Too much sex? Impossible! Well, maybe given my recent captivity that is my not-so-sad situation. Over the last decade, Mrs. Lion has learned to read my not very subtle signals. When I am horny, I tend to “scooch” over on the bed to get closer to her. I may also paw her more than usual. She generally laughs when I do it and teases me about needing something. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my sexual timing is pretty predictable. Around three days after coming, I get restless and clearly horny. Last night I hit that point.

I scooched. Mrs. Lion responded with amazing oral sex. She has committed to being more active in my chastity. I think she is also trying hard to respond to my “needs”. As a result, I am concerned that maybe I am indirectly demanding sex I shouldn’t be getting. Am I calling the shots? What about tease and deny? These questions keep running through my head.

We didn’t start caging me to see how long I could go without squirting. At least I didn’t. I wanted Mrs. Lion to control at least the sexual use of my penis. I want her to decide what satisfaction I get. I also want to play with tease and denial. But that’s what I want. My strongest wish is that I do what she wants.

This sets up a serious dilemma: If I just leave things to her, I am indirectly pressuring her to take full control of a situation she may not feel ready to assume. If I suggest things in my lion-like way, I am topping from the bottom. When we discuss this, she generally responds with, “I will do better,” which suggests that she thinks I am being critical of her lion taming. This is a lose/lose situation.

There is only one way to work our way out of this: we need to keep talking. I need to keep reinforcing how much I appreciate what she is doing for and to me. How even though I may “hate” being so frustrated, having my butt smacked, or being forced to spend my weekend in diapers, I really appreciate that she is doing all this because it is “good for me,” and ultimately, us.

The fact is, she is doing a wonderful job as a beginner. She is learning quickly and I am deeply grateful for her willingness to meet this need. I love Mrs. Lion more every day.

One of the most complained about aspects of forced chastity is the nocturnal discomfort that wakes us up several times a night. This is usually caused by an involuntary erection. The cage makes the attempt to get hard painful enough to wake us from a sound sleep. Over time, the number of times we are awakened tends to go down, but supposedly never disappears entirely.

For some reason, the Chinese cage I am wearing now (waiting for my Jail Bird to arrive) is amazingly comfortable. I am largely unaware that I am caged. The only clue I have is that I don’t feel the pressure of my underwear against my penis. The bars keep it “free” and it is a very pleasant sensation. The cock ring is so comfortable I don’t know it is there. At night, however, if I roll over, one of my balls may end up under my leg since they are forced forward by the cock ring. When that happens I wake up and make a quick adjustment.  Erections rarely wake me up. When they do, it isn’t uncomfortable. I think I wake up because I like the feeling.

Today I am at the point where I really feel the need to get off. This seems to happen three or four days after my last stimulation. If Mrs. Lion does nothing tonight, I will be grumpy tomorrow and the next day. If she teases me tonight, I will continue being very horny and possibly grumpy too. I’m not sure, but I think she knows this and will probably arrange to let me “stretch” tonight and stimulate me close to orgasm before returning her toy to its cage. It seems that she still thinks this is cruel. I try to convince her that in one sense it is, but in a much more important sense, it is the whole point of locking me up. Just writing about it is turning me on.

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There aren’t many of us who just want our weenies locked up. All by itself forced chastity is surrender of sexual control; graphically giving our partners full charge of the sexual initiative. At least it appears that way on the surface. In fact, Mrs. Lion expects me to take the initiative with her. There are limits to what I can do, but she really enjoys my finger and my tongue. My penis isn’t needed for me to please her. So in my case being locked up gives her control of when I get sexual release but doesn’t confer on her the obligation to tell me when she wants to be pleased.  She also hasn’t said that my chances to get off depend on how good a job I do pleasing here. Too bad. I wish she would. I would like to earn my releases. Since I have been locked up only a month now, things may evolve in that direction.

The important thing is that I not try to direct how my chastity will progress. I have surrendered control and Mrs. Lion has accepted it. She and only she should determine how things will go. Recently, I heard other caged males complain about the lack of “attention” from their keyholders. They firmly believe that the fact that they are locked up creates an obligation on their partner’s part to fulfill their fantasies. That makes no sense to me. I have my fantasies and it would be big fun to live some of them. Others are just too much for real life and are better left in my demented mind. However, I didn’t trade the use of my cock for the realization of some fantasies. I surrendered it to Mrs. Lion and now she owns it and can do with it what she wishes. The attitude that having your partner lock you up entitles you to require her to act out the movie in your head is bound to cause you to fail. She may actually do it for a while, but unless it is actually internalized by her, she will just end up finding it work and will stop.

It’s hard work for me to give up control. I sometimes hint that I am horny…what a shock! Mrs. Lion takes pity on me and gives me release. That’s very sweet of her, but wrong of me to say that. I’m sure that when I say I am horny and she knows she has me locked up that there is a certain amount of guilt. That guilt may drive her to get me off. If I want to be a good boy, I have to just shut up and internalize my need to come. I have to let Mrs. Lion decide in her own way when the time is right for me to squirt. I am resolved to do this. I’m sure I will slip, but I am determined to let her make my forced chastity hers.

Mrs. Lion has resolved to put more effort into supporting our male chastity lifestyle. I got notice of this in a text message the other day. I have been very happy with her acceptance of my request to incorporate forced chastity into our lives. It hasn’t been easy for her, but she has been wonderful in her efforts to embrace this kink. Everyone who practices male orgasm control (chastity) has their own spin on how it should work. In most cases the objective is not simply to prevent the male from masturbating or having sex. It can also include making him really miss use of his cock. That is what I asked for when we had our chastity talk. Simply putting my penis in its little cage makes me long for release for a while. After three or four days I find myself getting a bit grumpy. After a week, my interest in release tends to lose immediacy. That’s where tease and deny comes in.

Tease and deny is exciting the male just to the edge of orgasm and stopping. The closer to orgasm the more profound the sense of loss. Sound cruel? It certainly did to Mrs. Lion. When we discussed this, she said that she really likes making me come. The idea of preventing me from ejaculating bothers her. She feels cruel. I get it. I’m not sure why I want this kind of torment, but I do. Last night, a couple of days after her declaration to “work harder” to do these things to me, she unlocked me and began stimulating me. It felt like a nice surprise hand job. Like most males, my arousal isn’t a nice, steady climb like a woman’s. Instead, I get hard and feel excited and then stay that way. A few seconds before I ejaculate my excitement rises very quickly, then I come. Effectively doing tease and deny with me requires interpreting my involuntary signals that I am just about to come. Even though Mrs. Lion reads me like a book, knowing the exact second before orgasm is not a sure thing. Want to see how it works? This page is a video of a very successful tease-and-deny session.

A couple of weeks ago she took me out to “stretch”. She stimulated me until I was very hard and then stopped. Later, I mentioned that I was pretty far from orgasm. I guess that encouraged her to push me harder. Last night she sure did. Unfortunately, just as she stopped I went over the edge. Without her touching I ejaculated. In chastity jargon that’s a “ruined orgasm”. Without direct stimulation during and after ejaculation, the orgasm is not as satisfying. Some keyholders use this form of somewhat disappointing masturbation to “milk” their males. That is, they use this method to get an ejaculation while minimizing male satisfaction. Sort of a maintenance squirt.

Mrs. Lion was surprised that I had managed to squirt. She decided to take advantage of my ruined orgasm and fed me the unexpected semen. I don’t like that flavor, but that wasn’t the point. It was a nice form of creative recycling and a very good expression of her control. I am so proud of her! Her new resolve has made a big difference in my life. I am very grateful that she loves me enough to go to this trouble for me.