I realized this morning that part of Lion’s problem getting to the edge is that I’ve been so overwhelmed by unpacking and life in general that I haven’t been putting my paw down. Actually, I think I realized it yesterday when I was installing a flood light all by myself despite the fact that he assured me he would get dressed and help. I was waiting for him to help me find the best placement for the light and when he never showed up, I decided he’d have to live with wherever I installed it.

If I approach things as if I’m in charge (duh), maybe it will bring him out of whatever funk he’s in. I’m under no illusion that it will be that easy, but it may help. I don’t know if it will make me feel any better. We’ve been snapping at each other a lot lately so maybe if I put my paw down, he’ll think better of snapping again.

The truth is, I’ve just been too overwhelmed and tired to put up much resistance to his snapping at me. To be fair, I growl as much at him. However, my growl should carry more weight. The weight of a paddle, to be precise. I will try to summon up the energy to give him a good 3.0 snap and follow it up with some swats.

Again, it probably won’t be that easy. Last night he said he may be depressed. As someone who has been depressed (self-diagnosed) for the better part of mumblety-mumble years, I can’t imagine that he’s not. All the nonsense that has happened to Lion over the past year would be enough to drive a lesser man to commit himself. I had a coworker who used to say if we needed her she’d be over in the corner playing with her toes when things got hectic at work. Just being on the outside looking in, helping him through this year has been enough to make me want to commit myself. Maybe we can get a group rate.

This morning Lion has a headache. He may need to take it easy today. My migraine has morphed into a sinus headache. I’ve slept a lot since Thursday night. I’m hoping by this evening, we’ll both be feeling better and I can try to edge him again. It didn’t work last night and he felt bad about letting me down.

I always tell him not to worry about disappointing me. But what if that’s not the answer? What if he needs some swats for disappointing me? I don’t know. I’m grasping at straws here. I just want to help him out of his doldrums.

[Lion — I’m not sure that more growling and paddling will make me feel better, but it is what I believe would work best for us as a couple. As usual, we tend to think alike. You’ll see that in my post tomorrow.]

spanking spoon paddle on lion's butt
The spoon-shaped paddle that Mrs. Lion used on Monday night.

Mrs. Lion likes to experiment. No, she doesn’t design elaborate ways to torture me, but she does like trying new things. On Monday night I got my first of four spankings sentenced because I forgot Saturday was punishment day. Instead of using the paddle she retrieved from our camper, she used the spoon -shaped paddle that has been one of her favorites.

Until she started using the camper paddle (a very vicious long-handled device modeled after a punishment paddle from colonial times), I thought the spoon-shaped paddle was the most painful in her collection. I was wrong.

The spoon-shaped paddle certainly hurt a lot. But it wasn’t as painful as the camper paddle. The spoon drew blood. However, I am not feeling any residual pain from bruises. Of course, there is no way to scientifically analyze whether or not the application of these paddles were equal. The results they got were very different.

I don’t think that we noticed these differences in the past because the intensity of my spankings wasn’t high enough to evoke comparable results.

Hanson ferule paddle
This is the Hanson ferule paddle in bloodwood. Mrs. Lion calls this the “camper paddle”.
(Click image to view larger)

I imagine that Mrs. Lion will probably go back to the camper paddle. Actually, I think there are two of them in our collection. I believe we got one a couple of years ago and I had one from my earlier days when I was a top. That means she can have one of this model in the camper and another here at home.

From my reading I’ve learned that many disciplined husbands are given input as to the tools that are used to spank them. One I know of finds hairbrush spankings more meaningful and has managed to build a collection of them over the years. I guess I am more of a paddle man. I seem to acquire paddles on a regular basis.

Now that we are in a much more disciplinary phase where the spankings are intended to make a strong point, it makes sense for Mrs. Lion to use the most effective tools. There is no question that her camper paddle is the best to date. I think she might consider making that her exclusive tool for some time.

