A few days after his kidney stone surgery, Lion was very horny. He was hard immediately and I hadn’t even touched my weenie yet. As I was revving up the engines he almost came. It was strange. So little effort was required. The past few nights have been the same. Maybe he wasn’t immediately hard, but I almost went past the edge. For some reason he doesn’t show any of the normal signs of getting to the edge. He says even he doesn’t know until it’s almost too late.

I don’t know why this would be happening. Could it be because of the surgery? My weenie was invaded, after all. But I don’t remember it happening last time. Does it only happen after the second surgery? If he has kidney stones again that require surgery, will things revert? Is it an even number thing? Is it the length of time the stent was in? Will it go back to normal on its own? So many questions.

The reason it’s an issue is that if I can’t tell, if Lion can’t even tell, when he’s near the edge, how do I edge him? I know I have a history of going to far and then either leaving him with a ruined orgasm or having to salvage an orgasm. If this persists Lion could have a lot more ruined or salvaged orgasms. That doesn’t really bode well for orgasm denial.

Maybe I’m semi-panicking too soon. It just started. Maybe it will resolve. Maybe we’ll figure out a way to have more warning. Maybe we need to go with it and Lion will have more orgasms. I know he wants one right now. He actually suggested it last night when I almost went too far. “Nothing wrong with giving me an orgasm.” Well, no, but then he’ll be upset that we didn’t play because he isn’t usually interested for a day or so after an orgasm. Unless the change is that he’ll be in a constant state of horniness. (I don’t mean 24/7. I mean raring to go every day.)

Maybe we’ll test that theory. For now, I just want to get him to Sunday. He can have a nice orgasm after we play some more.

The dog woke me up a few times this morning to go out. At one point Lion was awake when I came back to bed. He said he was dreaming about bacon and it made him try to get hard. He never knew bacon made him horny. Obviously I had to make bacon for breakfast! We also had one of Lion’s favorites – blueberry walnut pancakes.

Last night I punished Lion for eating first and spilling food on himself a few nights before. I used a wooden spoon. When I’d gotten him sufficiently rosy I used a hairbrush to exact the interest on the punishment loan he required when he was too cold to come out from under the blankets. The wooden spoon was used in true punishment fashion – mostly light swats with a few hard thrown in. The interest was four hard swats. I used a different implement and harder swats to dissuade him from taking out punishment loans on a regular basis.

A while later I unlocked him and worked on getting him hard. It took a little bit but I was rewarded with a nice erection. I used my hand for a while and then brought out the Magic Wand. Fast or slow, Lion loves that vibrator. Eventually I settled on the speed at which Lion will buck into my hand. He wasn’t exactly bucking but I knew I’d hit his stride. I got him very close several times. I didn’t give him much rest in between either. He was panting when I stopped. I think if I had gone one more stroke he would have come. Too bad.

I let him stay wild for a bit. He’s been asking me if I want him to put the ring on. Sometimes I do forget. Last night I think I might have surprised him by telling him to put it on with no reminder from him.

I’m not quite sure why but the ring has gone on fairly smoothly since I re-caged him. I used to have so much trouble getting the threads lined up. The biggest trouble I have now is convincing Mr. Weenie he needs to stop trying to get hard so I can shove him in to be locked up. He really does have a mind of his own at times.

Today is the 16]th day since my last ejaculation. To put this in perspective, since January 1, 2016 I’ve had only one wait over 15 days and 2 waits of 15 days. That’s just three waits to ejaculate of more than two weeks in two years. This is out of over 100 ejaculations. I’ve become accustomed to waiting a week or less for the vast majority of my orgasms.

I realize that many guys wait a lot longer. That’s not my point. My body is accustomed to frequent release. That doesn’t mean I am at the point I would kill for a chance to come. I don’t spend my days and nights dreaming of release. But, when I do think about sex, the feelings are more intense. Most interesting to me is that I have a significant physical change.

Mrs. Lion has never had a problem getting my penis erect. It’s true at times I just don’t get hard. That usually occurs soon after ejaculation. It’s understandably easy to get me hard now. But for the last few days, when she is done teasing me, I stay rock hard for a while. That’s a big change. I usually become flaccid almost immediately after the stimulation ends. Now, I’m waving in the breeze for some time. I really like this. Yes, I am very frustrated. But it feels great to remain hard without help.

Everything else is pretty much the same. It takes just as long as always to get me to the edge for the first time in a session. I don’t sense any particular feelings of desperation. I know I have at least five more days to wait. Mrs. Lion has said that I will wait either 21 or 28 days. I feel OK about this decision. I’m wondering if the loss of interest that Mrs. Lion is looking for isn’t that I stop caring about sex, but maybe that I am not very concerned when she decides to let me ejaculate.

I’m not at that point, if I ever get there. I definitely care. When I think about next Saturday and perhaps learning I have at least another week to wait, I will be frustrated; perhaps more than I am now after an edging session.

Right now, things aren’t too different. My last waits were 10 and 12 days. So, on the 16th day it isn’t too alien. By the end of the week, I will be in new sexual territory. I’ve never had a wait 21 days long when I was interested in sex. The only wait over 15 days was after my surgery when I had no interest in sex.

I don’t remember the waving in the breeze last time when the wait was 12 days. This is the only physiological change I have experienced as a result of enforced chastity. Mrs. Lion needs to make a note in her experiment journal.