(Thursday) Today is Valentine’s Day. We usually don’t make a big deal out of it. It feels artificial. The simple fact is that Mrs. Lion is my one true love. I make sure that I let her know that every single day, not just on Valentine’s Day. Because of the power outage and the fact that getting around is very difficult, we dispensed with cards and flowers etc. I know Mrs. Lion is tired and probably won’t want to go out to dinner. So, I’ll do the cooking.

Between one thing and another, it’s been a while since we’ve played. Last night Mrs. Lion and I snuggled. She began to play with my penis and it felt very good. Maybe it felt too good. I fell asleep. That was very unexpected. It certainly wasn’t because I was uninterested in sex. It was eight days since my last orgasm. I think the stress of the power being out and not sleeping well got to me. Last night I got a reasonable amount of sleep. Maybe if she’s in the mood, I’ll get another chance tonight to at least go to the edge.

Today (Thursday)  is my ninth day of waiting. Perhaps Mrs. Lion will let us go to a nice round number of 10 days. That’s fine with me. I think she needs a chance to recover from all the extra work she said to do around the house. It will be nice to have a normal evening at home.

The other day I wrote about hand job techniques. After she read the post, I asked Mrs. Lion about her preferences. She said that she liked using lube but thought that I didn’t enjoy it as much when she did. I remember that we discussed this. I think it’s more that I need to get used to the different sensations and she the more varied techniques she can use. I would really like it if we went back to using lube when she plays with my penis.

Her lubed hand does feel great, not that her dry hand doesn’t. She knows exactly how to rub me the right way. Even though it’s been well over five years since I’ve jerked off, all of my sexual contact with my penis has been without lube. I was thinking that if Mrs. Lion went to a lubed contact, it would further differentiate her hand from mine.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure that it will take some time for me to get fully used to a slippery lioness paw. I imagine that I will soon learn to love her slippery grip. I think that if she lets me hump her lubricated hand, the sensation will be completely different from what I experienced in the past. As you know, I like new adventures.

We have a number of different kinds of lube. It will be interesting to experience how they change my sensations. Years ago, I participated in a hand job workshop. My role was to provide my penis for woman to learn various techniques. It was interesting to say the least. The workshop leader provided bottles of warm coconut oil. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature. He heeded the little bottles for a short time in a microwave. It felt amazing. I’m not sure whether it was the oil or my role in the workshop that made it so cool, but I had a very good time. FYI, I didn’t get to come. It was for the benefit of the participants not the male volunteers.

Speaking of lube, it’s been a very long time since Mrs. Lion has shoved anything up my ass. I’m not sure why, but we seem to have abandoned that activity. That’s too bad. I just bought a special pad that attaches to the base of the dildo if it’s being used in the RodeOh strap-on panties. It’s designed to stabilize the dildo and provide pleasant sensations to the woman.

Before we can use the strap-on, I need to be trained to accept manual pegging. This requires uncomfortable practice several times a week. I’ve been thinking about it and might be interesting to go back to this activity. Of course, it means work for Mrs. Lion and she has to feel up to doing it.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I enjoy consistency. Maybe it’s too much to begin two new activities at the same time. Since I know Mrs. Lion likes lubed hand jobs, I would suggest we begin with that. The idea really turns me on.