paddle on Lion's bare butt
This is the paddle Mrs. Lion used for our Super Bowl game. It’s only 3-inches across and has a long handle. It’s the meanest in her collection. It really hurt! You can see I still have marks a day later.

As Mrs. Lion wrote, Super Bowl Sunday had some surprises for me. She suggested a game. It was the first spanking game we ever played. The rules were simple: I get a swat for every point either team scored. I would also get one for each penalty.

She used one her most vicious paddles for my swats. My butt was burning from early in the game right through the evening. Each touchdown or field goal became harder and harder to take. She only held back on a few swats. The rest were punishment grade.

She wrote that I groaned when anyone scored. She’s right. I hoped neither team would get into the end zone. Every time someone did, my end zone got more painful. Mrs. Lion smiled a lot during the game.

I had wanted us to play a game with penalties (for me, of course) for a long time. We played “Zaperday” a couple of times. That game is a bit more complex. I wear my training collar (it’s a dog training shock collar that fits around my balls). I answer questions. l miss one and I get zapped. It’s fun for me in a masochistic way. Mrs. Lion appears to like it too.

Yesterday, I asked Mrs. Lion if she liked her Super Bowl game. She said that she did. I asked her what she liked about it. She answered that she liked my reactions to the football game. She liked that I groaned when a team scored. She noticed my concern when a team was in scoring range.

She didn’t mention enjoying paddling me. But she made a point of hitting hard. Was that because it would assure that my reactions to the game would get more urgent? Or, was it fun paddling me?

Actually, it doesn’t matter. As long as it was fun for both of us, it works. I know what you are thinking. How could I enjoy something that hurts that much? I found the game a big turn on. I’m turned on by penalties. It’s arousing. The game is exciting. It’s also very hot to think about playing. That’s how I’m wired.

I hope that Mrs. Lion will find more games for us to play. The element of surprise and my vulnerability turn me on a lot. I suspect we will learn about the next chapter together.

Mrs. Lion learned something during that game: I can take at least 78 hard swats. She will probably use that knowledge the next time she punishes me.