I have to admit that my camper paddle spanking has changed my view of punishment. I felt the results of that spanking for two days after I received it. While I was being spanked I genuinely regretted getting myself in this position. On Monday night I was definitely not in the mood for another spanking. The spoon-shaped paddle really hurt. I couldn’t wait until Mrs. Lion finished.

Her approach on Monday varied significantly from her usual. She made sure that she spread my cheeks and applied strong swats into the tender flesh she revealed. She also paid attention to my thighs. She was careful to make sure that I felt my punishment over every inch of my bottom. The spanking with the camper paddle wasn’t as thorough but it was certainly more painful.

I have mixed feelings about drawing blood. It’s fairly common I understand. I’m not sure why the spoon-shaped paddle drew so much blood and the camper paddle drew none. It wasn’t that the camper paddle was used more gently. I think it may have to do with the fact that the spoon-shaped paddle is heavier. I would think that the heavier paddle would bruise me more than the camper paddle. It absolutely didn’t. The camper paddle, even though it didn’t draw any blood, was much more painful during and after the spanking.

I’ve been on the other end of the paddle for decades. Mrs. Lion has been spanking me for at least 10 years. We never observed any of these issues in the past. I think that we are finally in the realm of a true disciplinary spanking. I don’t think Mrs. Lion is being unnecessarily cruel. I think she is finally reaching the point that she can send me a real disciplinary message.

Obviously, this isn’t important in the context of our relatively trivial rules. I’ve been successfully trained with the less intense spankings. But lioness 3.0 is in residence and she has promised to use discipline as a way of correcting me when I interrupt her or do other things that are thoughtless and hurtful. This is the goal of adopting our Female Led Relationship with Discipline.

It’s been a long, difficult road. We’ve both had to overcome inbred patterns of behavior. To some extent we are still struggling with those things. However, Mrs. Lion is close to the point of observing and then spanking me when I do things that upset her. Once she begins doing that, I think there will be a lot of positive change.

Those offenses are the reason she needed to learn to produce true disciplinary spankings. I think that she is well on her way to doing that. We also have established the multi-spanking discipline program.

This program has Mrs. Lion sentencing me to multiple spankings depending on the offense I’ve committed. We are doing this so that all spankings are the same. The spanking for a trivial offense is just as intense as one for a serious one. However, a serious offense will earn me a larger sentence of spankings. The spankings are administered each day until I’ve completed my sentence.

Currently, I’m sentenced to four spankings when I forgot punishment day. The reason I’m getting so many is that I’ve been consistently forgetting this. Our theory is that if being punished for an offense doesn’t stop me committing it, obviously I need a stronger punishment to get the message across. I believe this works well for us.

I know exactly what to expect. I know that each spanking will be a full-intensity disciplinary spanking. There are no more mild spankings in the Lions den. I’m learning painfully that I have to be much more careful about obeying my rules and my lioness.

This “lion system” of discipline is very effective. It works for Mrs. Lion because she doesn’t have to worry about modulating my punishments based on seriousness. She uses sentence length to express the degree of her displeasure. Believe me, by the third night of daily spanking I am very repentant for my sin.

I don’t know if this would work for anyone else. It seems to be doing the trick for us. Right now, our biggest challenge is getting Mrs. Lion to observe and punish things I do that upset her. I think she is so concerned about being fair that she disregards things I do because she may not have warned me or because she’s not sure she deserves to spank me because I’d said something to her. I’m sure this will get worked out soon.

Maybe we have to approach this the way we approached behavioral punishments in the beginning. Mrs. Lion established some simple, easy-to-break rules. To this day they represent all of the punishments I receive. Perhaps she needs to do the same thing with some of the negative behaviors I display. Perhaps she should choose relatively trivial things I do want a regular basis. She could make those rules and observe and punish offenses.

This is all just behavioral modification. It’s a training process for her as well as for me. I look forward to her making this next step. I think it will make her happier in the long run as well as training me to be a better lion.

Mrs. Lion applied the tenderizer to my already-tender bottom Friday night.

