use without squeezing and I make the rules. Since those two offenses happened together I’m willing to consider it one offense. Later on, my pet interrupted me but I didn’t include that as an offense although I should have. I did tell him that he interrupted me, as a warning.

Technically, I could have added a few more transgressions to the list. When we were out shopping, I was driving and Lion was busy on his phone. Lost in his phone is more correct. He stopped responding to me. This occurred a few times while we were out. He doesn’t appreciate when I don’t respond to him when I am on my iPad so I have made an effort to be more aware of what’s going on around me while I am playing a game. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, or Mrs. Lion and Lion in this case. When he ignores me in the future he will be punished. Fair warning, my pet.

Last night was also the return to edging. I’ve never been good at oral presentations, but Lion liked the one I gave last night. When I was done I asked what his horniness level was. He said he was going to say it wasn’t high but after my attention he was giving me a standing ovation. I then edged him a few times. I think he’s well on his way to being a horny boy again. I love it when he’s horny. He is safely locked in his cage once again although he said he didn’t even notice he was wild. I’m sure he liked the freedom of peeing standing up, but the cage is so comfortable he can’t tell when it’s on. I’m happy about that. He should be comfortable. I’d feel bad if he wasn’t. That’s why I allow him to be wild when there’s a sore spot. I’d much rather clear it up than have him squirming in pain. Administering pain is my job, not the cage’s.

This morning, as I was unloading the dishwasher, I had a flashback to this past weekend. Lion fell on the deck and hurt his back. Not knowing how bad it was, and fearing it would get worse with time, I told him to lay down. He said it wasn’t really bad and then winced. We were unloading the dishwasher and he was trying to bend over. I told him he either needed to sit down or lay down and he finally listened. It turns out that it wasn’t bad after all but it’s better to be safe than sorry. It wasn’t until this morning, unloading the dishwasher, that I realized why he listened to me. Once I repeated myself he was afraid to get punished. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I guess if I had a firmer grip on domestic discipline I would be happy that he obeyed a command. As a wife I’m grateful he listened. As someone who loves him more than anything, I was just trying to take care of him and it hadn’t even occurred to me to play the punishment card. So what’s the difference? In my mind, from now on, I’ll be wondering if he’s doing something because he agrees or because he’s trying to avoid punishment. Who cares? Isn’t this what I should be striving for? I guess so. But I think I’m still at a point where I’m fighting being in charge. I hope that will change.

As you’ve probably read, Lion had an orgasm last night. His scheduled date wasn’t until Thursday but I took pity on the poor quivering mess of horny Lion in front of me and decided to end his misery. He thinks eleven days was a long time to wait. When I checked the calendar, his next date is much longer. Good thing I decided to adjust things. From sixteen days down to…. Nope. I can’t say. Mostly because I don’t remember off the top of my head, but also because Lion shouldn’t know.

We will continue with the nightly edging. It was a good experiment. It’s nice to have him spring to attention the second the cage comes off. And knowing he’s grumbling to himself because he’s super horny is amusing. Poor Lion. I also decided I can use this edging as a punishment if I want. Did he do something wrong? Uh oh. No edging tonight, my pet.

Last night was also maintenance swat night. He got six semi-hard swats and he took them very well. He yelled a little into the pillow but he stayed still. I used a wooden spoon because it was the first thing I found. I’ll probably try different paddles, more or less swats, and harder versus softer swats as we go along. I can’t let him get accustomed to the maintenance swats anymore than he should get accustomed to punishment swats.

As you can see, I’m still all over the map with punishment and being in charge. Sometimes it feels like the most natural thing to do. And then it turns around to be something I hate. I’ll reel it in eventually.