There Is something new in the lion’s den. Mrs. Lion assigned herself a punishment when she forgot that Thursday was a punishment day. If you missed it, I forgot to tell her on Thursday. She also forgot, something she almost never does, and was surprised on Friday when I confessed to missing. She decided she deserved a punishment too. I’m being waxed this weekend. She knows that I like my legs waxed as well as the rest of me. She particularly dislikes waxing my legs because it’s very difficult and she actually likes them to be furry. So, she “punished” herself by deciding to wax my legs in addition to the rest of me. I was taken aback by this.

At dinner on Friday night, I managed to get some food on my shirt. I knew that I already have five days of spanking, soaping, and corner time coming and I asked her how much would be added for this offense. I was completely surprised by her response. She said that she would let my punishment for spilling go in return for her not having to get her punishment: waxing my legs. I wanted to discuss this. It didn’t seem reasonable to me that she would have to wax my legs if she didn’t want to in the first place. In the second, since she was in charge I didn’t understand why she would offer to cancel my punishment and cancel her own.

After a couple of minutes of discussion, she said that it’s up to her and that’s what’s happening. I wasn’t very comfortable with this, but she is the boss. Yesterday, in her post, she revealed that I annoyed her by arguing about her punishment exchange. So, I have two days of spanking and soaping added to the five I already have. She was very kind to just add two.

After my spanking on Friday night (there was no soaping or corner time), Mrs. Lion unlocked me and edged me several times. Later, before settling in for the night, I asked her if she wanted me to put my base ring on. I generally do that part of the chastity device mounting process. She replied that she did not. I asked why not? She replied, new,

“Because you are with me.”

Her message was very clear. As long as I’m under her direct supervision she sees no need to keep my penis in a chastity device. She strongly implied that when I am not under direct supervision, the device will be locked on. That’s certainly sensible. It’s also a brand-new way we are using enforced chastity. Up until now the device stayed on as long as she had no need for access to the penis. It was more for me than her. Clearly, when she is with me there is no danger I will play with myself. In fact, there’s very little danger I would play with myself any time. But that’s not the point.

The point is that the chastity device is now a tool she uses to assure that she can be comfortable that my penis remains undisturbed if she is not with me. Without trying to extend the deeper meanings of this, at any level, it means the chastity device is hers and she will use it to control me, not necessarily to feed any kink of mine.

cherry keeper basering
This is the base ring for the Cherry Keeper chastity device. Perhaps Mrs. Lion can use this to remind her that she plans to lock me up.

This is clearly lioness 3.0. Actually, both actions are 3.0. Yesterday, in her post, she announced that she added two more days to my five day sentence for annoying her about the punishment trade she made on Friday. She pointed out that my input was not required and she didn’t like me arguing with her.

On Friday night, she told me that she was not in the mood to spank me and would begin on Saturday. I expressed a little surprise. She interpreted this to mean that I wanted her to spank me anyway. Maybe I did. Her reaction was to get up and get a paddle. She told me to get into position and she spanked me. It wasn’t a very long spanking. She was hitting harder than usual, I think. She normally hits pretty hard so it’s a little difficult for me to report on changes of intensity unless she really dials it up. I am much more aware of how long I get spanked at this point.

She used the tenderizer paddle which always creates little spots of blood. Most of the spanking was with the flat side of the paddle. She did cover me at least once using the little points. When she was done, she complained about the blood on the paddle. I resisted making a smart ass remark. I didn’t want her to start spanking me again.

I see one small problem with her new use of the chastity device. She frequently forgets to put it on me. Under normal circumstances, I will often remind her. However, if this is now my “babysitter”, reminding her doesn’t feel right to me. Will she remember on her own? She certainly remembers to punish me. I don’t remind her. I suppose, now that she has a specific need for the device, she may take ownership of that too and will remember to lock me up.

She could use the base ring as a memory aid. On nights when she wants me locked up, she could have me put the base ring on immediately after any sexual activity we have. It doesn’t get in the way or bother me to wear. That would remind her to lock the cage on when she’s ready. Regardless of how she works out remembering, the way I think about her chastity device has changed for me.

We’re going through a bit of an adjustment right now. Over the last few months, various medical issues have disrupted the rhythm of our day-to-day lives. Mrs. Lion has taken up a great deal of the slack that I’ve had to leave. She’s been wonderful about taking care of me. Like most things in our marriage, change appears to be organic and we both are on the same page without even talking about things. That’s one reason why our posts almost eerily talk about the same topics even though we don’t read what each other wrote before we write our own stuff.

Enforced male chastity is back on the front burner. I had been thinking about the amount of time I’ve spent unlocked. But I hadn’t made any requests to Mrs. Lion to lock me up again. Truthfully, I was enjoying being wild. Nevertheless, I have been thinking about returning to a chastity device. Based on her recent posts, it’s clear that Mrs. Lion also had this on her mind.

When she thinks about something, it happens. I am back in my Cherry Keeper full-time. It’s comfortable, and it feels “right” to be in a chastity device. I may be wrong about this, but I’m feeling a much stronger sense of resolve on Mrs. Lion’s part. I’m not claiming she’s become a chastity fanatic, but I get the sense that she’s going to make sure that I remain in a chastity device full-time whenever possible.

The “whenever possible” is not some squishy thing. I will be having a few medical procedures that will require me to be hardware free. After the procedures, I’m hoping that Mrs. Lion makes a point of returning me to my chastity device as soon as I’m out of the control of the hospital.

It’s always been difficult for her to remember to lock me back up after I’ve been out, even for a short time for teasing. Currently, she helps me by putting some needed eyedrops into my eyes every night before bedtime. Perhaps if my base ring is next to the bottles, it will help her remember.

A more difficult transition is around creation of rules. For a long time Mrs. Lion has said that she wants to create new, easy-to-break rules to provide her with more opportunities to punish me. So far we don’t have any. Apparently, things work better for her if she can catch me breaking a rule and then punish me. She doesn’t seem as happy arbitrarily letting me have it.

On Wednesday night we had one of those “what does it really mean” discussions. Mrs. Lion has a very hard time articulating exactly what her relationship is to punishing me. She tries to articulate it but it’s just not clear to either of us what she’s trying to say. I suspect the reason it isn’t very clear is that her relationship to punishment is complicated.

A good part of it is her desire to do something that she knows I want and need. I think she takes pride in her ability to grow and become more successful as a disciplinarian. The other, more difficult component seems to be her emotional response to all this. The simple fact is she enjoys catching me breaking rules. Does she enjoy it because she knows that she has a reason to punish me? Perhaps. Does she like her role as my disciplining wife? I believe she is starting to.

I don’t think there is a clear answer to any of those questions. I would say she’s on a spectrum that ranges from willing to do it because I want her to, all the way to having a great time punishing me. Most of the time I think she’s closer to the “doing it because she knows I want” end of the spectrum. However, I believe there is measurable movement toward actually enjoying it.

Perhaps, there might be new questions she would ask herself if she started having too much fun. After all, it’s one thing performing a service that happens to be painful and humiliating to me, and quite another to perform it because it’s fun to do. In my mind, if it’s fun that’s just a bonus. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s doing these things because I need them done. If they become fun and she looks for ways to get more opportunities to do them, she’s making things better for me as well as for herself.

That’s not easy to internalize. I think that’s what’s happening. I am consulted less and less about what I “want” when it comes to punishment and spanking as well as wearing a chastity device. Mrs. Lion goes off on her own and selects a paddle she wants to use. She then uses it on me until she decides she’s done. Recently, she’s made a point of letting me know that it’s when she’s done that matters, not what I want. No more.

I think this is all lioness 3.0. Like lioness 2.0, she’s not going to be a completely new person. She’s not going to have unambiguous feelings about what she’s doing. What she will do is take action the way she thinks she should regardless of the feelings. The one absolutely sure outcome is that I will get less input. I may even get no input, which is the right way to go.

In fact, I’m not asked about any activities I may have to do. From from diapers to dildos, panties to paddles, it’s 100% Mrs. Lion.